Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1198: Source Cleaning Business, Buy Now


Ye Yang thought in his heart.

The British government gave him 50 billion in assistance. He wiped out these black source organizations and seized and took over nearly 50 billion in wealth.

It was equivalent to making a crazy profit of 100 billion pounds.

This was also good news for him.

“How is it?”

Ye Yang turned his head and looked at the Queen of England with a smile.

The Queen of England nodded with a smile: “As expected of a professional, he is indeed extraordinary at the first move.”


The source of corruption in England has been rooted for hundreds and thousands of years.

As early as the Roman period, this organization was active.

For so many years, countless sages and ancient emperors have wanted to kill the source of corruption.

But the results have always been minimal.

Often, it is a huge victory to be able to destroy a small nest of the other party in a few decades.

After all, it is an organization older than the country, and its internal rules and enforcement rules are very powerful.

Far beyond the current fist holders.

Especially in modern society, human internal problems are getting bigger and bigger. There are too many problems between human countries, and they check and balance each other. How can they have the energy to study and deal with the source of corruption?

They can only let them go.

The Queen of England never thought that one day, the source of corruption would be completely destroyed.

But Ye Yang showed this result in front of them.

It was really too shocking...

She looked at the tens of thousands of squirming sacks in front of her and was also full of emotion.

Although Ye Yang was arrogant, he really had the capital to be arrogant.

Just his hand against the source organization was not comparable to anyone in the world.


At this time, the European headquarters of the source of corruption.

The headquarter looked at the report in his hand.

"Suddenly lost all the news of the British branch?"

He frowned.

Combined with the previous intelligence, he thought of a possibility: "Is it because of that Ye Yang?"

Ye Yang destroyed the black source and had long been on the must-kill list of all source organizations, and they were most concerned about his movements.

As soon as Ye Yang arrived in England, they knew the news.

It's been less than two days.

All branches and headquarters of England have lost contact.

And almost at the same time.

He instantly locked on the target: "This Ye Yang!"

He gritted his teeth: "Report to the higher-ups, Ye Yang should have discovered their deal with the Nine Giants Alliance. The problem with England's fall this time should be this. This is his blatant act of revenge. It is not ruled out that he also wants to take this opportunity to destroy us and replenish his capital chain."


The news was immediately sent to the monarchs of European countries.

Everyone looked at Ye Yang's battle report in surprise.

One action completely eradicated all members of the Source of Depravity in England from top to bottom! ?

They all opened their mouths wide and couldn't believe it at all.

However, the certification of the British royal family was attached at the end.

They had to believe it.

Although the British royal family has no real power now, it at least represents the dignity and face of England.

They will never lie about such things.

"This Ye Yang is simply amazing!"

"He can kill it just by saying it!"


All the kings were shocked and speechless for a while.


They turned the letter over and saw the message at the back.

"I am Ye Yang, specializing in cleaning various sources. If there are countries that want to place orders, please contact me as soon as possible. The charging standards will be determined according to the strength of the sources of each country.

This invitation is valid within three days and will not be accepted after the expiration."


"Ah this..."

When these kings saw this, they were all laughing and crying.

However, the Fallen Source has really troubled them for too long.

Now Ye Yang has done such a shocking thing in England.

How can I not believe it! ?

They all contacted Ye Yang again and again.

The contact number of the person in charge of Hurricane left by Ye Yang was blown up.

Although Hurricane has been international, such large international orders are not available every day.

Not to mention the frequency of not being able to receive them within a day.

"Ahem, first come first served, large quantities are preferred."

The person in charge was laughing and crying, so he had to say.

"Although our volume is small, we have a lot of money! Pay more! Give it to us first!"

"Your money is nothing! I'll double it!"

"I'll give you 1.5 times!"


All countries are scrambling for it.

After all, intelligence is time-sensitive.

What if the intelligence in Ye Yang's hand is no longer useful in a few days, and the source of corruption cannot be killed.

Wouldn't they lose a lot! ?

They didn't think that Ye Yang had any need to deal with the source of corruption. He was just helping them to eradicate this organization.

After all, in the eyes of the world, these sources are independent of each other.

There is no connection.


These days, Ye Yang's capital chain has been crazy.

Although other European consortiums, giants, and leaders did not agree to fight the nine giants with Ye Yang.

But through this incident, they helped Ye Yang participate in this economic war in disguise.

The commissions received from European countries exceeded 1 trillion euros.

This is an extremely considerable flow of funds!

The decline of Ye Yang Group in the economic war was stopped immediately! ! !

The Nine Giants Alliance.

Everyone was confused.

But Ye Yang was playing an open strategy.

Helping others fight against the source of corruption, European countries give money.

They have no reason to stop it.

"Damn Ye Yang, he always comes up with some tricks that normal people would never think of!"

"He's lucky, he survived!"

"But he still can't escape the fate of defeat!!!"

"That's right..."

Several giants are full of confidence.

After all, according to the Tongji envoys, they will receive a steady stream of financial support.

Enough for them to burn...

In the next half month.

Countless kind-looking couriers, takeaway boys, and taxi drivers traveled in various European countries and cities in an organized manner.

"The magical sack that can wriggle by itself"

In the past half month, it has swept the whole of Europe and has become a hot spot in the world forum.

Everyone is guessing what it is...

This large-scale action has obviously been supported by various countries.

Then, various news came out...

It seems that Ye Yang is helping various countries to eliminate a super organization...


Ye Yang nodded.

After the British war was wiped out, the sources of corruption in other countries reacted.

Some fled and changed positions, some threw smoke bombs, and some caused sabotage.

But in general, with Ye Yang's powerful intelligence network and the advantage of taking the lead, these were just desperate resistance.

The hard work was done by the police of various countries.

When the general attack was launched on the headquarters of the sources of corruption in various places, the regular armed forces of various countries were also ordered. They did not know the destination and only knew their attack targets before arriving at the headquarters.

After they were defeated, they were asked to withdraw.

Hurricane was responsible for cleaning up the battlefield.

Therefore, although countless conflicts and battles broke out, the overall loss of Hurricane was not much, probably only a few hundred people.

The number of people lost by European countries in clearing out the sources of corruption, all aspects added up, has reached tens of thousands.

Of course, the results are also extremely fruitful.

In half a month, the source of corruption was basically lifted up from the ground in Europe, and it was beaten to collapse with one punch! ! !

(First update)

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