Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1200: Eight out of Nine, the Lonely Head of the Gessett Family


Since the previous remittances to the nine giant alliances had to go through the capital chain of the headquarters, the European headquarters also left many traces.

Today, the hurricane is following these trajectories, pursuing the location of the European headquarters of the Fallen Source.

Like the Black Source headquarters, the headquarters of each major source are extremely secretive and super fortresses with many layouts.

It's not easy to find him, and it's also extremely difficult to kill him after you find him.

While tracing the location of the headquarters of the Fallen Source.

The war with the nine giant alliances is also in full swing.

Without the financial support of the Kiwanis Club, the nine giant alliances would not be as vigorous as they were when the war first began.

And Ye Yang has now swallowed up most of the funds from the Fallen Source, and also received commissions from various countries, and the flow of funds has grown a lot.

This match was originally evenly matched, but now the situation has completely reversed.

Even with the same capital scale, few can beat Ye Yang, not to mention that now, Ye Yang has a complete financial advantage.

The nine major financial groups that fought retreated one after another.

Markets everywhere are almost unsustainable.

"This Ye Yang is so ruthless. Once he gains power, he will show no mercy at all!"

"Yeah, he doesn't really think that we can only do this, right? Isn't he afraid of really touching our bottom line and forcing us to use our foundation?"

"I think he is ignorant and fearless..."

Among the nine giants, the top bosses all frowned.

I think Ye Yang is too arrogant.

The remaining giants ranked lower are all worried.

After all, there is a gap in strength among the giants.

The United States is known as the top ten shadow emperors, but there are only four companies that can truly rank among the top ten in the world.

The one ranked last may be more than double the size of the one ranked first, but they will be compared.

The same goes for the world's top giants.

There is a huge gap in strength between those at the top and those at the bottom.

The Gosset family, a hidden family that has been inherited for six to seven hundred years, is a top giant. This kind of family has a very strong foundation.

Among Ye Yang's previous opponents, only the Balor Consortium could barely compare with them.

Even the Sars Consortium, which was weaker than the Balor Consortium, was extremely difficult to deal with no matter how hard it worked, and it took so much effort to finally kill it completely.

If existences like the Gossett family really fight to the end, the power they will unleash at the moment of life and death will be unparalleled!

The world is looking at you! ! !

Everyone believed that the failure of the Balor Consortium was entirely due to fighting Ye Yang for too long.

We have experienced several rounds of failed bets and lost a lot of cash flow.

Even after being weakened so many times, in the end, Ye Yang only incorporated the Balor Consortium and could not completely eliminate it.

Therefore, these top giants have absolute confidence and cannot fall into the worst situation no matter what.

But these new giants who have emerged in the past hundred years do not have such confidence.

Although their capital chain and asset scale have ranked among the giants, their background is far inferior.

If they really have to fight hard, they can't afford it...

Therefore, for the remaining giants, you look at me and I look at you, and they are ready to retreat bravely.

They are not mortal enemies with Ye Yang. As long as they agree to spend one trillion US dollars to support the Star Umbrella Project, they can avoid defeat. For them, it is in their absolute interests.

Compared with losing one trillion US dollars in assets, they now don’t want to offend Ye Yang even more.


"What do you mean? Why don't you express your opinion?"

The head of the Gossett family frowned and looked at the other giants with a bad feeling in his heart.

Now I just lost the support of the Kiwanis Club.

If these families run away again, then he will really be beaten by Ye Yang.

Although they have the so-called foundation, the foundation is gone once it is used up, and no one wants to use it.

Even if he uses his secrets, it is just to ensure that he will not be killed by Ye Yang.

And according to Ye Yang's madman attributes, they have no confidence that they can really withstand Ye Yang's economic offensive regardless of cost and time.


"Ahem, Mr. Gossett, we have re-evaluated this matter. Perhaps, we really need to change our thinking. Now Ye Yang's rise is unstoppable, and the opponent still has absolute force. There will be no good end if we continue to fight, or Vote!"

A giant thought about it again and again and made up his mind.

"Vote?! I, the giant of humanity, will never surrender!!!"

Lulon Gossett slapped the table, his eyes full of anger: "What did you say when the Nine Giants Alliance was formed? Everyone was full of confidence, boasted to the sky, and now they regret it?"

"Mr. Gossett, this economic war is a rational judgment after we evaluate the benefits and losses. Today is different from the past. Times have changed and the situation has changed. We have changed our decision now. I think it is reasonable."

"Yes, and saving mankind is also a great cause!!!"

Several giants reversed their rhetoric and began to defend their choices.

"Anyway, if you want to hold on, then please do it yourself."

Some giants stood up directly, said no more, and exited the video conference.


What a familiar scene?

The head of the Gossett family glanced over.

Every time a person is scanned, a giant will withdraw directly, and he doesn't even bother to explain.

"A bunch of cowards, cowards!"

The head of the Gessett family said in a low voice.

In the entire live broadcast room.

Counting him, there are only two people left.

"What do you mean?"

The head of the Gessett family asked the other two.

"I think we may be able to negotiate with Ye Yang and ask him to reduce the support costs."


Although the other two are also among the top giants, their attitudes are not strong.

The reason why economic giants can develop to the scale of economic giants is naturally that most of them only care about interests.

Now they just want to try their best to reduce their losses and stop losses in time.

The head of the Gessett family looked gloomy, these guys!

If they really unite together and fight this economic war desperately, they will definitely win.

But unfortunately, when there are too many people, it is impossible for them to really fight for each other, especially for interest groups like them.

This is the nature of capital.

After developing to a certain scale, it must be lonely and cold-blooded.

Even if such a group of people form an alliance, they are doomed to fall apart if their interests, demands and goals are not completely consistent.

This is also the iron law of the world that more than three super consortiums can never form an alliance.

As long as there are more than three, there must be conflicts between their interests!

"A bunch of cowards, shame to be associated with them!"

After the head of the Gessett family rejected the proposals of the two top giants, the remaining two giants also left the group chat one after another...

In the live broadcast room, only Lulong*Gessett was left, a lonely avatar, which looked funny and absurd...

(First update)

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