Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,209 I am waiting for the light, what are you waiting for?


Ye Yang and the Xiao sisters drove the three mechas towards the headquarters of the Fallen Source.

The underground fortress of the Fallen Source is even more powerful than that of the Black Source.

After all, the European economy is more active, and the arms trade is more relaxed. It is easier to make money and arms than in Asia, and you can get more.


Ye Yang slashed down all the way.

The properties of the Lieyang II are much stronger than those of the Lieyang I.

Nanotechnology has also been added to the mecha attachment, which greatly reduces the weight and flexibility of the armor.


He rushed down all the way and didn't care about the surrounding soldiers. After all, most weapons could not cause any harm to him.

The Xiao sisters helped him to deal with the members of the Fallen Source who he didn't have time to kill.

He had to find the other party's general meeting room as soon as possible.


Ye Yang looked at all this indifferently. Along the way, he didn't know how many people were chopped into blood mist by his energy light blade.

But none of this could stir up any waves in his heart...

Finally, he stood in front of the general meeting room on the seventh floor underground.

It was beyond his expectations.

All the members of the Fallen Source sat calmly in their seats, and did not flee in panic as he thought.

At least in this regard, the Fallen Source is much stronger than the Black Source.

"Do you think you can't escape, or do you think you have a trump card to compete with me?"

Ye Yang got straight to the point and asked directly.

"Mr. Ye, although you have fought in front of us, I suggest you don't be too confident."

A golden-faced member sneered.

"Sure enough, you have a trump card."

Ye Yang smiled: "You are indeed more difficult to deal with than the Black Source, but unfortunately, you are just some clever tricks."

"Oh? Mr. Ye, why don't you listen to our trump cards and then evaluate whether we are clever tricks?"

These top members of the Fallen Source obviously thought of many ways to save their lives.

Ye Yang looked at the other party indifferently and did not say anything else.

"When we first built this underground castle, we had already thought of today's situation."

The Fallen Source Headquarters sneered: "So, at that time, we buried a... nuclear bomb under the underground fortress."

"If Mr. Ye wants to die with us, we don't mind. After all, it's not a loss to drag so many people to die together."

The Fallen Source Headquarters looked at Ye Yang coldly: "Especially to let Mr. Ye, a rare legendary figure in the world, die with us, it is really a supreme honor!"


Ye Yang frowned.

If this is true, then the situation is really tricky.

Nuclear bombs are super killers. There are only a few countries in the world that have mastered their power.

All major powers are strictly prohibiting nuclear power from being mastered by other forces.

Unexpectedly, this Fallen Source can get one...

Although it is at least a few decades old, it is estimated that the equivalent is small, it is still atomic energy, and it cannot be launched, but it still cannot be underestimated.

After all, even the earliest and most useless nuclear bombs can flatten a city and illuminate the entire sun.


If it really exploded in Senluburg, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He frowned and felt the pressure for the first time.

It must be said that the Fallen Source's move is indeed very deterrent.

"What do you think, Mr. Ye?"

After a moment of silence, the Fallen Source councillors all asked with a sneer.

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "Do you think I will believe you if you say it?"

The chief rudder snorted coldly: "You have no choice! You can choose not to believe us, and the price is that you will die here too!"


Ye Yang looked at the trigger box in front of the chief rudder, and the other party had already placed his hand on it.

Ready to start at any time.

"I have to admit that you have really put a lot of thought into protecting yourself."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Oh? Mr. Ye, are you ready to have a good talk with us?"

The voice of the Fallen Source's chief rudder was steady and not panicked at all.

After all, he knew that this big killer was basically unsolvable.

The theory of nuclear bomb deterrence has been verified in the human world for decades. As long as you have a nuclear bomb in your hand, even if it can only be used to perish together, you can ensure your own safety.

"Well... if it is under normal circumstances, I do need to make some compromises with you."

Ye Yang nodded and sneered.

"What do you want to do!?"

The head of the Fallen Source frowned, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

But before he made up his mind to perish together.

A beam of light fell from the sky, directly penetrating the seven bunkers above, and accurately cut on his arm!

Then, the beam of light slashed backwards.

The Fallen Source was directly cut in half by the beam of light, and then the two halves of the body fell to the sides powerlessly...

"You don't have the courage and courage to perish together, and you want to take the initiative again with this weapon that can only perish together."

Ye Yang looked at the frightened congressmen and sneered: "Is this what you think you are smart? It's ridiculous!"

He walked forward indifferently.

The councillor with the source of corruption gritted his teeth, his eyes reddened, and rushed forward directly...

He wanted to get the box before Ye Yang.

Ye Yang flicked his hand, and the beam moved sideways.

All the councillors who rushed forward were cut in half by the beam.

He walked slowly between the councillors who were still rushing forward, and after he passed, those figures were split into two halves...


Ye Yang flipped the nuclear bomb launch box and closed it directly. He turned to look at the councillors of the Fallen Source in different postures and sneered: "I'm waiting for the light, what are you waiting for!?"


Every time the photon weapon is used, the chance of being exposed is greater.

Especially today, it has been used once. If it is exposed again, he estimates that some people with ulterior motives should have found out some tricks.

However, the trump card held by the Fallen Source is indeed big enough, forcing him to use photon weapons in succession.

Fortunately, now there are aerospace aircraft carriers and scorching sun armor. Even if the photon weapon silo is discovered, it is not so easy for the other party to attack it successfully.

If he had dared to use the photon weapon as recklessly as he did when he just got it.

There will definitely be endless disasters coming to him.

But now, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"You, are you a human being?!"

"You are the legendary devil! The devil who came to destroy our Tongji Society! You will push humanity into the abyss of destruction!"

"You think you are righteous!? Humanity will be destroyed in your hands!!!"


All the members of the Source of Depravity shouted angrily.

(Second update)

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