Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1196 Is Ye Yang here for help?

"This watch is very nice..."

Ye Yang smiled slightly with a hint of meaning.

The Queen of England also smiled and asked Ye Yang to sit down.

After a series of etiquette procedures.

All those who might leak secrets were cleared out.

"I wonder what Mr. Ye is doing in England this time?"

The Queen of England asked.

"I am here to travel, see the scenery, and visit Ms. Queen."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"This joke is not funny~"

The Queen of England's eyes were full of wisdom: "Mr. Ye is now at war with the Nine Giants Alliance, and the world knows about it. At such an important moment, you suddenly visited England. Do you want us to contribute to this war?"

"The leader behind you will not agree, right?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

The Queen of England smiled slightly and acquiesced to Ye Yang's statement.

In a country like England, the royal family is just a mascot, and the power is not too great. Those who can speak have already come forward and expressed their opinions at the round table meeting of the forty-nine giants that day.

They temporarily agreed to the aid plan and watched the fight from the mountain.

If Ye Yang lost, then naturally there would be no need for aid.

If Ye Yang won, then follow the previous plan.

Therefore, the Queen of England was also very confused. Ye Yang clearly knew their choice, so why did he come to England in person?

Could it be that he couldn't hold on anymore and planned to talk to each of them privately?

Everyone was paying attention to the dynamics of the war between Ye Yang and the other four super consortiums and the nine giant alliances.

Originally, everything went smoothly, but then the nine giant alliances broke out their trump cards, and the power suddenly reversed and began to counterattack Ye Yang and the other four super consortiums.

Now other forces in the world are speculating that Ye Yang came to Europe because he couldn't stand the pressure.

This is to ask for help.


Everyone was emotional.

It felt that it was an unwise choice to fear Ye Yang at the beginning.

He was obviously a paper tiger!

He was not that scary at all.

The reason why they could challenge the four major consortiums was because of the internal discord among the four major consortiums. Various coincidences led to the seemingly miraculous record.

There are also various opinions on the Internet now.

"I said he was lucky! Luck can't always be with the same person! It's time for him to be unlucky!"

"Haha, it feels good! I've been annoyed with him for a long time. He can succeed in everything he does! This time it's finally his turn to be defeated haha!"

"I'm just jealous of him! He deserves to die!"

"He's too arrogant. He directly challenged the nine financial groups! Now it's good, you know how powerful it is!? Haha, he still has to run to Europe for help in shame!"

"I don't think anyone is willing to help him!"

"That's right!"


Many people are jealous of Ye Yang, and many forces have old grudges against Ye Yang.

In addition, the nine giants are hyping up behind the scenes.

The voices against Ye Yang are strong again.

However, there are also many wise people who think that this matter is not that simple.

But unfortunately, on the Internet, rational voices are often the smallest, and not many people like to read rational analysis.

Most people only like emotional descriptions, because they don't need to use their brains, just follow the anger or laugh.

This also leads to the fact that the more anti-intellectual videos are, the more likes and reposts they often receive.


The Queen of England looked at Ye Yang.

"Are opponents like the Nine Giants worthy of me sitting in the center and watching them?"

Ye Yang smiled and said lightly: "It's just a small trouble that can be solved by flipping my hand."


The Queen of England was stunned by Ye Yang's words.

I have heard that Ye Yang is a peerless madman, rare in ancient times.

Seeing him today, he really lives up to his reputation. As soon as he opened his mouth, he spoke wildly.

The Nine Giants, in his eyes, are nothing.

But the facts don't seem to be so!

You are obviously being beaten back by the Nine Giants Alliance!

Ye Yang waved his hand calmly: "Don't worry about this, it's all in my plan."

"I came to Europe this time to help you."

He said lightly.


The Queen of England raised her eyebrows, obviously not believing Ye Yang's statement.

You can't take care of yourself, but you still come here to help us?

It's a joke.

However, Ye Yang's status is too high now, and he has absolute force in his hands. She dare not say what she thinks in her heart, but just smiles and says nothing to show her attitude.

"I know you don't believe it."

Ye Yang spread his hands and said lightly: "How about this, I'll give you an address, you send someone to search here, and you will naturally know that what I said is true, and also know the purpose of my trip."

Words are pale, only by letting the other party verify it by themselves can you really convince the other party.


The Queen of England did not dare to neglect it and looked at the address information given by Ye Yang.

Any identity of Ye Yang now makes her afraid.

A ruthless person who has an advantage in fighting the nine consortiums at the beginning!

You know, the United States together is only the top ten shadow emperors!

These ten shadow emperors control almost everything in the United States, so several of them are at the forefront of the giants.

The nine giants alliance together is at least equivalent to the combined efforts of six or seven shadow emperors.

Although England was extremely glorious before, it is now equivalent to the combined efforts of two or three shadow emperors.

Dare to neglect Ye Yang, he can deal with England alone.

"These companies..."

The Queen of England frowned: "You have to give me a reason, right? These are international free companies that have not violated the law and are not our enemies. There is no reason to attack them..."

"They are the bases of the Source of Depravity."

Ye Yang said lightly: "The Source of Depravity is in Europe, which is equivalent to the Black Source in Asia. It is a big worry for you European countries, right? I come here to help you eradicate this big worry."

The Queen of England felt that she was shocked to the extreme.

This tone is so big!

"For thousands of years, only I have been able to completely eradicate a large ancient source. My understanding of these source organizations exceeds that of any non-source member human in the past thousand years."

Ye Yang crossed his legs and took a sip of tea.

The Queen of England nodded.

Her heart was moved.

These source organizations have brought unimaginable disasters and troubles to countries on all continents.

In order to deal with them, even if a thousand people are killed by mistake, no one can be spared.

Not to mention, Ye Yang is indeed the only person who has been able to eliminate a large ancient source in the past thousand years, and he is very credible! ! !

She immediately contacted the personnel of various systems in England to prepare for action.

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes: "They have very sharp ears. When you arrive, most of the people over there will probably have run away."

"Mr. Ye is too contemptuous of my Great British Empire!"

The Queen looked a little unhappy.

Even if England is a little lonely now, it is still...

Before she finished her complaints, the phone came in.

"Queen... We are incompetent. The people in these companies seem to have known the news in advance. The people ran away and most of the information was destroyed. We only got some worthless waste paper..."

(First update)

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