Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,202 Buying a manor in Senlub?


Ye Yang looked at the report in his hand.

News from the Fallen Source Headquarters was revealed.

Although it cannot be confirmed yet, according to the analysis of the hurricane intelligence agency, the probability that it is the hurricane headquarters is more than 60%.

The top ace bodyguards have already gone to investigate the situation.

Ye Yang has been busy negotiating surrender terms with the eight top giants these days.

My body was sitting so sluggishly.

Now only the Gossett family is left, even if they are the strongest single opponent he has ever encountered.

But after all, it can't make any waves.

Even if he comes up with those 'informants' that he is not sure how troublesome they are now, it will only consume more time and energy.

To reach this point, he has reached the deepest level of human society.

The only difference between the opponents you encounter is whether they are difficult or not, and there will no longer be dimensional crushing events.

As human giants, the Gosset family, even if they have the so-called background, use all their strength to explode, which is equivalent to a death struggle. Even if it causes him to lose some, it will not change the final outcome.

Since the outcome was already decided, he no longer worried.

"It's been a long time since I came to Europe, so it's time to do some exercise."

Ye Yang stretched.

These days, these things have all been handled by the hurricane and the economic power of his subordinates. Now that the situation has been decided, he no longer has to sit on the Diaoyutai and prepare to go out for a walk.

Many of the eight gold medal bodyguards have gone to the headquarters of the suspected source of corruption.

He was also ready to leave.


The F1000 roared and soon arrived at the location reported in the intelligence.

I have to say that Europe is really not a big place. After flying for a while, I had already crossed several countries.

Sen Luburg.

An ordinary European country.

Ye Yang is quite destined to be here.

I had met Vesany, the royal princess of this country, before.

When they met by chance at the Jade Stone Tower, he didn't know that the other party was the princess of Senluburg. By chance, Ye Yang and Vesany had a wonderful relationship.

The Senluburg royal family did not agree before and tried their best to obstruct it.

However, during this period of time, as Ye Yang emerged internationally, he successively defeated many top giants.

The Senluburg royal family had long since changed its attitude.

In fact, the original opposition turned into respect.

After all, although Ye Yang had sufficient strength at that time, the great world war had not yet shown its trend.

Many super consortiums in Europe and the United States are eyeing Ye Yang, and no one knows where this newly rising tycoon will end up.

Naturally, no one would put their treasure on him.

But now, even one of the four major economic leaders in Europe, the Balor Consortium, has become a vassal of Ye Yang.

More than a dozen giants were defeated by him, and the outcome and trend could no longer be obvious.

Their attitude has naturally undergone a 180-degree reversal.

A few days ago, Vesany's father called her back because of some conflicts within the Senluburg royal family.

Now, she is not only the princess of Senluburg, but also a good friend of Ye Yang, the top international giant, and has a great say!

Whatever matters that Father Vesany can't deal with, she has to rely on her to solve the problem.

"After we wipe out the headquarters of the source of corruption, we can drop by to see her."

Ye Yang thought in his heart.

It seems that destroying the source of corruption is not that difficult.

Hearing these words in the ears of other European countries, they will definitely think that he is extremely Versailles.

After all, they have been dealing with this for hundreds of years and have yet to find any trace of its existence.

Moreover, according to the force ratio of Black Source's headquarters, ordinary countries really cannot defeat it.

Only a strong country can defeat it by paying the price.

"Black Source has its headquarters on the high seas. This Fallen Source is interesting. It directly sets its headquarters in a country?"

Ye Yang was a little strange. When he saw this information, he didn't quite believe it.

If it weren't for the fact that the intelligence analysis was well-founded and that he could come to see Vesany by the way, he might not even come here.


Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan followed him.

As soon as he arrived, hundreds of heavily armed Hurricane security teams came over, clearing the way in front and behind.

The pomp was astonishing.

With Ye Yang's current status, he is an absolute big shot no matter where he goes.

Hurricane Security obtained armed access rights to almost all European countries during this time.

Once the location of Senluburg's headquarters is determined, it must be captured as soon as possible.

Cunning Rabbit Three Cave, these members of the Source Organization are a hundred times more cunning than rabbits.

Once there is any trouble, it will start running immediately.

Therefore, he did not tell these countries about the mission of the general offensive, and it would only cause chaos.

Finally, you have to give them money.

The gain outweighs the loss.

"We have contacted Big Brother and the others, and it is basically certain that the headquarters of the Fallen Source is in Senluburg. They are still interrogating the captured prisoners, and it is estimated that it will take two or three days to truly know the location of the Fallen Source."

Xiao Qingxuan said.


Ye Yang nodded. Since there are still two days left, let's spend two days in Senlu Castle first.

With Lieyang No. 1, he was not worried that the battle against the headquarters would fail.

His visit this time was a secret operation.

In order to prevent the source of corruption from being aware of the news at the headquarters in Senluburg, he ran away.

Therefore, except for these armed Hurricane members, the airport was surrounded by security and no one else was present.

"Originally, I wanted to destroy the source of corruption before looking for Vesany. Looking at it now, I think we can move ahead."

Ye Yang took out his cell phone and called Vesni.

"Hello!? Ye Yang~"

Vesany's voice came. Compared to a few months ago, her voice was a little calmer. It was obvious that she had gained a lot of experience after returning to China.

"I'm coming to Senluburg. Don't tell anyone about this yet. I will buy a manor later. Let's meet at the manor in the evening."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


Vesni has now become the core of Senluburg. Although Senluburg is small, it is a country after all. She also knows what Ye Yang is doing recently.

As soon as Ye Yang opened her mouth, she understood something inside.

Soon, Ye Yang sent her the address.

He himself also came to the property that Yu Momo bought for him. It was a manor-style villa, but it was not a real manor.

Compared with his Yundingshan Manor, there is no comparison in size.

After all, Senluburg is a grand principality with a total land area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers. You know, the Magic City alone covers an area of ​​more than 6,000 square kilometers.

The entire country is only more than one-third, less than half the size of the Demon City.

Naturally, there can be no real manor.

You know, the largest family estate in the world has been built to a scale of 300 square kilometers.

If manors were really allowed to be built, the entire country of Senluburg would only be the size of seven or eight top-level manors...

(First update)

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