"Mr. Ye!"

Qian Boyan actually took the initiative to stretch out his hand, leaning on his dragon-headed crutch, and walked towards Ye Yang with big strides.


The whole place was silent instantly.

What was going on!?

This was different from the plot I had imagined!?

Shouldn't this young man be so scared that his legs went limp when he saw the real boss coming out, and then he crazily went up to him and licked his ass!?

This... a reversal of opposites!?


Ye Yang nodded slightly. He originally thought that he had to show some strength to make Qian Boyan respect him.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so polite to him directly! ?

"Is it possible?……"

Ye Yang looked at the Hurricane Security Company around him, and his heart was slightly moved.

Qian Boyan should have had some experience with the Hurricane Security Company before.

"Mr. Ye, my men were reckless tonight. Please forgive me."

Qian Boyan apologized with a smile.


Liu Qianqian was stunned.

Qian Boyan had accumulated so much prestige that everyone thought of him as a powerful gangster.

But now, the scene before him looked like a white-haired old man apologizing sincerely.

Instead, people felt a little bit of pity.

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Although Qian Boyan looked like a kind man now, he was a gangster king after all.

He didn't dare to trust him easily.

""Master Qian… you!?"

Li Minggao, who was standing by, was completely confused and asked unconsciously.

After all, for those of them who had worked under Master Qian for so many years, the scene before their eyes was simply too absurd!

The boss whom they regarded as a god was actually so polite to a young man and even smiled at him!?

"Mr. Qian!"

"This kid is too arrogant!"

"I didn't take you seriously at all just now……"

The hooligans on the side all spoke out, dissatisfaction and shock surged in their hearts.

""Shut up, all of you!"

Qian Boyan shouted angrily, knocking his dragon head crutch on the ground, and coughing angrily:"What did I teach you before! ? Times are different now. When you are out there, be kind to others! Why are you still causing trouble for me!"

"Do you know who you are messing with?"

""I have to respect this Mr. Ye too! How dare you act wild in front of him!!!"

Qian Boyan scolded angrily.

It seemed like a scolding, but in fact he was sounding a warning to his men - this Mr. Ye is more powerful than me, if you continue to commit suicide, even I can't protect you!


Li Mingao knew Qian Boyan best, so he could naturally understand what Qian Boyan meant.

He wisely chose to keep his mouth shut, and when he looked at Ye Yang, his eyes had changed from disdain to deep fear.

The person who could make his old man say this must have an extremely high background!

After all, they were in the underworld, and the most important thing when they were out was face.

Now Master Qian basically put his own face at the bottom to raise Ye Yang's face!

If it weren't for the huge gap in status, this kind of thing would never happen!


"Damn it! Am I blind?! Mr. Qian is apologizing to a young man!?"

"Times have changed! This is so awesome! I wouldn't even dream of this.……"

"Who said that this young man would be scared to death when he saw Mr. Qian? Is that a slap in the face? It's such a slap in the face!"

"Ha ha……"

"Young people are nothing! I just watched the live broadcast of someone yesterday, and the red envelopes he sent out were more than 30 million! I wonder which super rich second generation this is?"

"So awesome! ?"

"Oh, what era is this! Ye Shenhao has never heard of it?!"

"Is this Ye Shenhao so famous?"

"More than that! He gave hundreds of millions of tips in one night, and gained millions of fans overnight! A new super rich man!"

"No wonder, just one sentence can gather thousands of people, it's amazing!"


The crowd was amazed.

In their hearts, Master Qian was an insurmountable peak.

But this peak was so respectful to this young man!

"Ahem... I also know the rules. Since I have provoked you, I will either lose money or bleed!"

Qian Boyan rubbed his hands, his face turned, his eyes suddenly became stern:"The brat who caused trouble for me in the first place, get out here!"

"……Mr. Qian, that guy has been knocked unconscious."

"Then kick him awake!"

Master Qian shouted angrily.


Wang Hu woke up from the pain in a daze

"Master Qian! Master Qian, please help us!……"


Seeing Wang Hu talking nonsense as soon as he woke up, Qian Boyan was so scared that he threw his crutch at him and knocked him unconscious again.

Sure enough, this kind of mentally retarded person is better when he doesn't talk.

"Well, the person who provoked you is already injured like this, I should be satisfied when I see the blood."

Qian Boyan rubbed his hands and said with a smile:"As for the matter of losing money, Mr. Ye, you can ask, I will do my best to satisfy you!!!"

(First update)

Thanks to the book friends who visited here, Lin Ye can chisel wood, nice. Wang Chen, 1842/1504, God also bless me, gkd robot, Li Baiba, 1257/4564, Chenxi, Twelve Sangmo, Jiusan, Zhennanren, 2827/5713, Hao Ni Laojiafen, Lingkong's mooncake~ Thanks to book friends 2527/5713 for two mooncakes

Thanks to book friends 3654/3930, the man who became the Pirate King, for the mountain climbing invitation

Thanks to book friends 1091/1520, Seventeen for the likes

Thanks to book friend Qingfeng's younger brother for the urging talisman!

Thanks to book friends 9667/6082 for the mooncakes and urging talismans!

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