Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,201 The Choice of the Gosset Family


The head of the Gosset family slammed the table several times before angrily exiting the video conference.

In fact, he was the only one in the video conference room, so there was no point in retreating or not.


Somewhere in the world, the Gossett family estate.

The head of the Gosset family looked gloomy. Currently, six of the nine major consortiums have decided to withdraw, and the other two are probably looking for Ye Yang to discuss reducing support fees.

Now he is the only one left.

He is an extremely proud man, similar to Milo Sars' character.

Inheriting one of the strongest economic forces in the world, he was born with a spirit of arrogance and arrogance.

If you don't meet Ye Yang, there is nothing wrong with this character.

But unfortunately, he met Ye Yang.

The harsh words have already been released. The Gossett family has always valued family honor, so let them give away a trillion US dollars for nothing?

They have never suffered such a big loss in seven hundred years!


But at this moment, where will the Gossett family go...

He also had some concerns.

After all, Ye Yang's terrifying power is now known to the world and has exceeded the cognitive limit. It does not seem to be too embarrassing to lose to such a force.


He fell into extreme confusion.

His arrogance and the balance of interests made him fall into a contradiction...


At this time, the news that the six major super consortiums announced their surrender had already spread.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately became popular in international forums.

"I'll go... I'll be defeated too quickly!"

"I thought it would take a year and a half for the war between Ye Shenhao and the nine super consortiums to come out!"

"This is too fast. It doesn't even take a month together, right? It directly destroyed the nine giant alliances!"

Most people don't know the inside story.

From their perspective, Ye Yang directly went to war against the nine top giants, and the four major consortiums followed.

It hasn't even been a month, and six of the nine giants have all announced their surrender! ?


It takes more than a month to build a toilet in the village, right?

Before the toilet here was built, Ye Shenhao over there had already destroyed the nine major financial groups.


Those are the giants with the largest economies in the world!

They are all numbered. How many are there in total?

Nine of them joined forces and couldn't stop Ye Yang for a month! ?

This result made everyone stunned and exclaimed that it was unimaginable.


The other super consortiums were also sweating profusely.

Fortunately, he agreed to Ye Yang at the beginning and helped build the one trillion U.S. dollar Star Umbrella project.

Otherwise, the consequences are really hard to predict...

So fierce!

They also know that this may be related to the internal conflicts of the nine families, but the reality is often that they don't talk about the process, but only look at the results.

Originally, the alliance of four giants was unthinkable, let alone the alliance of nine giants now.

After this incident, it is impossible for a larger-scale showdown to break out.

Ye Yang once again proved that he was powerful and transcendent in the world.


During a video conference.

The two top consortiums started negotiations with Ye Yang.

"One trillion U.S. dollars, absolutely no less."

Ye Yang frowned: "If you lower the standards and spread the word, who will be willing to contribute to this matter? This is your original responsibility, not to mention, you are a top giant. Logically, you should pay more It’s so much.”

He really couldn't understand the thinking of these giants.

The world is really doomed, and money is just pieces of paper, meaningless. They would rather let their property turn into meaningless numbers by then.

Don’t you want to use money to reverse this matter before it happens?

But the truth is often so absurd.

If it weren't for his existence, according to these people's previous plan, they planned to take a super rocket to the moon base to take refuge, and would not care about the end of the world at all.


The expressions of the two giants changed, but after looking at each other, they both nodded.

They are just here to negotiate.

If you continue to fight Ye Yang, the loss will definitely exceed one trillion US dollars.

Since the loss cannot be reduced, then set the loss at one trillion US dollars.

They are totally acceptable too.

"Then it's settled."

The two giants nodded.


The two top giants also announced their complete agreement with Ye Yang's previous conditions, acknowledging their surrender in disguise.

The world is completely boiling.

"It's only been a day!"

"One day after the six giants announced their surrender, the two top giants announced their surrender?!"

"It seems that the two top giants are negotiating with Ye Yang. As soon as the negotiations ended, they immediately announced their surrender."

"And looking at the content of this announcement, I completely agree with the conditions proposed by Ye Shenhao before!"

"That's right! Even the two top financial groups did not get any benefits from Ye Shenhao!"

"This is too cruel..."

"It's just unbelievable."


The heat is soaring to the sky.

How many years did it take for a super consortium to lose in the past years?

Since Ye Yang's rise, over the years, they have seen that more than a dozen super consortiums have been defeated by him!

This is simply a living legend!


"Now, there is only one top consortium left, and it is also the strongest one among the nine giants. The Gossett family!"

"This family has been in existence for six or seven hundred years. It can be called an international family with a deep foundation. Are they also negotiating with Ye Yang in secret? How long can they last under Ye Shenhao?"

Everyone was discussing.

Obviously, now among the nine giants, eight have voted 50%, and the only remaining Gossett family, no matter how strong it is, should see the situation clearly, right?


However, soon, the Gossett family came out with news.

"We have never negotiated with Ye Yang! This economic war will continue! As long as Gossett has not fallen, this war will not be over!!!"

This bold statement made everyone amazed.

"As expected of a hidden family that has existed for 700 years, they are so arrogant!"

"Ye Shenhao united four giants and defeated the Nine Giants Alliance. Could it be that the Gessett family thinks that they can compete with Ye Yang with their own strength?"


No one knows why the Gessett family made such a choice.

The Gessett family did not explain.

This war, under this decision, will inevitably continue for a long time...

However, three days later, Ye Yang received another good news...

There are new clues about the headquarters of the source of corruption...

(Second update)

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