"Damn it, this is outrageous!!!"

Wang Hu's eyes turned red:"Beat him!" He was just beating up a rich second generation, who in the Magic City would not give Mr. Qian some face! ? Over the years, he had beaten up so many rich second generations that he couldn't even count them with two hands!

""Pah, pah, pah!"

Several big men pushed aside the hostesses beside them and rushed directly towards Ye Yang.

Liu Qianqian also looked a little flustered.

She was very worried about Ye Yang's safety.


Ye Yang's eyes were stern. Apart from the time he beat Jin Buzheng, this was the first time he had fought with someone since he mastered Chinese martial arts.


The fist was thrown forward without any fancy moves.

With the incomparable speed of the punch, the big man in the lead had no time to defend himself. He was hit directly on the nose by the punch. Blood gushed out of his nose instantly. He fell to the ground, holding his nose and screaming.


Ye Yang took advantage of the situation and swung his leg back and knocked down the two behind him again. He stepped on their chests one by one, crushing their chests and ribs in an instant, making them unable to resist.

He stood up and squeezed in front of the next big man in an instant, raised his knee and hit the man's lower body.

The man who was hit directly doubted whether his little brother could stand up again in the rest of his life.


After hitting with his knee, Ye Yang kicked the big man out with one kick.

He picked up a stool next to him and swept it around, scaring the remaining three people back two steps and making way.

Seeing the right opportunity, Ye Yang flipped in the air and kicked three times in the air, each of which stepped on a person's chest.

He kicked the three people away together and hit the wall behind them.

"Show off?"



Every time they said this, Ye Yang would hit the three men's heads with the stool in his hand.

After three sentences, the three men's heads were bruised and swollen, and they fainted.

"Ah... this……"

Liu Qianqian was stunned.

It turns out that Brother Ye Yang also knows martial arts! Isn’t this too cool! ?

In less than a minute, not counting Wang Hu who was punched away before he could react, he defeated seven opponents alone!

So cool!!!

Ye Yang turned his head and smiled faintly:"I told you, they are just a few scums, nothing will happen to them"


Liu Qianqian nodded repeatedly, looking at Ye Yang with admiration.

Brother Ye Yang, who is so good at fighting, so good at singing, so handsome, and so rich, is simply a super treasure!

Her face turned red unconsciously.

Such a super male god can really be called a lifelong love at first sight!


Ye Yang placed the stool in front of Wang Hu, sat on it nonchalantly, and looked down at him calmly:"What else do you have to say now?"


Wang Hu's eyes showed deep fear.

Is this a rich second generation?

How can he be so strong?

It's outrageous!

After all, the brothers have been through swords and guns, and they are experienced gangsters, but they were all taken care of in the blink of an eye!

How strong is this young man?


Just when he was about to say something harsh, he realized that he had already warned Manager Li not to call the police. If the police didn't come and Ye Yang didn't let him go tonight, then he wouldn't be let off easily...

He felt so bitter inside that he couldn't say anything.

How come he was the victim who wanted to call the police?

Times have changed!!!

"What other tricks do you have? Take them out! I'll play with you till the end!"

Ye Yang sneered, looking down at Wang Hu with a stern expression, and stepped on his shoulder joint, crushing it directly.

"……Damn! You look so fierce! You are the villain, the gang leader, right?!"

Wang Hu was about to cry because of the pain.

"Don't be so arrogant! Do you have the guts to let me call someone? I'll make you cry!"

After all, he was a powerful gangster leader. Although Wang Hu was scared to death in his heart, he couldn't lose his momentum and said fiercely

"Make a phone call?"

Ye Yang raised a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth:"Okay, then let's each make a phone call. Let's see who has more people coming?"

""Haha, kid, you are courting death!"

Although Wang Hu said that he was not losing, he was really afraid in his heart. He was not a fool. The performance of this young man tonight was too terrifying. He would never say empty words.

However, in the matter of calling people to fight, he was Qian Ye's man after all, and this Magic City was also Qian Ye's territory. If he gave in to the fight, then his last bit of confidence and dignity would be completely destroyed.

That was the most precious thing for these gangsters of the old era, and they valued it more than their lives!

"Since you are looking for death, I won't be polite!!!"

Wang Hu took out his cell phone, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he called Dabaotou directly.


Ye Yang looked at the other person calmly, gave Liu Qianqian a reassuring expression, then slowly flipped through the address book and dialed a number...

(Second update, there is one more)

(Thanks to book friends 1108/0646, Jiu*Li's mooncake)

(Thanks to book friends 1931/1297 for the likes)

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