"Hai A99999, Qian Boxian, Master Qian, didn't he withdraw from the disputes in the martial arts world a few years ago and rarely show up in recent years?"

"Hiss...it seems that today's incident was really big, even this person was alarmed and came out……"

"I haven’t seen this license plate for a long time. It’s the memory of a generation!"

"……Not a good memory.……"

The crowds watching were all noisy.

After all, Mr. Qian's status in the Magic City was still very unique. His appearance at this time also made these onlookers feel mixed.

In the extended Lincoln.

Mr. Qian's temples were already gray, but his eyebrows could still see the fierceness of the past when he was intimidating without anger and dominating the Magic City Beach.

He was leaning on a dragon-headed cane. He seemed calm, but in fact, thousands of thoughts were surging in his heart.

As a former figure in the underworld of Magic City, even if he is not as good as before, his eyes are still well-informed.

Just a few minutes after the incident at Jinyuan KTV, he got the news.

However, he believed that the big boss Li Minggao was capable of solving such a small problem, and he didn't need to come forward at all.

But the subsequent news swept in like a storm, making him, the former underground leader, so surprised that he couldn't sit still and drove a convoy directly over.

Originally, he thought that the thousands of people were just spreading rumors, and those arrested men were scared and reported it randomly.

Qian Boxian opened his eyes and glanced through the curtain at the huge encirclement and the unprecedented super-large battle. He was sure in his heart that the number of thousands of people was not an overestimation made by his subordinates in panic.

On the contrary, it was very likely that it was actually underestimated.……


The confidence and pride he had as a super underground leader of the older generation became unstable at this moment.

Before he came here, he was so confident that he felt that as long as he showed up

, the well-known figures in the Magic City would have to give him some face when they saw him. But when he really arrived here, he found that things were far more complicated than he had imagined.……

"These little bastards can really cause me trouble.……"

Qian Boxian let out a long breath, and his heart was a little shaken. The extended Lincoln stopped, and the domineering convoy behind it also came down aggressively with more than a hundred black-clad thugs armed with weapons.

However, after seeing the thousands of fierce Hurricane security guards, the originally aggressive thugs instantly exploded. They didn't even have a fraction of the number of people on their side, and they were still fighting for nothing.……

"Mr. Money……"

These hooligans stepped forward skillfully, opened the car door, bowed and invited Mr. Qian to come out

"The show was quite grand."

Ye Yang shrugged and smiled indifferently.

Liu Qianqian on the side swallowed nervously.

After all, he was a legendary super boss who had dominated the Magic City Beach, with blood on his hands. Normally, this kind of super ruthless person would never appear in her life.

But tonight, he appeared.

Facing this kind of super bully, as a girl, she would always subconsciously feel fear.

"It's okay, he won't dare to do anything to me, he will even have to apologize to me later."

Ye Yang smiled and shook Liu Qianqian's cold little hand, and said confidently


Liu Qianqian couldn't believe it. Brother Ye Yang, could he make such a super tycoon apologize in public?


As soon as he got off the car,

Qian Boyan's heart suddenly trembled.

He also saw clearly the uniforms of the security guards present.

""The Hurricane people!!!"

As a well-known boss in the Magic City, how could he not know this super security company!

In his early years, he was young and energetic, and wanted to kick Hurricane's business out of the Magic City and take over by himself.

During the brief confrontation, he also came into contact with the tip of the iceberg of Hurricane's security strength.

But even this tip of the iceberg brought Qian Boyan unattainable and unimaginable horror!

Back then, he paid a lot of money to Hurricane to barely keep his position in the Magic City.

Otherwise, if Hurricane wanted to.

Even when he was at his peak, he would have to disappear directly within three days.

"The background of this guy is what made Hurricane Security take such a big step.……"

There are only a handful of people who are qualified to accept Hurricane's mission, especially such a large-scale and high-level mission!

"He at least knows a core executive of Hurricane!"

Thinking of this, Qian Boyan's last fantasy was crushed.

The idea of putting on some seniority in front of Ye Yang was directly dissipated at this time.……

"Haha! Master Qian is here! You can’t jump around any more!"

Li Minggao looked at the old man in a Tang suit walking down the Lincoln with a dragon-headed crutch, and he was full of energy. All the gangsters were celebrating as if they had found a life-saving straw.

They were all imagining how this arrogant guy named Ye Yang would grovel when he really faced Master Qian.

"Hiss...it's really Qian Boyan!!!"

The onlookers exclaimed

"Although this young man seems to have a powerful background, compared with this super boss, he will probably have to admit defeat soon!! ?"

"That's for sure... After all, it is...……"

Just when everyone thought that Ye Yang was going to apologize to Mr. Qian,

Qian Boyan did something that surprised everyone...

(The third update is here!)

(If you like this book, add fans/Jun Yang: 1054/117/329)

(Thanks to the book friend with the last number 0825 for the mooncake~)

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