Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1210 You see through it, but too clearly

"I know what you think and everything you know."

Ye Yang sat on the main seat of the Source of Depravity, looking down at many councillors.

"Since you know this, do you still foolishly think that you can escape the curse of this fate?"

The councillors roared.


Ye Yang looked at these councillors, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Do you know what the so-called 'Great Filter' is?"

"It's the end of the world! It's the curse of civilization! As long as we continue to develop, it will eventually come! Humanity will be destroyed by itself!"

A councillor frowned.

Ye Yang shook his head: "Then do you know what the specific form of the Great Filter is?"

"Don't you know?"

A group of councillors frowned.

Ye Yang sneered: "After a period of time, the earth's magnetic field will flip, and there will be a period of time when the earth's magnetic field disappears. If there is no protection, mankind will be on the verge of destruction in this storm."


Some of the councillors were silent. These belonged to the brainwashed faction, thinking that what they were doing was a great cause.

Other members looked at Ye Yang coldly. They were from another faction of the Fallen Source. Their ultimate goal in joining the Fallen Source was to destroy the human beings they hated. It made no difference to them whether they destroyed the human beings or the solar storm.

Or, they were sincerely happy to hear the news.

Most of those who could join such an organization with extreme theories as its core had experienced some unimaginable experiences in their previous lives. Their hearts were filled with extreme violence. The only purpose of living was to see the destruction of human beings.

Some other absolute core members frowned. They were the core management sent by Tongji Society.

They knew the ultimate goal of Tongji Society. The so-called four principles of the source given to the major sources were just brainwashing to deceive extreme idealists like Ye Wenjie.


Ye Yang glanced at them: "Do you still think that if you dissolve human countries and abolish civilization, the earth's magnetic field will not disappear? Can human beings survive forever?"


Those who believed in the theory of no civilization bowed their heads at this time.


If there is no civilized organization, facing such a catastrophe, humans will not even have the power to resist.

"I still firmly believe this! In the world we envision, every human will spontaneously do what he wants to do, and those who like to study science will choose to continue their research. Everyone lives as an independent and equal individual and freely chooses what they want to do.

Against this background, complete this racial self-rescue that belongs to everyone."

A man walked out of the crowd of congressmen. He raised his head with a light in his eyes: "In this way, the ethnic dilemma problem will be transformed into the survival problem of independent individuals. I think that can burst out the greatest power, at least much better than now! ?

Is the world so good now? Is it so advanced?

I believe that you are not the only one who knows the news of the geomagnetic reversal? But this news is firmly controlled by you cutting-edge people In the hands of big men, we don't even deserve the basic right to know!

What have you done for this impending disaster? What have those capital crocodiles who manipulate everything done for this matter? They are probably preparing to build a spaceship and run away, right? Will they sacrifice their own financial interests to fight for the survival of all mankind?

In the absence of civilization, we can even save ourselves. But in the current situation, facing this kind of disaster, each of us can only help these capital crocodiles build spaceships to escape the earth without knowing it! In the end, we die inexplicably, don't we? "

Ye Yang nodded approvingly: "Among these fools, you are one of the smarter ones."

If he didn't exist, those capital crocodiles would indeed do what this person said.

But everything has to return to reality. The reality is that he has solved the problem of assistance from those capital crocodiles.

"You see through it, but you see too much."

Ye Yang shook his head: "There is an insurmountable gap between facts and ideals. Do you think that with the current moral level of mankind as a whole, once the constraints of civilization are lost, things will really change to the situation you predicted? What do you use to guarantee this?"

The man closed his mouth.

He couldn't answer this question. Almost every human individual knows the problems of the human group, but the saddest thing is.

Every human individual does not have enough ability to change the behavior of the human group.

"Pure idealization will lead to absolute hell."

Ye Yang shook his head: "Only by combining reality can we make the best choice. But this cannot cover up the uniqueness of your views. If you don't go astray, you may become a figure."

The man smiled bitterly: "There is nothing to say. If you lose, you lose. I won't defend myself. You can kill me or cut me up, whatever you want!"

Ye Yang nodded.

Everyone has to pay the price for their choices.

Being smart is never a reason to be exempted from punishment...

"Your crimes will naturally be counted by someone, and those who deserve to be killed will be killed, and those who deserve to be sentenced will be sentenced."

Ye Yang stood up and put away the inspiration box.

At this time, all the people from Hurricane rushed in, tied up the fallen source councillors present, and carried them away directly...

After counting all the assets and capital chains of the base headquarters.

Ye Yang followed the people from Hurricane Security to the bottom floor.

Opening the heavy iron door that had been sealed for decades, a gray and decayed atmosphere rushed up to the sky...

An ancient nuclear bomb was lying there.

The rust on the surface made people doubt whether it could still perform the task of detonation, but no one doubted that the terrifying energy hidden inside was enough to wipe out a city.

"This is too terrible."

Someone muttered.

"There is actually a nuclear bomb here..."

Someone was sweating.

The name of the source of human fear has been deeply rooted in people's hearts for many years.

It is hard for people not to be shocked when seeing the real thing.

"Send professionals to deal with it."

When confirming that there was indeed an ancient nuclear bomb sleeping underground in the other party's base, Ye Yang shook his head and asked someone to cover the iron door again.

"What do they want to do?"

Ye Yang muttered.

He collected a lot of core files in the Fallen Source, spliced ​​and integrated them with the Black Source, and Ye Yang smelled a huge conspiracy.

It seems that the Four Principles of the Source are not the core of the Tongji Society.

Above that, there is a deeper purpose hidden...

But this purpose is extremely secretive, even these source organizations are completely unaware of its existence.

Only when Ye Yang compares the core files of the two sources together can he taste some unique flavors.

"It's not as simple as I thought."

Ye Yang sneered: "However, no matter what you are thinking, your good days are officially over..."

(First update)

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