"Big boss, why waste time talking to him!? According to the rules, cripple one of his hands! Leave the woman to the brothers!"

Wang Hu grinned, his mouth still bleeding, but his eyes were fixed on Liu Qianqian.

"Do you still think that this is the past?"

Li Minggao rolled his eyes inwardly, but he didn't want to lose face in front of outsiders:"Boy, the entire Jinyuan KTV has been cleared out by us. You can fight, but we have hundreds of brothers"

"You won't be able to get out safely tonight on your own."

"Is that so?"

Ye Yang asked with a calm smile.

"There is no point in pretending to be calm."

Li Minggao sneered:"No matter who you are, if you offend Mr. Qian in the Magic City, you will have to pay the price!"

"Plundering the passing geese! Do you understand? Either spending money to avoid disaster, or using sex to pay off debts!"

Wang Hu stared and added arrogantly

"Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about yourselves and whether you can get out safely tonight!"

Ye Yang looked at his watch and felt that the time was almost up, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you still dreaming? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Wang Hu, who had hundreds of brothers backing him up, became arrogant and pointed at Ye Yang.

"I've already told you, if you don't give me face tonight, you and your little bitch will never be able to leave safely!"

Wang Hu grinned and was about to bypass Ye Yang to catch Liu Qianqian.


Ye Yang grabbed the other good shoulder joint with his hand and applied a little force.

The shoulder joint of the other arm was also broken.……


Wang Hu could never have imagined that even though he was surrounded by hundreds of vicious people, this guy dared to be so arrogant!? He would just attack him and cripple him!?


Ye Yang kicked out, directly kicking Wang Hu's lower body, completely ending his happiness in the second half of his life.

"Little brat! Don't be so shameless!"

Li Minggao was completely furious. He waved his arm and was about to bring hundreds of brothers to beat up Ye Yang.

"No, it’s bad, big head!!!"

Outside, a guy with a slicked-back hair and a vest rushed in.

"What's so worrying about this?"

Li Mingao frowned, looking at the pale face of the younger brother, his heart trembled slightly, and he subconsciously had a bad premonition.


I was out of breath.

"Damn it, talk to me nicely!"

Li Minggao kicked the gangster and said,"Have you wasted more than ten years? You can't even speak clearly!"

"No, no, big boss, the scene outside, let alone me, I'm afraid even Master Qian hasn't seen it!!!"

I was kicked and felt extremely wronged. After I calmed down, I said

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Mingao shouted angrily

"No, that's not nonsense! There are at least a thousand people gathered outside! There are so many people, I can't even count the exact number! They are wearing the same uniform and look extremely fierce. The entire Jinyuan Street District has been surrounded by them, and no one can get through!!!"

The younger brother caught his breath and spoke more fluently.

"What!? Thousands of people!? At least?"

Li Minggao was stunned.

What does thousands of people mean?

They stood together in a black mass, surrounding a building. Even a dog couldn't escape! Even when Master Qian was dominating the Magic City Beach in the early years, he only had a thousand men at most!

Now, who knows how long it would take to gather three hundred people.

At least a thousand people came all of a sudden!?

What's going on?

Li Minggao was stunned, but Wang Hu's face turned pale. He even threw away the despair of losing his brother and looked at Ye Yang in horror:"He made a bet with me just now, saying that he would make a phone call to see which side could call more people! Could it be that... those people outside are all your people!?"

Li Minggao's eyes were shocked. If what Wang Hu said was true, then the young man in front of them must have a very powerful background...

No wonder even Master Qian dared to ignore him!?


Before Ye Yang could say anything, the whole KTV was in chaos.

The grassroots security guards dressed in storm black and blue uniforms, holding various professional"security weapons", rushed directly into Jinyuan KTV.

All the people they saw along the way, as long as they were not Ye Yang, were subdued and made to squat and walk out of the KTV.

The number of grassroots security guards pouring into Jinyuan alone was several times that of this group of thugs. With fewer people facing more people, they could only give in. After all, those who dared to resist along the way were beaten half to death and thrown outside.


The door of compartment 888 was kicked open for the third time today.

Dozens of Storm Security uniformed members rushed in and subdued everyone except Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian in the blink of an eye.

Li Minggao looked at the heavily armed men who suddenly rushed in in a daze. After he reacted, he looked at Ye Yang in horror:"You...……"

"Alas... I have too many security guards. Did they scare you?"

Ye Yang patted Li Minggao's face and sneered.

(First update, two more to go)

Thanks to book friends Qingjiu, Hanhan, and Youlong Hall Master of Zhatian Gang: Diving, Wuqing Harashao, 007, 1021/4701, 2915/4976, and Wild Mooncakes.

Thanks to book friend Situ Xue for the mountain climbing invitation~

Thanks to book friend Wurao for the likes.

Thanks to book friend Gulang Lingdi for the two mooncakes~

Thanks to book friend 3113/4064 for the inspiration capsules and mooncakes!!

Thanks to book friend Zuichongbaobao for the urging talismans, mooncakes and likes!

Thanks to book friend 6924/1345 for the three urging talismans!!

Thanks to book friend ⊙w⊙ for the three mooncakes~

Thanks to book friend zzz for the urging talismans and mooncakes

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