Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1195: Queen among men, Queen among watches


F1000, parked in Ye Yang's private airport.

Going to Europe this time may be more dangerous, Ye Yang asked Yu Momo to stay in the headquarters of Magic City.

He took the Xiao sisters and boarded the F1000.

Now the F1000 has been upgraded and transformed by the black technology company, and its performance has reached a new level.

With the speed of F1000 that is unrivaled in the field of aircraft, Ye Yang quickly landed in England.


London International Airport.

Ye Yang just walked out of the plane door.

Inside the airport, celebrities gathered.

This is his first time in England.

But his reputation has already spread all over the world.

Even in England, his popularity is still very high.

I don’t know how many powerful lords want to meet Ye Yang.

After all, this is a peerless ruthless man who has defeated many super consortiums.

Now England, with the whole country’s strength, doesn’t know if it can compete with two or three top consortiums.

Ye Yang alone may be detached and directly crush many powerful countries.

Who wouldn't want to meet this legendary figure?

"Mr. Ye!"

"I've heard of you for a long time. It's an honor to meet you today!"


Ye Yang didn't hide his whereabouts when he came to England.

On the contrary, he had already communicated with the British royal family.

Now that he has a special status, he is naturally very serious when traveling to other countries.

The powerful lords of England crowded here after Ye Yang got off the plane.

They all wanted to add Ye Yang's contact information.

Even many powerful families and earls directly sent the most beautiful girls in the family, dressed beautifully and dressed extremely attractively, to welcome Ye Yang.

Each one was extremely charming.

Throwing flirtatious eyes at Ye Yang.

However, having seen the ups and downs of this world.

Ye Yang is immune to these...

He is not interested in such utilitarian requests for friendship at all.

Just like what Wang Xiaocong once said.

"I never consider money and benefits when making friends. After all, no one is as rich as me, so why should I care about him?"

Of course, he didn't know Ye Yang at that time.


The crowd was forcibly separated.

The British royal guard of honor has arrived.

They attach great importance to Ye Yang's arrival.

They directly sent a very high-standard reception team.

Prince Chasel of England led the team in person, with many nobles behind him.

"Mr. Ye, welcome to England!"

Chasel bowed very gentlemanly and respected Ye Yang very much.

This person is going to have an equal dialogue with the Queen of England, he is just a role to greet.

Ye Yang nodded in greeting.

"Big brother, we meet again!"

A clear and childish voice came.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the silver-haired little Lolita beside Prince Chasel: "Is it you?"


The silver-haired little Lolita cutely showed her little tiger teeth.

They had met at Royal Fresh. That time, the little Loli brought two top international chefs to compete with him in cooking skills, but they were conquered by his three-fresh dumplings.

At that time, the silver-haired little Loli joked that there might be a chance to meet in the future.

Unexpectedly, I met him just after arriving in London.

Silver-haired little Loli Ailian is the little princess of the British royal family. She had met Ye Yang before. For this reason, she was also included in the welcoming team this time.

"Let's go! Grandma has been waiting for you for a long time!"

The silver-haired little Loli was not unfamiliar at all. She took Ye Yang's hand and smiled.


Ye Yang also had a good impression of this little Loli. After all, who doesn't like cute little girls?


Ye Yang sat in the car of the British royal family and looked at the scenery of London along the way.

"This Mr. Ye, he doesn't care about us at all!"

"Hehe, showing off! How can the newly rising big man compare with our old British aristocrats!"

They didn't dare to slander Ye Yang in person.

But behind his back, they would still complain a few words if they were unhappy.

Although they were bragging, they knew in their hearts that the old British aristocrats and the eight-hundred-year-old gentlemen were nothing in front of Ye Yang.

This guy, in just a few years, accomplished a career that other families could not accomplish in hundreds of years.

It really has to be called a miracle! ! !

They were jealous and envious.

Their emotions were extremely complicated.

The London citizens along the street were all normal, without any old aristocratic or old gentleman mentality.

They all looked at him with envy.

"Which country's super boss is this!"

"This convoy is really magnificent!"

"I really don't know when we can be treated with such respect by the royal family in our lifetime?"

"Simple, you just need to make 100 billion pounds."

"Get lost!!! You can't make this much money even if you have been working since the dinosaur era!"

"Hahaha, you really think too highly of me. From working in the single-cell era to today, I can't make 100 billion pounds!"


Various discussions came one after another.

"I saw news online that Ye Yang is coming to London..."

"Which Ye Yang?"

"The Ye Yang who defeated the four super consortiums single-handedly!"

"Oh my god! Is this true..."

Such discussions were heard one after another on the street.

Ye Yang's hearing ability surpassed that of ordinary people. With his attention, he naturally heard these discussions.

"It seems that my fame in London is higher than I thought!"

Ye Yang smiled.


The motorcade stopped in front of Buckingham Palace.

This is the seat of the British royal family.

When it comes to the palace alone, its status is said to be the first in England, and it cannot be disputed that it is second.

The royal guards opened the iron door, and Ye Yang walked into the palace.

As a British royal palace, Buckingham Palace is still very majestic.

It’s time to catch up with a part of his carefully managed Yundingshan Manor.

This British royal family is quite luxurious!


There are many ancient paintings in Buckingham Palace, and works by masters from the Renaissance era are also common.

The interior decoration is very royal, calm and luxurious.

Along the way, royal guards can be seen saluting.

Entered the royal drawing room.

On the queen's chair, Ye Yang met the elderly queen.

Although wrinkles have appeared on his face, his youthful temperament can still be revealed in every move.

"Mr. Ye."

She stood up, smiled softly at Ye Yang, and shook hands.

Ye Yang noticed the 210-carat Chopin on her wrist.

When I took Lin Xueer to buy a watch for the first time, I only bought the Patek Philippe Ref. 1527. According to the shop owner, the Queen in the watch, the world's number one among women's watches, was made by the Queen of England. The Chopard I am wearing is 210 carats.

He still remembered that the shopkeeper joked that day, saying that he would never win the queen's love, right?

He made a joke casually, saying that they would meet each other sooner or later in the future.

Today I finally met this legendary woman and the queen of this watch...

(Second update)

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