Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1203: Visene's Dilemma


Ye Yang shook his head. Although this villa is a bit small, it is still suitable. After all, it was bought with 5.6 billion Chinese coins.

I just can’t change my habit of buying a property when I arrive in a new place.

After all, this is how you feel like you are at home in one place.

Having your own property gives you a sense of belonging to a place.

He walked around and found that although it was a bit small, with the entire area of ​​just over two thousand square meters, the decoration was still very high-end.

Since we can't take advantage of the area, we pile up furniture like crazy, and basically use the highest-grade furniture.

He sat on the sofa, waiting for Vesani to come over. Although he was in a foreign country, he would still check Douyin in his free time and watch the live broadcast of Yi Jiuyang, the number one screenwriter in China.

Dad's TV series "House God's Restaurant" is still being serialized. Yi Jiuyang has also taken the world by storm with this TV series. He has become a huge hit. He has certified a Douyin account, and his name is Yi Jiuyang. He hosts live broadcasts every day to discuss with fans from all over the world. plot.

As a friendly star and a major investor, he would naturally go over and take a look if nothing happened.


After watching for a while, Vesany arrived at the manor.

Not ostentatious but not deliberately concealed either.

After all, she is now a central figure in Senluburg. If she travels simply, she will attract attention.

"Ye Yang, I miss you so much!"

As soon as they met, Vesni gave Ye Yang a wild bear charge and hugged Ye Yang fiercely.

"Did you think of me!"

Vesany said coquettishly.

After she came back, she immediately became a core figure in the royal family. She needed to maintain her majesty and rarely had the opportunity to show this little daughter attitude.

"Isn't this the last time I felt that you didn't understand a lot of knowledge in the last biology class, so I came here to make up for you?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Stinky Ye Yang! You told me this kind of thing when we first met..."

Vesany pouted, but she felt quite happy in her heart.


Ye Yang pinched Vesni's face.

"How's it going? It's been so long since you've been back to China. Do you feel like you've grown up a lot?"

Vesuni blushed: "How did you see it? Although I eat papaya every day, it's not that obvious, right?"

Ye Yang shook his head in confusion.

"Where did you hear that? I said you have matured a lot."

"Then it's still the same~"

Vesuni was as white as Ye Yang in a charming way.

Ye Yang scratched his head, still unable to explain clearly.

"I mean you have become more stable and mature!"

Ye Yang emphasized.


Vesany then stuck out her tongue and said with a mixture of laughter and tears: "There is no way! I am also being forced to grow up."

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang asked.

He had long heard that some changes had taken place in the Senluburg royal family recently. Looking at Vesany's situation, something had indeed happened.

"Many members of Congress have died or disappeared inexplicably, and the official circles have blamed the incident on the Senluburg royal family. Now the royal family is in a state of disarray, and several of my uncles are still booing, saying that this is my father's conspiracy, and they want to force him to abdicate. "

Vesni said: "I was ordered to do so in a critical situation and had to come back. Otherwise, I would have wanted to spend more time with you, Ye Yang, in the Magic City."

Ye Yang nodded.

Since he said goodbye to Vesany, he has basically not been idle and traveled around the world every day.

His reputation skyrocketed in just a few months.

Before, he was just an unknown Chinese star with little ability in the world, but now he has become the world's top giant.


Ye Yang touched his chin and fell into thinking.

"What fun! It's harmful! You don't know how tiring it is to deal with these powerful people. They are all wolves that can eat people without spitting out their bones. Their words are full of pitfalls. If you are not careful, you will fall into the trap."

Vesany sighed: "I'm not like you. I have huge financial power and everyone is afraid of you. But thanks to you, if it weren't for our previous scandal, which made these guys jealous, they wouldn't dare to do anything to me. . I can’t imagine what it will be like now..."

Ye Yang smiled: "Do we still call it a scandal?"

Vesany's face turned red: "Oh! Why do you always make fun of me! Do you understand my hardships!!!"

Ye Yang patted Vesni's little head: "Don't worry, now that I'm here, these difficulties are no longer difficulties."

Vesany blinked: "Huh? Isn't this bad? Although Fort Senlu is not big, it is another country after all, and it involves the royal family...your identity..."

Ye Yang held Wei Seni's waist and said teasingly: "Why, as a royal princess, a man can't get involved in the internal affairs of the royal family?"


Vesni looked at Ye Yang who was very close, curled her lips, but her face turned even redder.

But I am relieved that Ye Yang has such a status to intervene, at least he will not worry about causing any international disputes.

"Okay, the night is coming, it's time to start making up lessons~"

Ye Yang took advantage of the situation and picked up Vesni...

"Then... please trouble Teacher Ye~"

Vesany smiled, jumped down, and asked the girl in the manor to get a JK outfit: "Teacher Ye, your outfit doesn't look like a teacher!"

Ye Yang laughed, not seeing her for a few days, Vesuni's knowledge level has indeed improved.

They all cosplay.


In the last biology class, Ye Yang did not explain many key points clearly. This time, Ye Yang cleared up a lot of knowledge frameworks that Visene did not understand, filled in the gaps she missed, and fundamentally satisfied her desire to study...

The next day dawned.

The specific location of the source of corruption still needs two days to be explored. He plans to solve the problem of Visene's royal family as soon as possible.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang packed his clothes and took Visene to the car.

The source of corruption is very important, and the news of his arrival will be blocked all the way. He decided to go to the Senlub Royal Family and naturally made preparations.


Because you have to go across the country to buy luxury cars here, so in order not to trouble the owner, the manor-style villa he bought has a top luxury car in the garage.

Of course, it is a top luxury car in the eyes of the seller.

In Ye Yang's opinion, it is more ordinary.

It is a Ferrari LaFerrari worth about 30 million.

Sisters Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu have already arranged the confidentiality of the route in advance.

He took Visene directly into the car and drove all the way to the Senlub Palace...

Senlub, Senlub City, Senlub Palace.

Although the principality is a little small, the palace is very grand and has a historical atmosphere. It was built in the 17th century and the entire building was built in the Tuscan style of Florence, Italy.

In front of a landmark fountain in front of the door, the Ferrari LaFerrari stopped...

The entire Senlub Palace will be shaken by its arrival!

(Second update)

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