Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1213 Taking Girls on a European Tour

"You are really sincere."

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

Originally, the Gossett family had such a tough attitude, but it didn't take long for them to directly take off their own head to negotiate peace.

This is too good.

He looked at the terms at the back.

The Gossett family was ready to follow the example of the Balor Consortium and become his vassal, and also provide a huge amount of funds to fully support the Star Umbrella Project.

Ye Yang nodded. There is a huge gap between destroying a force and conquering a force.

If he really wants to forcibly pacify the Gossett family, his losses will be great.

It is not good for the Doomsday Rescue Plan.

After pondering, he also signed the agreement.

Later, the news of the death of Lulong*Gossett, the head of the Gossett family, spread all over the world.

"Oh my god, this Gessett family is really going to be pushed to a dead end!"

"Even the head of the family was sacrificed by themselves..."

"The alliance of the nine giants has completely failed."

"Total destruction! Who could have guessed this result?!"

"Looking at the world today, no one can do better than Ye Shenhao!"

"I am an old fan who has been here since Ye Shenhao's first broadcast. I am so sad to see him all the way!"

"Hehe, I am also a super old fan who followed Ye Shenhao on the day he gave Lin Xueer a reward in his live broadcast room! It's so legendary! Ye Shenhao yyds!!!"

"That's right..."

Many old fans felt their blood boiling and were very excited.

They witnessed this legendary rich man all the way, from suddenly appearing in the live broadcast room, swiping the carnival crazily, to now competing for the world, and the nine top financial groups could not stop his pace, and he already has the capital to be invincible in the world.

They were all very emotional.

"Although I have always believed that Ye Shenhao will win, I didn't expect it to happen so soon..."

"Well... the nine top consortiums combined didn't do anything to him, but ended up losing one after another!"

"These top consortiums are completely beyond the concept of the country. Each of them should have its own military force, right? I wonder if Ye Shenhao can withstand these nine families turning against each other and gathering their military forces together?"

"Hehe, a consortium is a consortium after all. Even if it monopolizes the world's financial resources, the armed forces that can be truly commanded are probably not as many as the Black Source when added together. Ye Shenhao, with a Fiery Sun Mecha, can directly chop up all nine of them."

"That's right, these top consortiums are cunning. If using force can really solve the war and win, can they not do it?"

"The only reason they don't make this choice is that even if they add up, they have no chance of defeating Ye Shenhao at all!"


The various discussions on the Internet are extremely fierce.

However, this time, the negative voices are much smaller.

Even if there are some, they are purely sour on Ye Yang, or conspiracy theories.

No one dared to confront Ye Yang head-on or belittle his incompetence anymore.

The nine financial groups collapsed in a head-on confrontation with Ye Yang, so they were nothing.

As for ability?

There was basically no chance to surpass Ye Yang in any aspect.


In just a few days.

The source of corruption was destroyed, the alliance of the nine financial groups completely collapsed, and the head of the Gessett family was personally sacrificed by them.

Wave after wave of shocks made everyone somewhat numb by shock.

They all thought that perhaps there would be more shocking news tomorrow...

After all, Ye Shenhao was a guy who would never stop unless he made some big noise.


Unfortunately, their expectations were not met.

Since Ye Yang conquered the Gessett family.

He started to travel around Europe with his sister...

After the source of corruption was destroyed, the activities of the Tongji Society were obviously restrained a lot, and even with his intelligence, it was difficult to catch the other party's clues.

As for the other major source organizations, there is absolutely no clue...

The Star Umbrella Project is running perfectly.

Now all the top giants in the world are working overtime to prepare for the Star Umbrella Project.

This is a grand cause for all mankind.


Before this, there has never been a plan that can affect the whole world and mobilize all aspects of human society.

For the first time in history, the entire human race has achieved a certain sense of unity.

"According to this progress, it is estimated that the Star Umbrella Project will be completed within half a year."

Ye Yang's worries were finally completely put down.

The threats that can be posed to him within human society are already very small, and only the last enemy is left: Tongji Society, which will be a big enemy.

What he has been most worried about is the geomagnetic reversal.

In his expectation, if he wants to survive the geomagnetic reversal, at least the implementation of the three major plans must be guaranteed!

If it depends only on China, then the Star Umbrella Project alone will not be able to be done in eight or nine years.

Preventing the geomagnetic reversal disaster will become a joke.

Now that he has coordinated with other giants in the world and mobilized tens of trillions of dollars in assets to do this, the efficiency, speed and quality will far exceed his initial expectations.

The heaviness in his heart finally dissipated a lot, and he began to travel around Europe with his girlfriend.

Europe and Asia are completely two different cultural environments.

Many things look very fresh.

The medieval king's castle on the top of the mountain, the unique ice spear fishery in Northern Europe, the fragmented port branches, and the small and weird principalities.

Every time he went to a place, he could see some fun things he had never seen before.

He had also tasted the unique food and delicacies of various places.

Some were very suitable for his taste, while some made him wonder if they were food for humans?

Of course, he had also experienced the beauties from various places, and he had seen all kinds of styles.

After all, a successful, handsome and perfect man like him would inevitably cause a stir wherever he went...

He saw the lazy but sunny Rome.

He passed the quiet and exotic Barcelona.

Before he knew it, more than a month had passed.

It was already more than July, and it was almost August.

The weather was very hot.

For more than a month, the entire international community was surprisingly calm. China's new weapons and aerospace aircraft carriers shocked all countries to be cautious, fearing that a small move would cause a big change in the world pattern.

Ye Yang alone suppressed the nine giants, and the economic market was stable. No one dared to make trouble, and everyone was afraid of jumping too much. Ye Yang was unhappy with him and gave him a punch.

That's not something that everyone can bear...

"Ye Yang, you are really amazing! The world has changed a lot because of you."

After more than a year, Ye Yang met the mayor of Paris, Ms. Elaine Dargo again.

This graceful, beautiful and young woman has now become one of the senior members of the French Parliament.

She is one of the star guests of France...

(Second update)

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