Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1211: Officially targeting Tongji Society

The next day.

The news of the destruction of the Fallen Source Headquarters went viral internationally!

The live broadcast of the battlefield yesterday was hotly discussed and has aroused widespread discussion. Many people have already known what the Source Organization is.

They also know how difficult the Source Organization is.

At this time, I heard that Ye Yang had wiped out two major Source Organizations one after another! ?

This is too cruel!

Even ordinary people who just heard about it were shocked, not to mention the reactions of various countries.

"Hiss...really succeeded!?"

"How long has he been in Europe, and he has already killed the Source of Depravity!?"

"I can't imagine...I really can't imagine..."

"This efficiency, this ability, is amazing!"

"The main military force of the Source of Depravity should be stronger than the Black Source, right? It was wiped out so quickly!? How is this possible?"

"Well, it seems that their main military force is not dealt with by Ye Yang. Instead, they encountered the power of the European mainland..."

"That's too unlucky, but even if Ye Yang is here to deal with it, it doesn't feel like it will take long. After all, a Fiery Sun mecha destroyed the entire Black Source fleet. Now he has three mechas in his hands, and the combat power is simply unimaginable..."

"That's right... Even if the Source of Depravity really creates an aircraft carrier formation, it will probably be sunk in one day."


Various discussions came one after another.

However, soon, Ye Yang announced the reason why he was able to wipe out the Source of Depravity so quickly.

Everyone quickly paid full attention.

After all, the major source organizations are basically the biggest hidden dangers of various countries. They don’t know how much they want to get rid of them.

Ye Yang eliminated two major source organizations in a few months. Who doesn’t want to learn and who doesn’t want to know how he did it! ?

Then, Ye Yang released some information.

It was all the flow of funds in the company accounts, and provided some accompanying documents.

“Oh my god… I said before that the nine giants’ business war alliance suddenly reversed because of the support of Tongji Society, but these companies are actually controlled by the Fallen Source!”

“This is too amazing!”

“There seems to be a conspiracy behind this!?”

“Ye Shenhao seems to have said nothing, but he seems to have said everything…”

“This is a slander against Tongji Society!”

“Why are you jumping up and down!? What did they say? You are too obvious as an online water army! They just released some objective data, and you started to jump up and down!”

“That’s right…”


The countries were also shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

Tongji Club has always been mysterious and powerful in the international community. Generally, no one wants to delve into them, and no one wants to provoke them.

It was not until the Nine Financial Groups were furious and accused Tongji Club of deserting that this organization reappeared in the vision of various countries...

Now that Ye Yang has released this news again, countries have to reconsider what kind of existence this mysterious and long-standing organization is...

But the status of Tongji Club itself is too transcendent and special.

Even so, they are still unwilling to provoke too much...

"This is malicious guidance! We have nothing to do with the Source of Corruption! We, Tongji Club, are completely unaware that these companies are actually controlled by the Source of Corruption!"

Tongji Club quickly issued a statement: "This is just a coincidence!"

Ye Yang released several more videos.

In the video, several members of the Source of Corruption were sitting, and their identity information was merged and sent out.

They all admitted that they were members of Tongji Club.

It caused an uproar again!

Before Tongji Club could react, Ye Yang threw out many evidences related to the Black Source and Tongji Club...

It set off waves after waves.

Everyone couldn't believe it.

Faced with so much evidence, even if Tongji Club argued again, everyone had a scale in their hearts and would judge for themselves.

"These source organizations are really evil! Our Tongji Club has been infiltrated!"

Tongji Club argued.

"Or, this is all Mr. Ye's malicious guidance! Haha... I really don't know what Mr. Ye's purpose is to frame him here!"


Many Tongji Club supporters and believers are protecting Tongji Club.

But Ye Yang didn't care.

Now is not the time to launch a general attack on the other side. He has to constantly guide and form a big trend before he can take action.

There are still three of the five major source organizations...

Cut off their arms first, then take their lives.

The storm slowly subsided, and Ye Yang's eyes turned to the Gossett family again.

After this period of time, the Gossett family has collapsed completely.

After all, only the nine giants joined forces to barely contend with Ye Yang's power.

Now it is the only one left, even though it has a deep foundation, it was still beaten and retreated everywhere.

It was directly beaten to the current location of its family, Australia.

"Heh... It's quite boastful, but it seems to be strong on the outside but weak on the inside. It was beaten to pieces in just a few days."

Ye Yang shook his head, feeling a little bored.

What world-class giants, with a foundation of six or seven hundred years, can't be beaten at all!

If the Gosset family heard this, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood!

Are we weak! ?

It's obvious that you are too strong! ?

There is no economic power stronger than Ye Yang in human history!

If the hidden Tongji Society is not counted, there is none.

The core area of ​​Tongji Society.

A group of people in black robes gathered.

"Didn't they tell the person in charge there to press the detonator the moment Ye Yang arrived at the Grand Canyon, so that they and Ye Yang would die together? Why didn't it explode in the end!"

An old lady councillor was so angry that her veins jumped.

"Who would give away their life for nothing? They must have used this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Ye Yang, but the talks failed."

A councillor sneered and guessed.

"Well... Ye Yang is becoming more and more unfathomable. Maybe... he got that thing?"

"It's impossible... That thing is said to have the power to change everything. If Ye Yang gets it, he probably won't bother to talk to us anymore and will just kill us."

"Well... We have been searching for thousands of years, isn't it just for that thing? Haha, I don't believe that Ye Yang is so lucky."

"Then how do you explain everything about him now? His growth trajectory completely exceeds the limit that humans can achieve..."

Speaking of this, the scene fell into a strange silence...

(Second update)

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