
Li Mingao was almost doubting his life. You call this a security guard!?

Whose security guards are counted in thousands!?

"Now, are you still planning to take advantage of others?"

Ye Yang sneered and turned to Wang Hu.

""Don't dare, I'm blind and have offended you, please let us go!"

Wang Hu was terrified at this moment.

These well-trained uniformed security guards were much better than them in terms of overall quality.

And so many people came in at once, which made people feel desperate.

The young man in front of them was someone they couldn't afford to offend!!!

"You disturbed my fun tonight and you want to leave peacefully?"

Ye Yang smiled:"Your Mr. Qian's face is face, but my Ye Yang's face is not face?! Huh! ?"

Liu Qianqian looked at Ye Yang's cheerful and talkative appearance, and the admiration and shock in her eyes became stronger.

After not seeing each other for a few months.

Brother Ye Yang has such a powerful power!?


Brother Ye Yang is originally a super domineering president, and because he has taken a fancy to me, he condescended to disguise himself in his home and rented a house to live in...

Oh, so shy! They are worthy of being mother and daughter.

Liu Qianqian's imagination now is exactly the same as Aunt Zhang's at the beginning.

The gangsters in the entire Jinyuan KTV were controlled by Hurricane Security.

She finally relaxed, and unknowingly, her palms were full of sweat.……

""Boss, what do you need us to do next?"

The security guard who came in asked repeatedly.

Ye Yang waved his hand and said,"First, gather all the garbage in one place and wait for someone to claim it.""

"Got it!"

The security guards directly dragged Wang Hu and others, and kicked and stomped them all to the open space outside Jinyuan KTV.

As for Li Minggao,

Ye Yang threw a mobile phone to him:"Tell me, how do you solve this matter tonight?"


Li Minggao was trembling all over. It was too scary to offend this old man tonight.

At least a thousand people came over with one phone call.

Not only did he hit a wall, but he also broke his leg!

He knew what Ye Yang meant.

This was giving him a choice, either let Mr. Qian come to settle the matter, or he would take on today's matter himself.


According to the rules of the underworld, a person of his level would have to leave his life here tonight to calm down the storm.

With trembling hands, he picked up the phone.

He was in a dilemma.

This kind of scene tonight was the first time he had seen it in all his years.

Even if he really called Mr. Qian, he would probably have a hard time talking to him, right?

Just as Li Minggao was in a dilemma, a few security guards came in and whispered something to Ye Yang.

"Well, you don't have to choose."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

Li Mingao was driven by the security guard and followed Ye Yang out of Jinyuan KTV.

Outside Jinyuan KTV.

At this time, more than 3,000 Hurricane Security uniformed security guards surrounded the Jinyuan Street District in three layers inside and outside.

Three thousand ferocious guys standing together formed an oppressive force that would make ordinary people's legs weak as soon as they saw it.

The vehicles they came in, motorcycles, cars, and SUVs were also parked neatly around the street, forming the outermost encirclement.

The scene was spectacular.

In just over ten minutes.

The entire Rainbow Street District was boiling.

The onlookers raised their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

But they didn't dare to get too close.

For fear of being beaten up for no reason.

"What is happening!?"

"I don’t know! I heard that there was a conflict between some big shots in the KTV, and both sides agreed to fight!"

"You call this a fight?! The whole street was blocked by people's numbers! I have never seen such a big scene since I was born! I am really enlightened! I am really enlightened!!!"

"If there was no camera, I would have suspected that this was a movie.……"

"What kind of movie can afford so many extras? Are you stupid?"


The onlookers were discussing with great interest.

"Hiss! Another large convoy is coming! It looks like a big one!"

"Wow... it's so impressive, a whole fleet of Prado cars, the one leading the way is a stretched Bentley, right?"

"Oh shit, look at that license plate!"

"Hai A99999! ? This license plate is pretty cool, but does it have any special meaning?"

"Alas, young people nowadays! They don’t even know Hai A9999! ? This was the exclusive license plate number of the famous Qian Ye in Shanghai Beach! 99999 is a metaphor for the fact that he is the biggest in the underground world of Shanghai!"

Outside the door of Jinyuan KTV.

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly:"Let’s make a hole for them to come in."


The security guards nodded, and the originally neat human wall also slightly moved to the sides.

Hai A99999, with its domineering convoy, drove into the super encirclement formed by 3,000 Hurricane security guards.

"It's Master Qian! I knew Master Qian wouldn't abandon us!"

The moment they saw the license plate number, the eyes of the hooligans who were squatting on the ground and suffering lit up. Hope is here!!!

To them,

Master Qian was once a god!

Even his father came in person. No matter how powerful this kid surnamed Ye is, he has to give him some face, right!?

(Second update, one more to go)

Thanks to book friend 1824/8249 for the two likes~

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