Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1194: Directly targeting the main force: the source of corruption

"No aid is selfless. Everything is exchanged. You are so generous, what do you want us to give back?"

All the Tongji missionaries had expressed before, in summary, was that they and Ye Yang had a hostile relationship.

Therefore, they have the reason and position to assist the Big Nine.

But they didn't believe that just to deal with Ye Yang, the Tongji Association was so willing, and even spent an amount of funds that they couldn't believe at all!

They couldn't believe their eyes when they looked at the amount of aid given by the Kiwanis Club.

Even if two or three super consortiums are tied together and spend everything they have, they may not be able to provide this amount of assistance!

"It is said that the Kiwanis Club is secretive and has always been the most mysterious force in the world. Now that I look at it, this statement is indeed true."

The head of the Gossett family frowned and felt very fearful in his heart.

In the past, they all acquiesced that the super consortium was the highest non-state power in the world, and each one was an independent giant in the world. It was not until Ye Yang's appearance that this convention was broken.

Able to fight against four families with the strength of one family.

This is a miraculous feat that has not happened in hundreds of years.

However, now that the Tongji Association has taken action, they know that the power in the hands of the Tongji Association may be far beyond their imagination! ! !

The Tongji Club is the longest known force in the world.

This terrifying force has existed in the world forever, but they have never understood the true power of the Kiwanis Club from beginning to end!

Originally, in their minds, the Kiwanis Association should be similar to them, that is, the size of a super consortium or an oligarch or a hidden family.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all!


The emissary from the Kiwanis Club pondered for a moment, cursing inwardly.

The Tongji Association really just wants to help you kill Ye Yang! ?

But that’s it for now. If we don’t talk about some of the benefits, it doesn’t seem to be a good idea.

Otherwise, none of the nine giants would believe in themselves.

"Alas! If I don't cheat you, you won't do it...but you asked for this."

The envoy thought for a while and then said: "We want the equity of some key companies under the name of the nine major consortiums, and there are also quotas for a few core positions."

"Well...that's what it is."

The nine giants were relieved.

After sitting in this position for so many years, I don’t believe in free gifts.

It’s just that they all seriously underestimated Tongji’s hatred for Ye Yang.

After all, not many people in the world know about the relationship between those sources of evil and the Kiwanis.

Ye Yang destroyed the black source and directly pulled out the thousands of years of hard work of the Kiwanis throughout Asia.

Of course I wish I could drink his blood and break his bones.

As soon as there was an opportunity, he immediately gave full support and did not give Ye Yang any chance to breathe.

After all, if the opportunity for the nine top giants to join forces was missed, it would be impossible to know when it would appear again.

Perhaps it will never appear again.

This is the only and last chance to kill Ye Yang.

They have to catch.

This time too, a lot of money was spent, and a lot of funds were drawn from various sources.

Just to kill Ye Yang as soon as possible.

After all, by destroying the black source, Ye Yang must have known a lot of things he shouldn't have known.

Maybe you already know the relationship between the Kiwanis Club and many sources, and its ultimate goal of subverting human civilization.

We must do everything we can to get rid of the other party! ! !


Soon, a contract was reached between the nine major financial groups and the Kiwanis Club.

Funds from the Kiwanis Club soon flowed into the Nine Big Alliances.

The nine giant alliances, which were originally losing ground, instantly reversed their offensive and defensive momentum!

Start counterattack!


The situation was originally very good.

In the field of public opinion, as several major financial groups and oligarchs have joined the war one after another, many people have come to the opposite conclusion. At least, most ordinary people know that the nine giant alliances have at least done something to arouse public outrage.

That’s why there are so many super consortiums surrounding us!

On the economic battlefield, the nine giant alliances are being beaten and retreating, and it seems that they will collapse in less than a month.

But with the infusion of Kiwanis funds, the situation changed.

If you have sufficient funds, you will use lower prices when grabbing orders, and you will have more confidence in all kinds of money-burning battles.

Everyone who is paying attention to this economic war is confused.

What's happening here! ?

It’s not that the nine major consortiums are going to lose! ?

Is Ye Yang going to make history again? ?

"Haha, this Ye Yang has done so many outrageous things that God can't stand it anymore!"

"That's right! How can the nine super consortiums be so easy to provoke!? There must be powerful backhands!"

"Maybe they were just pretending to be weak before, but now they are serious about it!!!"


All kinds of speculation and ridicule are spreading from all corners of the world.

Some are for their own benefit, while others simply want to disgust Ye Yang.

Unfortunately, the cries of these ants could not reach Ye Yang's ears at all.

"It's really weird."

Yu Mo Mo and the secretarial team's fingers were flying, and they were all analyzing the flow of funds.

After all, it is really surprising that the Big Nine Alliance suddenly has so much confidence.

This is unreasonable!

Even the other four top consortiums that joined later were panicked and confused. They used their connections in various places to find out what happened.


However, when it comes to intelligence networks, no one can compare to Ye Yang now. He has three major intelligence networks in his hands.

One is the public opinion intelligence of the world network.

One is the black network intelligence of Hurricane.

And the Chinese Intelligence Network is supporting him behind the scenes.

With three major intelligence networks in hand, there is no one in the world who dares to be 100% sure that he is more informed than him.


Seven or eight days later.

Ye Yang got the data report.

According to various analyses, all the evidence points to the same organization!

Tongji Club!!!

If it was before, he would definitely be confused.

But after wiping out the black source, he completely understood the true face of this organization.

"I originally wanted to get the Star Umbrella Project on track before dealing with you."

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Since you jumped out, let's deal with it together!"

He stood up.

"Boss, where are you going?"

Yu Momo asked in confusion.


Ye Yang pointed to some specific data in the report: "Most of these capital flows are transferred from Europe. The main force of Tongji Club against us this time should be the source of corruption in Europe."

"If they hide themselves well, I will have to spend some effort to find them."

Ye Yang sneered: "But now... since they have taken the initiative to expose themselves, it is just right to kill them directly!"

Yu Momo's eyes lit up.

She majored in economics and didn't think of these.

Obviously, since Ye Yang said this, it proves that Hurricane has found some clues about the source of corruption through the capital chain of these European companies! ! !

(First update)

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