Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,214: Sotheby's Private Auction

Although they only spent one dinner together.

Ye Yang still had a good impression of Ailian.

"Mr. Ye just came to France after sweeping the world. I wonder what he is going to do?"

Ailian asked.

"In fact, it has been more than a month since the Gosset family admitted defeat."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Looking at the world, a month is a very short time. The last time I saw Mr. Ye, your heroic and handsome appearance is still vivid in Ailian's mind~"

Ailian*Dargo smiled.


Ye Yang had heard too many flattery and was used to it. He just smiled and waved his hand: "I am just here to see the scenery and feel the culture of various countries."


Ellen * Dalgo nodded: "Mr. Ye was indeed tired some time ago. It is also good to give yourself a vacation."

"In this case, I am relieved."

Ellen * Dalgo smiled and said: "Oh, by the way, Mr. Ye, there will be an auction in Paris recently. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."


Ye Yang looked at the auction information sent by the other party, his eyes condensed, indicating that he knew.


After the dinner, many dignitaries in France also sent Ye Yang out of the winery.

This banquet was mainly to welcome Ye Yang's arrival. After all, Ye Yang's international status is no longer the same as before.

Don't talk about respect or disrespect. Even if it is to curry favor with him, these dignitaries are extremely willing to hold this banquet.


Taking the first-class cabin on land, Ye Yang brought his sister and beautiful bodyguard to the Louis XIV Castle he had bought in France before.

"Boss, you seem to be very interested in this auction?"

Xiao Qingxuan asked.


Ye Yang nodded: "I have a reason to go."

Xiao Qingxuan blinked, but did not ask more questions. The boss always has his reasons.

The maids in the castle were all excited to see Ye Yang coming.

After all, the boss has too many properties, castles, manors, and villas. It is unknown how long it will take for him to come here again.

They all cherish the opportunity to serve Ye Yang this time.

Otherwise, I don't know when I can see him again next time.


The most famous chef in France was sent by the French Parliament to cook this dinner for Ye Yang.

What expensive table wine, luxury red wine, top foie gras, golden baked snails, Provence fish soup, Burgundy beef...

No matter the cost, no effort.

Let Ye Yang eat very satisfied.

Although his cooking skills are at the limit of human ability, he is still very happy to have a chef cook the meal for him.

It is better to be lazy.


This night, the food is delicious and makes people linger.

Whether it is the fragrance of the wine or the tenderness of the abalone, it can make people feel relaxed and happy.

This meal, including the table and the kang, was eaten all night.

The next day, Ye Yang got up and scratched his head at the mess left over, but he didn't have to clean up these messes himself.

"Boss, the auction has started warming up for admission. Should we go after lunch?"

Yu Momo asked with a smile.

"Let's go now, just bring some snacks for lunch."

Ye Yang stretched.

"It seems that you, the boss, really attach great importance to this auction."

Yu Momo nodded, took some snacks worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, and sat in the first-class cabin with Ye Yang, and started driving towards Sotheby's auction house...

Sotheby's is one of the largest auction houses in the world.

It has a good reputation.

These are also the two most important points for an auction house.

This is a non-public auction, and only people with high enough information channels can know about this auction.

So, those who come here are at least the richest and most powerful people in a country.

The level is very high.

Having such a channel has proved one's qualifications, and naturally there is no need for any asset verification...

Twisting and turning, driving through many small roads whose names are completely unknown.

Finally stopped in front of an abandoned church.

The church has no parking lot, and many top luxury cars are parked in the temporary parking spaces around it.

Some of them are top classic cars from decades ago. If they are put now, they can be directly auctioned, and the price is difficult to estimate.

Some of the rich man's followers couldn't help but secretly shake their heads when they saw that Ye Yang only drove a land first-class cabin worth 50 or 60 million Chinese yuan.

Driving such a modern luxury car, it's obvious that he has no background!

In Europe, aristocratic style is very particular.

Aristocratic style is retro. The more medieval the dress and the more old-fashioned the things you use, the more you have background.

Because many aristocrats have been passed down for hundreds of years.

No matter how expensive a smartphone is, it is not as expensive as a phonograph from a hundred years ago.

No matter how expensive an electronic song is, it is not as expensive as a collector's edition of a vinyl record.

So, when Ye Yang just parked the car here, with the background of the ancient church, looking at those people wearing black suits, top hats, and parking retro vintage cars.

There was an illusion that he had come to the Middle Ages.


Those old aristocrats and old gentlemen who were talking outside were all looking for their own small circle.

No one cared about the arrival of this land first-class cabin.

After all, in their circle, driving such a car means being at the bottom of the circle, without any background, how can one have any aristocratic temperament?

However, when the car door opened, the scene suddenly became quiet...

More and more people looked over, and when the young figure appeared, everyone looked over.

They kept on winning over.

"It's Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye, you are too low-key, actually driving such a low-key car."

"Haha, your presence at this auction really makes this place glorious! I am honored!"

A group of nobles came up one after another.

Background is indeed a strong guarantee for judging whether a person has strength, but that is the normal situation.

And Ye Yang is the biggest exception in the world.

What background?

What noble?

In the face of defeating the Nine Giants Alliance and destroying the two ancient sources, they are all ashes.

Can these old nobles tied together be worth one hand of the Nine Giants Alliance! ?

Ye Yang smiled faintly and nodded to the nobles present.

Over the past few years, he has developed a unique temperament and prestige, and has a majestic demeanor that does not show his emotions.

Under the pursuit of many nobles, he walked into this dilapidated church...

From the outside, this church seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

But as soon as you step into it, you will find that there is a different world here, magnificent and luxurious.

Many treasures that are hard to find outside are just objects displayed everywhere here...

(First update)

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