
Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this guy is very brave!

You can't run away, but you still want to turn around and fight back?

He sneered, and the micro-missiles around him flew directly up.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Micro-missiles continuously bombarded the opponent's energy shield, shaking it to the point of collapse.

In the battle just now, the opponent had suffered a lot of losses and had no ammunition left.


Ye Yang's particle sword directly hit the opponent's crumbling energy shield.


Tiny cracks appeared, and the thin monkey was stunned.

Isn’t it a weapon given by God? Didn’t the prophet say that he could be invincible?

Why was he suppressed so soon after the battle?

Who is the fake! ?

There was a trace of madness in his eyes, and he directly removed the energy shield: "Ye Yang, you actually caught up with me in person! You are too arrogant! So what if you know some martial arts! So what if you have defeated the world's number one boxing champion ? He’s just a contestant showing off his skills in the ring!”

"I am a killing artist honed in the life and death of blood and fire! You can't do it!"

he roared.

It would definitely not work to resist head-on with an energy shield. After all, Ye Yang's attack power is obviously stronger than him. If the attack continues, his energy shield will be chopped into pieces in less than a minute.

You can only attach the energy shield to the surface of the mecha and use the purest fighting skills to win by fighting.

When technology developed to a certain point, this primitive fighting became the most cost-effective way of fighting.


Ye Yang sneered: "On the stage, I am only in my weakest state!"

Guoshu is a martial art derived from ancient battlefields. His proficiency in Guoshu represents the highest state of fighting with killing as the ultimate goal.

Although he had fought in unrestricted fighting before, he couldn't kill anyone, use his killing moves, and restrain his hands.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

Every time the sword collides, a blue-purple pulse will spread from the impact point.

The entire sky was rendered by this dazzling halo.

There is violence and cruelty hidden in the brilliance.

Ye Yang's quantum lightsaber held a sword flower, and directly lifted the opponent's purple sword, revealing an opening. His mastery of Chinese martial arts gave him not only rigid moves, but also a mature set of fighting thinking.

"not good!"

The thin monkey still wanted to retreat, but Ye Yang was obviously faster.

In an instant, a blue blade of light streaked across the night sky.

The light blade was like a 'one', piercing through the purple mecha in the middle.

"The energy shield has been cut open..."

The thin monkey looked down blankly. He had been cut in half...

The cold feeling came over me, it was the despair of dying.

He looked at Ye Yang in disbelief.

He never imagined that as one of the dark warriors with the best fighting skills in the Kiwanis Club, he would lose to such a young man...

"This... doesn't make sense..."

He laughed miserably, and after feeling the internal vital signs disappear, the Purple Blood mecha started the self-destruction program.

Ye Yang also quickly turned into a stream of light and went away...

There is a fusion reactor inside the mecha. Although it is small, it completely self-destructs, and the energy it explodes must be extremely terrifying.


In the distance, behind him, a round sun was rising slowly.

Exploded directly in mid-air! ! !

This terrifying explosion sound wave can be heard for hundreds of miles around, and circles of energy pulses spread in all directions...

At this moment, the sky and the earth were as bright as day.

Even if it exploded in mid-air, the energy aftermath alone would completely destroy the jungle below, the mountain would collapse, and countless lives would die in the explosion.

Fortunately, in order to prevent being tracked by European countries, the other party traveled through barren mountains and ridges with few electronic devices. Otherwise, if the explosion had occurred over a small town, it would have been enough to destroy the town.



Xiao Xiaozhu supported Xiao Qingxuan and flew over.

"The one who caught up has been solved, but it's a pity that one ran away."

Ye Yang looked in another direction with a cold look.

Sure enough, there is an extremely close connection between the Kiwanis Club, the former civilization, and the system that he has not yet figured out!

The opponent has already revealed a mecha, but is there any deeper combat power?

He frowned. As an ancient organization that has been hidden in human society for more than a thousand years, the Tongji Club has cultivated different source organizations on various continents with unknown and strange purposes.

It's really tricky to deal with.

This horrific explosion naturally aroused fear in all countries.

This is equivalent to the explosion power of a small nuclear bomb!

It's just that fusion is a clean transformation, does not produce much radiation, and is almost harmless.

After knowing the situation, they were all trembling.

"Mr. Ye, are you sure that the mecha you are fighting with comes from the Tongji Club!?"

The monarchs of various countries asked again and again.

"Are you already able to produce this kind of mecha in your country?"

Ye Yang asked with a sneer.

"This... this, this, this, of course it can't be done."

Everyone shook their heads quickly, who dares to admit this!

They were all uneasy in their hearts. Before, they were unwilling to believe that this mysterious organization, the Kiwanis Club, had anything to do with the major sources.

But now it seems that they are going to fundamentally change this idea!

If what Ye Yang said was true, then the Tongji Society's danger level would be directly classified as the most terrifying level!

Any country in the world that has mastered some fusion technology and made hydrogen bombs has already possessed supreme power and prestige.

This Tongji Society has also mastered it, and has also made a nuclear fusion mecha! ?

This! ?

As soon as they thought about it, they felt panic in their hearts.

But at the same time, they felt it was completely incredible.

After all, nuclear research requires the whole country's efforts for the world's top countries.

It is a huge project.

It stands to reason that there is no way that anyone in the world can secretly make such a level of weapons without telling other countries! ?

In fact, their suspicion is correct.

The Tongji Society itself has no deterrent-level nuclear weapons at all, and the mecha is the inventory left to them by the prophet in the ancient times.

If one is lost, one is lost, and it is a non-renewable resource.

The Tongji Society itself has no ability to build mechas.

This matter has attracted the attention of all countries, but before getting solid evidence, no one is willing to publicly offend this terrorist and mysterious organization with a wide range of ties.

They are all making preparations and investigations in secret.


Somewhere in the world.

Inside the main hall of Tongji Club.

The black-robed people looked at the transmitted data with ugly faces.

The prophet's status in Tongji Club is extremely special and is extremely respected.

They call him the demigod of the world.


It seems that in the more than a thousand years of Tongji Club's existence, the position of the prophet has never been heard of being handed over.

If the information they saw is true, this mysterious prophet has existed for a thousand years in a way that they cannot understand! ! ! !

(First update)

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