"Boss Ye!?"

Ye Yang's call at the Hurricane Security headquarters on an island in the high seas made everyone excited.

This new boss had an extremely mysterious background.

After taking over the company, he was quiet and inactive, but the more so, the more the senior executives of the 'security' company, who lived in blood and fire, imagined countless things.

There were many outrageous speculations.

This was the first time Ye Yang took the initiative to call.

It also made all the senior executives alert, and they dared not neglect him in the slightest.

"It's me."

Ye Yang's indifferent voice came from the other side.

Hurricane Security is one of his biggest trump cards.

He has already read the information of Hurricane.

The magical power of this security company is so great that it is basically beyond words.

As long as the sound is related to the word"security", it is within their jurisdiction. Although they call themselves a security company in a low-key manner.

But their grassroots"salesmen" have penetrated almost every corner of the world.

From mercenaries, assassinations, and international counterintelligence to private security and secret protection.

These businesses are all within the scope of Hurricane's services.

The business involves more than 100 countries and regions!

Hurricane's members are divided into two types: contract security and grassroots security.

Contract security is like the Xiao Xiaozhu sisters, the company A core member of Hurricane who has a long-term contract.

As for the grassroots security...

Hurricane has its own special recruitment channel. No matter who you are in real life, as long as you register your information on the official website of Hurricane and complete the evaluation, you can become its grassroots security.

In other words, the delivery guy who delivered your takeaway at noon today may have the hidden identity of"grassroots security" of Hurricane Company.

As long as the task occurs.

Corresponding to the test level and the place where it occurs, Hurricane will send tasks to the"grassroots security" who meet the conditions. One task is accepted and one order is paid.

The business model is really similar to that of takeaway.

However, the requirements to become a"grassroots security" of Hurricane are much more difficult than to become a deliveryman.

"Issue security tasks to all grassroots security guards in the Magic City. Within one hour, put on the Hurricane Security Uniform and gather at the Magic City Jinyuan KTV. Those who complete the task will receive a reward of 100,000 Chinese Yuan."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Are you...are you sure?!"

The senior executives of Hurricane Security were all shocked. They casually checked the archives and replied,"Boss, we have at least 10,000 registered 'basic security guards' in the Magic City! We estimate that at least a thousand people will be able to rush over within an hour, or even more.……"

"If someone offends you, you only need to send out a"long-term security guard" to easily eliminate them, and the cost is less than now.……"

"Do as I say."

Ye Yang said firmly.


The Hurricane executives did not dare to delay. The suggestion was rejected. They directly carried out the relevant operations according to Ye Yang's order.

At this moment, more than 10,000 practitioners from all walks of life in the magic city received task text messages on their mobile phones.

"Finally it's my turn to take on a mission!"

"One hundred thousand for one order! Hoho……"

These people were strictly selected and identified by Hurricane as tough guys who were capable of being"basic security guards."

When they saw the mission, they said almost nothing, changed into their uniforms, and set off directly.

Just a few minutes after the text message was sent, thousands of people appeared on the street, boarded various means of transportation, and rushed to Jinyuan KTV without hesitation.

These thousands of"basic security guards" wandering the streets of the Magic City had no other purpose.

They were only to protect the core of this mission... Ye Yang!

In just over ten minutes, it became noisy outside.

"Haha, there are several KTVs around tonight, all of them are Qian Ye's men! You are finished!"

Wang Hu laughed wantonly.

If one person can beat ten or eight people, can he beat a hundred at the same time?

He will be exhausted to death!

""Bang Bang!"

The noise in the KTV was getting louder and louder, with many screams and the sound of bottles being smashed.

Manager Li's apologetic smile and some people's angry curses were heard from far away.


The door of compartment 888 was violently kicked open again.

A group of fierce men holding various blunt weapons rushed in.

They were fierce and looked like they were ready to eat anyone they wanted.

"Which brat is so arrogant that he even dares to hit Mr. Qian's people! ?"

The bald man in the lead was holding an iron rod, looking at them with a disdainful look.

"Big boss, you are finally here!"

Wang Hu shouted in surprise.


Big boss Li Minggao glanced inside compartment 888 and saw Ye Yang sitting there, looking very calm. He frowned.

"You beat up all these men of mine?"

Ye Yang nodded without hesitation:"Are you the helper that this bastard called?"


Li Minggao, as a big boss, was not as fierce as Wang Hu. He took a good look at Ye Yang before sneering,"May I ask which family you are from? I, Li Minggao, have been in the underworld of Magic City for more than ten years. Even if we talk about seniority, your father may not be as senior as me. You are quite arrogant, little brat!"

(The third update, thanks to the book friends for the praise and mooncakes)

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