Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,204: Senlub Palace

"Princess Visene!"

The royal guards at the door saluted Visene.

These small European countries, the whole country combined, don't have many people, let alone armed forces.

After entering the new era, these countries even began to consider completely abolishing the national armed forces.

Some countries have passed this vote, and some countries now have no armed forces, only some police forces.

Senlub is already on the edge of this situation.

The entire country is directly under the royal palace, and it still retains a palace guard of several hundred people.

Ye Yang has always sneered at this situation. The West is getting more and more outrageous now. How many years has it been since the end of the last world war?

In just a few decades, humans have evolved into another species?

No need for the army, no need for violence, no need for the death penalty?

It's a joke.

But these are the choices of small European countries themselves, and he won't really say anything.


They looked at Ye Yang beside Visene with awe.

Visene was originally a popular princess in Senlub, so naturally everyone was very concerned about her affairs. Not to mention that Ye Yang had become famous internationally in recent months, the "scandal" between him and Princess Visene was enough to make all the residents of Senlub take the initiative to get to know him.

Seeing their eyes, Ye Yang also smiled and nodded to them.

"The future prince consort seems very easy-going?"

After Ye Yang and Visene walked into the palace arm in arm, a guard said with a smile.

"What a talented man and beautiful woman! A perfect match!"

The guards all said with a smile.

"It is said that our princess is marrying above her station if she is dating him."

"Oh? Although our Senluburg is a small country, the royal princess is still a royal princess after all! Even if the juniors of those top consortiums are madly pursuing this Mr. Ye..."

"Super consortium? Mr. Ye has swept a lot of them alone these days. In front of him, those juniors of super consortiums, what are they?"

The guards who have been paying attention to Ye Yang have starry eyes, just like a fanboy: "Do you know the super-era mecha that is very popular on the Internet recently? It belongs to Mr. Ye!"

"Real-life version of Iron Man?"

When this was mentioned, the guards were all excited, and all their eyes were filled with admiration.

Money can be spent, but being handsome is a lifelong thing!



Visene took Ye Yang through the palace, introducing everything in the Senluburg Palace along the way.

Many oil paintings and antiques with historical sedimentation, hundreds of years ago, are displayed in the palace.

Many are priceless.

This is the royal family's appearance and heritage.

Although it seems that the power is gone, the energy that can be released when it comes to the moment of life and death is still considerable.

Just these antique paintings, once sold, are an extremely considerable fortune.

But these wealth cannot be revealed on weekdays. After all, who would have nothing to do to sell furniture unless it is a matter of life and death?


Royal meeting room.

Weiseni's father, King Senluburg, or Grand Duke of Senluburg, Bervil*Senluburg, was sitting at the end of the long table, listening to the report with a gloomy face.


The royal family members were sitting on both sides of the long table, arguing with each other.

"Can you confirm that this matter is not the conspiracy of our current King Senluburg!?"

"He wants to restore the glory and power of the royal family, and secretly assassinates or kidnaps all the powerful members!"

"That's right! We have evidence. This matter is definitely related to your royal family!"

The royal family members and representatives of the positive world members shouted loudly, each with their own thoughts.

"Nonsense! We are already a royal family, and we don't have to worry too much. We have enough funds every year. With such a carefree life, why should we cause trouble for ourselves!"

"That's right! The so-called evidence you said is nonsense! It's all imagination!"

"Prince Henrys, anyone in the royal family knows your little thoughts, but you are a little too confused to distinguish between inside and outside! You actually mixed with these outsiders with ulterior motives and harmed your own family!!!"

"That's right, shameless!"

The royal family members standing on the side of Visene's father shouted angrily.

"You can't say that. Everything depends on evidence. Since the parliament has some evidence, I still want my brother to cooperate with them."

Henrys curled his lips: "Times have changed. Could it be that, brother, do you really want the royal power to override the law again?"


Bervil*Senlub has always had a gloomy face and did not say anything, just watching all this happen with cold eyes.

"What? Isn't the eldest brother usually very active in giving orders? Now he has become deaf and dumb?!"

Henrys pressed on.


Berwell looked at Henrys coldly. This third brother was not honest on weekdays, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so reckless that he would collude with the parliament to get rid of him?

"The king is the dignity of a country. If he is easily arrested without sufficient evidence, the king's prestige will be seriously damaged! You don't think that if the eldest brother loses some prestige, a third-rate prince like you can succeed to the throne of the king!?"

A prince sneered.

"I am the most fair, second brother, what you said is just throwing dirty water on me."

Henrys shrugged disdainfully.


The scene started to get noisy again.

"Stop making noise!"

Vesany's voice came.

Everyone present looked over and frowned when they saw it was Vesany.

"It turns out to be the princess, but your uncles are talking here. You are shouting, but you have lost the etiquette that a royal princess should have~"

Henrys said in a sinister tone.

"Haha, third uncle, I think you have lost the principles you should have as a member of the royal family, right?"

Vesany didn't flinch at all. Now his father couldn't speak freely, she had to say everything.

"Haha, don't think that you can talk to me like this just because you are next to a rich man from China! We are the royal family after all!!! Please learn some rules!"

Henrys gritted his teeth.

"Who is teaching my woman the rules?"

A cold voice came, making everyone present stunned.

Everyone looked over.

Several people were immediately frightened and stood up, their eyes shaking.

"It's you!!!"

When Henrys went to pick up Vesany that time, he met Ye Yang and was almost beaten up by Ye Yang, which left a shadow in his heart.

Ye Yang walked in calmly.

He glanced around.

"who is he?"

"He is Ye Yang."

"...Hiss, that newly rising top boss in China who recently defeated more than a dozen super consortiums?"

someone asked.

"That's right."

Someone who knew Ye Yang's appearance nodded and confirmed.

Their names are like thunder, but you may not know them when you meet them.

At this time, it was confirmed that the person coming was Ye Yang, which shocked most of the people to stand up and open their mouths, not knowing what to say.

Why did this top boss suddenly end up in a small place like Fort Senlu?

Could it be that...Vessany invited her to the town?

(First update)

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