After all, Senluburg is just a grand duchy with a total land area of ​​only two to three thousand square kilometers. In addition to its status, it is very respectable.

But if it really compares to the hard power in all aspects, if they all work together, it won't be enough for Ye Yang to beat him with one finger.

Therefore, when they saw Ye Yang's sudden appearance at this moment, they were all startled. Those who had a ghost in their hearts even dodge their eyes, not knowing what they were thinking.

"...Why is he here? Could it be..."

Some congressmen had evasive eyes and frowned, feeling something bad in their hearts.

The representative among the congressmen winked at the person behind him.

The person behind him immediately understood, nodded repeatedly, and wanted to sneak out...

Ye Yang naturally paid attention to the other party's small actions, but naturally it was not his turn to deal with such trivial matters.

"I'm talking about Ye Yang, you, a Chinese, broke into our Senluburg royal family's meeting. What on earth do you want to do!?"

Henrys frowned.

Although Ye Yang left some psychological shadows on him, this is the Senluburg Palace after all, and it is a home battle.

No matter how high Ye Yang's status is, he can't mess around in other people's palaces! ?

He persuaded himself, which made some confidence rise in his heart.

"Don't you know that the whole of Europe has recently been swept away by the Fallen Source? Your Senluburg royal family also signed an agreement."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"So what! Although the agreement gives you the power, it does not give you the power to do whatever you want! This is an internal meeting of our royal family, please get out!"

Henrys puffed up his chest, confident that he was standing on the moral high ground.

Ye Yang sneered: "From the discussion at the royal meeting, Vesany is now my woman, and my relationship with King Senluburg is closer than yours. I advise you to be sensible and keep your mouth shut! Don't force it. I told you to shut up."

Prince Henry was completely bewildered.

He would never have imagined that Ye Yang would dare to be so crazy in a palace of another country...

Ye Yang glanced around coldly: "I have this kind of personality as a human being. You must have heard that I am not afraid of trouble, but you don't want to cause trouble for me. Sen Lubao's cleanup of the source of depravity is very important. .

I am very interested in recent events in your principality. "

Just after it was traced that the headquarters of the source of corruption may be established in Senluburg, many members of Senluburg have gone missing?

Of course, these are still in the speculation stage.

By the way, Ye Yang is now using it as an excuse to officially intervene in the royal family dispute and help Vesni solve the trouble first.


Among the congressmen, the first few who stood up in shock had even uglier expressions, and they all looked at Ye Yang with twinkling eyes.

Ye Yang pulled up a chair and sat down, sitting opposite King Senluburg, and said calmly: "Go on, I want to know why you suspect that King Senluburg did these things."

These congressmen are hemming and hawing.

"It can only prove that it is related to the royal family. Isn't the person in charge of the royal family the king? Of course the king must be arrested and interrogated!"

A member of parliament took the lead and said confidently.


Ye Yang sneered and pointed at Henrys: "Then why didn't he do it?"

Henrys' face turned red and he stood up immediately: "You are spitting blood!!!"


Ye Yang smiled: "Why are you so angry? I am just making reasonable assumptions. Now you can only prove that you have a relationship with the royal family. You can conduct further investigations in the palace, take away the king directly, or even imprison the king. I have reason to doubt that your The purpose is not pure!”

"What do you mean!?"

Several guilty councilors shouted angrily.

"I've cleared out so many branches of Fallen Source. Almost every country has high-level officials they've infiltrated."

Ye Yang smiled, looked at the message sent on the phone, and already made some judgments in his heart. Then he stared into the eyes of the congressman who questioned him and said: "Now that the words have come to this, I will not hide anything from you, Sen Lubao Within the territory, there is the headquarters of the source of corruption.”

"As their headquarters, the Parliament should be penetrated more thoroughly. Once this matter is confirmed, you will not be able to escape suspicion!"


The congressman who was being questioned turned pale in an instant.

He had a bad premonition when he saw Ye Yang appearing. Unexpectedly, they actually found out where the headquarters was...

"You are making baseless accusations! I have a very good relationship with Congressman Moore, and I know exactly who he is!"

Henrys said with great confidence.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

Before he could speak, a figure was thrown in.

It was the congressman's henchman who tried to escape secretly just now.


When the MPs present saw this scene, their faces turned pale.

"Tell me, why are you running away?"

Ye Yang smiled lightly and questioned the follower who was thrown in.

The bones of the follower were shaken by the impact. He struggled to stand up and said angrily: "I just went out to have a cigarette. Who are you! What is your purpose! How dare you use violence against me, a dignified member of the Principality! You are not afraid of attracting international attention?" Dispute!"

Ye Yang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and waved his hand casually.

At the door of the conference room, sister Xiao Qingxuan walked in.

A recording was played directly.

【Hello! Is it a civet cat?"


"Ye Yang has appeared. Please prepare the headquarters for countermeasures..."


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