Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1197 Extraordinary people do extraordinary things


The queen’s face changed several times, from white to red, from red to black, from black to green…

Ye Yang looked at her with a half-smile.

“Mr. Ye… is really a master of foresight.”

The queen said awkwardly.

“It’s not hard to guess.”

Ye Yang shrugged: “I have dealt with them many times. Although they have some problems internally, the communication speed and execution efficiency of their various contact points are very terrifying. According to the conventional arrest efforts, no one can be caught.”

“This is also the reason why you haven’t made any great gains in hundreds of years.”

The Queen of England nodded.

"Then what should we do in your opinion?"

Ye Yang spread his hands: "Of course, leave the matter to professionals."


The Queen of England looked at Ye Yang suspiciously: "Mr. Ye, don't you want to solve the source of corruption yourself?"

Ye Yang shrugged undeniably: "There are too many people in your internal source of corruption, and the information is transparent to them, so I came to you directly. As the royal family of England, at least I will not get involved with such an organization."

The Queen of England nodded.

Surprisingly, she did not refute Ye Yang, obviously she also knew that Ye Yang was telling the truth.

"But I still won't let the armed forces of other countries enter our territory."

The Queen of England shook her head and refused.

"Did I say that I would solve the problem this way?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"That is?"

The Queen of England looked at Ye Yang deeply and asked in confusion.

"Of course they are mercenaries."

Ye Yang spread his hands: "In order to solve the source of corruption, you signed a contract with an international mercenary organization. This is not against the rules, right?"

The Queen of England looked at the sign presented by Ye Yang.

As a queen of the ancient royal family, she naturally recognized the sign in Ye Yang's hand.

That is...

Hurricane Security!

She looked at Ye Yang in surprise: "Hurricane also..."

Ye Yang nodded with a smile.

"No wonder, no wonder..."

The Queen of England figured out a lot.

She looked at Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye is really unpredictable."

Ye Yang stretched out his hand: "So, can we cooperate?"

"Happy cooperation."

The Queen of England was silent for a while, and then shook hands with Ye Yang directly.

The demands of both sides are to destroy the source of corruption. Asking for help and taking action only require the other party to give an excuse.


Soon, Hurricane members entered England from various channels one after another.

Many Hurricane members hidden in the takeaway brothers and taxi drivers in England were also awakened.

Responsible for surveillance and basic intelligence exchange tasks.

Ye Yang had enough information this time, enough to destroy many bases of the Source of Depravity in an instant.

He planned to start with England, and now it was his turn to persuade the Queen of England.

When he destroyed the headquarters of the Source of Depravity in England, other European countries would come to him and hire him to do the eradication work.

Maybe he could get a lot of money from them at that time...

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

The power of the hurricane methodically deployed forces and hunting nets in various cities in England.

Ye Yang would also give all instructions to the Queen of England, so that the forces of England would also cooperate.

However, there was no detailed plan, just the outermost security task.

These British policemen didn't even know why they had to stand there to check, so there was naturally no possibility of leaking intelligence.

A few days later.

A message came from the intercom in Ye Yang's hand.

"The hunting circle in London has been completed, waiting for orders at any time!"

"The hunting circle in Birmingham has been completed, waiting for orders at any time!"



Ye Yang sat on the top balcony of the newly bought top-level villa in London and moved the intercom to his mouth.

"Action, start!"

An order was given.

Countless forces in countless places throughout England acted together to carry out this eradication mission!

The power of the Source of Depravity in England was completely unprepared.

They were caught off guard.

Their actions were secretive and swift, and they had been walking in the shadows for hundreds and thousands of years without any problems.

They didn't expect to encounter a disaster today. While wailing, they were hit by a club and directly crashed into a sack.

Hurricane Security is not a policeman who will give you reason. When fighting on the international battlefield, these guys are more fierce than bandits.

Now they are executing tasks cleanly and neatly. They hit the club and put the sack on the ground.

Arrest warrant? Verbal warning?

What the hell are those!

The set of actions was smooth and flowing, and catching people was easier and more enjoyable than catching ducks.

Some live broadcasts made Ye Yang sigh with emotion. Fortunately, these guys have been put into a formal security group. If they were allowed to grow up alone outside, it would definitely be a disaster!


It was a mess.

However, the chaos soon passed.

The British citizens only saw a group of originally friendly and harmless couriers, takeout boys, and taxi drivers suddenly rushed into various companies and buildings with sticks and sacks.

Not long after.

These people came out with some magical sacks that twisted and twitched by themselves, and then threw the sacks into the black trucks that had been prepared long ago.

These black trucks drove out aggressively.

These trucks gathered into a line.

Soon a magnificent landscape was formed.

Citizens of various British cities were stunned.

"What is going on?"


"Super zero-dollar shopping event? It doesn't look like it..."

"Emm... Should we call the police?"

"It seems that the police are in cahoots with them..."

"Ah this!?"

Many people were confused. What is going on?


For a while, there was a heated discussion on the Internet, and many people were discussing this matter.

And those members of the Fallen Source who were packed in sacks.

At this moment, they have all been thrown into the large centralized prison that has been prepared long ago.

More than 10,000 people!

The weird scene of more than 10,000 sacks twisting and turning in front of them made the Queen of England and a group of top British bosses look a little ugly.

Although I know that Ye Yang, an extraordinary person, will definitely do extraordinary things.

But this is a bit too inhuman...

Is this something that civilized people can do! ?

Ye Yang clapped his hands: "One hand pays the money, the other hand delivers the goods."


The head of British finance said with a smile: "50 billion pounds has been transferred to your group..."

Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction: "You are very sensible, and it is worth my trouble."

(Second update)

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