Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,208 You deserve it


After rescuing all the hostages, Ye Yang directly removed the light curtain of the photon weapon.

Photon weapons are one of his trump cards, and there is no need to expose them now.

The aerospace aircraft carrier and the Lieyang No. 1 mecha are enough in terms of military deterrence. At any time, you must keep a killer for yourself.

Satellites of many countries have noticed this scene, but before they can figure out what is going on.

The light curtain disappeared.

"Hiss... What's going on?!"

The seven-star general of the United States frowned, completely confused.

"Is this light curtain some kind of super-era weapon?"

People from all countries who saw this scene were restless.

After all, this matter was beyond their understanding, and it was related to Ye Yang.

The power that Ye Yang has shown recently has made them very afraid. If this kind of technology that can summon an inexplicable light curtain comes out again, it will be a bit too scary...

However, whether the source of corruption can be completely attacked is the most concerned thing for all countries now.

Once successful, Ye Yang will have another ancient source in his hands!

This was unthinkable a few months ago!

Any ancient source is an ancient source of trouble that has plagued a continent for hundreds or even thousands of years. No matter which dynasty, national monarch or parliament is in power, they will try their best to deal with these source organizations.

But they can't do it.

Only the highest people in each country know how difficult it is to clean up these ancient sources and how difficult it is to deal with them.

But now, two ancient source organizations have been destroyed by Ye Yang! ?

You know, it has only been a few months since the last black source was destroyed! ?

This speed and efficiency! ?

It's terrible.


They all know that there is basically no suspense about the ending.

The reason why these ancient source organizations are difficult is because they are hidden in the dark.

Once exposed, it is only a matter of time before they are destroyed.

Especially in front of Ye Yang, who controls the three major mechas, they are even more vulnerable.

When the Lieyang mecha was first released, it caused a huge shock.

All countries have estimated that its strategic significance may be greater than that of an aircraft carrier, and the difficulty of construction should be extremely high. China may not be able to build a few in a year.

However, how long has it been since Ye Yang destroyed the Black Source Fleet on the high seas?

Today, three mechas appeared together! ! !

This is faster than building an aircraft carrier, and much faster!

"Alas... This is simply too terrible."


All countries are trembling.

Senlub Grand Canyon.

After the three mechas rescued all the hostages, they rushed to the firepower point of the Fallen Source.

Because the Fallen Source opened a live broadcast for this battle, people from all countries are pouring in!

"What's going on!? Ye Shenhao is filming a movie again?"

"This is a real battlefield! What's filming?!"

"Fuck! Which country is fighting?"

"Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be the Senlub Grand Canyon."

"It should be the source of corruption."

"Oh? What is that?"

"I just read some gossip! No country has ever directly acknowledged the existence of these source organizations. Let me give you some popular science..."

The popular science emperor in the live broadcast room popularized the situation in the live broadcast room.

"Damn! So hateful! Come on, Ye Shenhao! Destroy them all!"

"It's a bit scary! Is this a real battlefield!? Too brutal..."

Many people felt the horror and cruelty.

Bombs and bullets were flying at the scene.

All kinds of explosions and blood were flying.

The live broadcast prepared by the source of corruption had countless interfaces. Even if some live broadcast rooms were blocked, there were others to connect.

But after all the hostages were rescued, they stopped connecting.

After all, the live broadcast was only to increase some public pressure on Ye Yang. In this situation, the live broadcast has no meaning at all.

However, this short live broadcast has set off waves of enthusiasm internationally, and many people have participated in this discussion.

Some people say that Ye Yang is too arbitrary and cruel, and some people say that Ye Yang has a trump card, so what's wrong with choosing this method?

Some people say that the Virgin Mary should be killed first in the end of the world...

Various voices are arguing together.

But no matter how many public opinions there are, they cannot change the cruelty of the battlefield.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Countless missiles dragged their tails and smashed into the Senlubao Grand Canyon.


Soon, the entire Senlubao Grand Canyon was flattened by bombs.

I don't know how many members of the Fallen Source were destroyed in rounds of explosions...

The Fallen Source Castle also has various firepower points and many counterattack methods, with missiles and machine guns roaring.

It is impossible to attack at all.

Although tanks and armored vehicles can resist most of the firepower, they cannot go down to the underground castle.

It is completely impossible to kill its living forces.

Only the mechas of Ye Yang and the Xiao sisters, which are small in size and high in defense, directly killed into the underground castle and began to kill.

"Where are the fleet and flying units of the Fallen Source?"

Someone shouted.

The Black Source has its own three-army force!

The Fallen Source can't possibly not have them!

And, in this big environment in Europe, the armed forces in the hands of the Fallen Source will only become stronger, not weaker.

We have been fighting for such a long time, but the enemy's armed forces haven't arrived yet! ?

"Perhaps, seeing that we have three mechas, they dare not send armed forces?"

Someone asked.

"It is very likely..."

Military power is half of the lifeblood of a force.

If the main armed forces are not destroyed, the difficulty of reorganizing will be greatly reduced.

"But the boss said, don't worry about it, dig out everything hidden in their nest first."

Hurricane was not a savior organization. It just followed the boss's orders to come here to rob money.


"Ahem, I received the news. It seems that the enemy's air force wants to support and has crossed over some countries, and then was besieged by the armed forces of various countries. Now it is in a fierce battle..."

"Oh my... This is too good."

"Haha, it just saves our energy. Let them fight their armed forces."

"Why not do it without doing hard work and get the most money!"

The members of Hurricane all laughed.

The other party was smart enough to set up their headquarters in Senlub, thinking that the most dangerous place was the safest, but in fact it also blocked the speed of their air force and navy to support the headquarters.

"Perhaps they didn't expect that the Hurricane Group, rather than the neighboring countries, would attack their headquarters in the end? Haha..."

"Well, they themselves regard the whole of Europe as their enemy target, so there is nothing unreasonable about this setting."

"Good news! Several major European countries have discovered the naval power of the source of corruption at sea, and are now fighting!!!"

(First update)

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