Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1199 The Nine Giants Became Pig Teammates?

Members of the Fallen Source organization arrested more than 100,000 people.

Because it was too expensive to feed them, all the countries decided to shoot them quickly.

After all, a capital country does not support idlers.

It is not appropriate for such a vicious person to be handed over to a private prison.

These days, gunfire is everywhere.

I don’t know how many Fallen Source members fell down in a row.

However, few people who join such an anti-human organization have no blood debt on their hands. All of them are extremely vicious, and most of them die without complaint.

Except for those who are newly added.

Ye Yang didn't bother to care about how these countries dealt with these members, he was only responsible for arresting them.

"The funds and wealth obtained from various branches and headquarters of Fallen Source have also been sorted out."

The hurricane manager reported with a smile on his face.

"Total together, the scale is close to 500 billion euros. And their largest headquarters is hidden too deep. It will probably take some time to find it.

However, some time ago they made money for the Big Nine Alliance on a large scale, leaving some clues. It is estimated that the location of the opponent's headquarters will be uncovered soon. "

Ye Yang nodded.

With the entry of 1.5 trillion euros, he has gained a firm foothold in this unprecedented economic battle and has even gradually begun to organize a counterattack.


Somewhere in the world.

Kiwanis Hall.

Wearing masonic robes and medals on their chests, they were dressed in an extremely retro style. I didn't know they thought they were black-robed people who had traveled back in time from the Middle Ages, sitting at a round table.

Directly north of the round table, there is a gap.

There is a black bench there, symbolizing the unique status of those who are qualified to sit there.

But at this time, the bench was empty.

Beside the round table, the people in black robes with medals all looked gloomy.

"This Ye Yang is really difficult to deal with. As long as he mobilizes funds, he will find clues and destroy our source of power."

You Qingkui, a sickly middle-aged man, frowned.


The old man dressed as Gandalf also nodded: "It is indeed difficult to deal with. He is indeed a person who can destroy a big source."

"Perhaps in a few days, we will be the ruthless person who destroys the two major sources."

An old woman laughed sinisterly.

"Let the source of corruption hide there. As long as the headquarters is not lost, we can still develop back in a few years. Aid to the nine giant alliances has also been stopped. Although I want to kill Ye Yang, there is no need to kill us for this. Dangerous place."

Gandalf said calmly: "There are only three or four years left before the time of destruction predicted in the Dark Bible. That's when we can really accumulate more resources, and there is no need to waste too much elite power now."


All the black-robed councilors nodded silently.



The Nine Giant Alliance has received news that the Tongji Association will directly cut off their aid!


The nine giants were stunned.

What the hell! ?

Why was the promised assistance withdrawn from me only half a month later?

You said it was so good at the beginning, but now you just want to stop?

Are you just running away because I'm going to lose?

But it is clear that there are still checks and balances on the whole now, and both sides have winners and losers! ?

Maybe I don’t love you anymore?

They all frowned.

They don't know the relationship between the Source of Fall and the Kiwanis Club. From their perspective, this is the Kiwanis Club going back on their word and playing tricks on them.

After inserting many people into the nine giants, giving up many shares, and getting these advantages, they withdrew their capital and ran away!

The Big Nine were so angry that they directly issued a proclamation condemning the Kiwanis Club.


"Damn it, it turns out that the Nine Giant Alliance was able to counterattack before because of the secret help of the Kiwanis Club!"

"The truth is out!"

“It’s not relying on the Big Nine themselves at all!”

"Mr. Ye is awesome! Even if the Nine Giants and this mysterious organization jointly care about him, he is not afraid! He even fights back! This is the skill of a peerless strongman!!! Don't accept it!!!"

"Hahaha...those who mocked me, Ye Shenhao, came out and committed seppuku to apologize!!!"

"Baga Baga! How can this be true!? This must not be true!?"

Netizens were suddenly enlightened.


"It turns out that the Kiwanis Club is so powerful. I always thought it was just an honorary society! How can it hide so much energy!? It can even get involved in the war between super consortiums and influence the outcome!?"

"That's right, we didn't pay attention to it before, and even if we noticed it, we didn't understand it deeply. Looking at it now, it's really shocking!!!"

All countries woke up and realized the extraordinary nature of this organization. They all increased their attention and began to investigate this organization.

"Bagaya deer! A group of pig teammates!!!"

A Japanese Kiwanis Association member slammed the table angrily: "How could this happen!? Why is the Nine Giant Alliance so stupid!?"

Suddenly they were pushed to the forefront.

The hidden organization that had been hidden for so many years suddenly attracted the attention of the whole world! ! !

They hate it!

"Damn Ye Yang, nothing good happens with him!"

They all complained with great anger.

"I really want to kill him directly!"

Some of the city's most powerful congressmen couldn't help but gnashed their teeth and shouted.

However, they also know that that is impossible.

Along the way, the dark world tried to kill Ye Yang countless times. Even that wave of killers, which was rare in history, eventually became a stepping stone to his fame.

After the launch of Lieyang No. 1, the assassination of Ye Yang became even less likely to succeed...

"It's not that there is no chance, but it hasn't reached that stage yet."

A black-robed congressman with medals all over his body sneered: "Tongji Society has been in this world for thousands of years, and the power it controls is beyond his imagination."


Thinking of those trump cards, the congressmen also breathed a sigh of relief.

They have a belief in the final outcome.


"It seems that Tongji Society knows the pain and has stopped the aid."

Ye Yang sneered: "The supreme headquarters of the source of corruption has also been completely hidden..."

"However, since the fish has already exposed its head, even if it wants to dive again, it will leave some ripples on the water surface."

He issued an order to increase the intensity.

Do everything to find the European headquarters of the source of corruption.

I must complete the task in one battle this time and completely destroy the source of corruption!

Directly cut off one arm of Tongji Society! ! !

Let them know what pain is! ! !

One order, one continent moves, all countries cooperate to search for the headquarters of the source of corruption...

(Second update)

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