Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,206: The Headquarters of the Source of Depravity


Henrys' fat face trembled at Ye Yang's words. He was obviously angry, but then he frowned and said, "You know I was wronged, why don't you let me go quickly!!!"

Ye Yang sneered and said: "First, you have a lot to do with this Corrupted Source Councilor, and the information he handed over must be verified from you. Second, even if you are not a direct member, you are still suspected of helping Corrupted Source!"

Henrys jumped angrily: "It's his grandma's! This is a slander! You are simply framed!!!"

Ye Yang sneered: "Looking at your IQ, you probably don't even know you're being taken advantage of. I'm here to help you. Didn't you just say that the royal family has something to do with the disappearance of the congressman? Just go and be examined by the way!"

Prince Henry wanted to say something else, but was immediately blocked and groaned.

Destroying the source of corruption is the biggest thing in Europe today. It is just a prince of a principality, and not many people will care.


Soon, people in the field were either taken away or trembling with fear.

Vesni looked at Ye Yang, with admiration shining in her eyes.

She was just pretending to be relaxed last night, but in fact, only she knew how difficult it was for her these days.

Senluburg is just a small principality, many of its members are the source of corruption, and many people within the royal family are up to no good.

Torn apart by various forces, they had a very difficult time.

But the appearance of Ye Yang completely reversed everything. From the moment he appeared until now, everything was settled in just a few minutes!

Whatever makes this possible.

She only knows that the man who solves this super dilemma in front of her is called Ye Yang!

Burvilson Luborg finally stood up and breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked towards Ye Yang with a smile and shook hands.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for taking action. If it weren't for you, I would probably be in jail today."

He sighed. As a king, he never thought that he would face such a dilemma one day.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little effort."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "Also, I would like to thank Vesni. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have had this opportunity to find some members of the Parliament who were the source of corruption so easily."

"No la!"

Vesani's face turned red. It was obvious that she had been helped a lot by Ye Yang, but Ye Yang actually thanked her in turn, which made her feel warm inside.

"It's just that what Mr. Ye said just now that the headquarters of the Fallen Source is in Senluburg is really sensational. I was not aware of it at all."

Burwell Senluburg looked worried. If this is the case, then Senluburg would be in danger!

He has read the report of Black Source.

The headquarters of Black Source is an underground castle.

And how big is Senluburg in total!

In such a big place, if the other party is really lurking here, wouldn't it be full of the other party's people?

Has the entire Senluburg underground been hollowed out?


Even the most terrifying thing is that the source of corruption has been living under the palace?

Thinking of this, he broke into a cold sweat.

Ye Yang smiled: "It can be confirmed that the headquarters is here, but the specific situation needs to be interrogated clearly."


Burwell Senluborg nodded repeatedly, then turned to Vesni and said: "Daughter, you will stay with Mr. Ye these days, study hard and further your education! Being with such a person will also improve your vision and ability.”

"Know it!"

Vesany chuckled.

Although Burwell's words were relatively obscure, the underlying meaning couldn't be clearer.

He has fully agreed to her relationship with Ye Yang, and is even taking the initiative to match them.

"Then I won't disturb the royal family's internal meetings too much."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


Burwell and all the princes are talking about it.

He personally delivered the two of them to the gate of the palace.

“If you need any help in Senluburg, just let us know and we will do our best to help you!”

Burwell continued.

Ye Yang smiled. Now that the hurricane has come in, the power he has in Senlu Castle is many times stronger than this king.

The other party also understands this and is just talking official nonsense.


In order not to expose too much of his whereabouts, Ye Yang took Weiseni directly back to the villa, and Huan Huan was responsible for gathering information.

He and Vesany were also warming up by being alone for the past two days.

Like glue and paint, many new ways of playing have been developed.


It was not until two days later that the torture on the Hurricane side ended, and the rhythm of the general attack had begun.

Ye Yang looked at the report on the hurricane side and raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect it to be here."

Vesany also came over: "It's impossible!"

Senluburg Grand Canyon.

This is the only internationally renowned attraction in the Principality of Senluborg.

I don’t know how many tourists come here every year for sightseeing.

The headquarters of the Fallen Source is actually located in a place like this! ?

It’s really arrogant to the extreme!

"I gonna go see."

Ye Yang stood up.

The headquarters of major sources are definitely extremely dangerous places.

If you attack rashly, you will definitely suffer great losses. The last time we attacked the Black Source, if he hadn't been wearing Lieyang No. 1.

The losses will be huge.


Senluburg Grand Canyon.

It is called the Grand Canyon, but the whole scenic area only looks like it. In fact, it is very lively with people coming and going.

It is basically the ‘canyon feeling’ created by artificial buildings.

The members of Hurricane are already preparing for war nearby.

However, although they have found out some information about the headquarters, the disappearance of the congressmen a few days ago has also alerted the headquarters of the Source of Depravity.

Although the royal family took the responsibility, the Source of Depravity must not believe it.

It is estimated that the other party has made full preparations for the war.


As soon as he arrived, a member of Hurricane came to greet him.

"The entrance is in the bridge, with a secret door. The buildings nearby should have been transformed by them. Under the ground fortress, there is an underground fortress. If you want to escape, they have been frightened these days. I am not sure if their leaders have all run away."

The head of Hurricane frowned.

Ye Yang sneered: "If they run away, it doesn't matter. It was originally for the wealth storage of their headquarters."

"Boss is wise."

The head of Hurricane nodded.

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes. Europe was not his territory. He was just commissioned to clean up and eradicate the source of corruption and seize their funds.

There was no need to do it so cleanly.

After destroying the other party's foundation, even if the main characters escaped, it would take at least decades or hundreds of years to rebuild the scale.

By that time, the end of mankind would have been determined...

(First update)

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