Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1221 Undersea Engineering Aircraft Carrier

It can be said that from ancient times to the present, prophets have guided the development and growth of Kiwanis.

Under his leadership, everything went on in an orderly manner.

The Kiwanis Club developed into a tight-knit and powerful organization.

Everyone trusted him unconditionally.

Therefore, the mechas provided by the prophet are also mechas. They completely believe that the prophet's is much stronger than Ye Yang's.

After all, this is the orthodox armed force left over from previous civilizations.

In their opinion, Ye Yangna was just a poor imitation.

But the fact is that they directly lost a pre-civilized mecha.

The entire battle data was transmitted, even if it was explained that the two mechas were damaged in the previous battle.

It is also completely inexplicable.

Because in the subsequent battle, the No. 2 pre-civilized mecha was crushed in front of Ye Yang.

He couldn't run fast, his attack power was obviously much lower, and his energy shield couldn't withstand the opponent's high-energy quantum sword cuts several times.

Even if he is in perfect condition, he can easily foresee winning or losing.


The atmosphere was so gloomy for the first time.

Even when the two major sources were destroyed, the gathering of men in black robes did not have such a silent atmosphere.

The two major sources are their tools. If the tools are gone, they can be remade.

But the prophet is their faith.

When faith in God has collapsed, there is no way to remedy it.

"Maybe this is just a test?"

Someone asked murmuringly.

"Hmm... I think maybe we didn't understand the good prophet's meaning."


"What he said when he showed up that day was that he would hand us a walking stick. In other words, we may have completely used the wrong stick and failed to discover its most fundamental power."

"Hmm...very likely."

"It seems that we have taken too big a step this time! Dealing with this Ye Yang is a long-term solution, and we need to dig more into the core secrets of the mecha given to us by the prophet."

These people are all talking in their heads.

After all, prophets are infallible.

If the prophet is wrong, the entire Kiwanis Club is wrong.

There must be something wrong with their understanding!

Um! ! !

Many men in black robes resumed their research on new mechas.


Over in Europe, the Sotheby's auction has officially concluded.

Many giants and wealthy businessmen might have had similar interests and had the same perverted hobby last night, so they went to discuss it together.

Otherwise, you'll be back where you came from.

Ye Yang originally wanted to take the girls to visit the sights and cities in Europe that he had not yet visited.

However, the arrival of a piece of news made him fly back to the Magic City directly.


Kyushu Ocean, seaside terminal.

"The first phase of the marine technology chain has been completed perfectly. The submarine engineering ship has been built. Please review it!!!"

On the coast, many engineering staff stood upright and looked at Ye Yang firmly.


Ye Yang nodded and returned a military salute.

The material requirements for submarine engineering ships and the like are basically the same as those for military steel. The requirements for many new materials are stricter than those for military steel. Therefore, most of the backbone of Jiuzhou Marine are also transferred from the military.

"Is this an undersea engineering ship?"

He looked at the giant thing in front of him.

This engineering ship is nearly five hundred meters long, which is much larger than most aircraft carriers.

The overall shape is a sci-fi oval, smooth and perfect. If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, you will feel extremely comfortable when you look at it.

The silver-white metal skin reflects the bright sunlight.

"This is the mother ship. When it comes to detailed operations, daughter ships can be sent from the bottom to complete the work."

There were members of the technology team walking beside Ye Yang, introducing the functional structure of the entire ship.

"This submarine engineering carrier has undergone sea trials and completed the test excellently. It has performed perfectly in terms of safety, stability, and reliability..."

After the introduction.

Ye Yang also came to the control room.

The control room also has a simple white futuristic sci-fi style.

Of course, when all this is completely realized in reality, the word future will be meaningless.

“When I was a kid, I saw underwater spaceships in science fiction movies, and that was nothing more than that.”

Ye Yang nodded, at least he was very satisfied with his appearance.

"The bet with Japan's six chaebols should come to an end."

Ye Yang said.

In front of the Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce, the Palace of Tokyo negotiated a 900 billion euro bet, and the six Japanese consortiums supported the Balor Consortium and participated in the siege against them.

The original condition was to bet US$300 billion on which country's manned submersible could dive deeper.

Later, the other party paid the compensation in advance under the general trend.

However, although the compensation has been paid, the game has not been compared after all.

Now that the submarine engineering aircraft carrier has been built, let’s complete this process.

He has absolutely no favorable impression of Japan's six chaebols. Almost 80% of the crimes and bad deeds in the Kingdom of the Sun are related to the factions they support.

With his support, the emerging Japanese conglomerates beat the Six Conglomerates like dogs.

But he doesn't mind stabbing the other person's heart twice more.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to kill people and destroy their hearts?



Now that the sun is declining, the six chaebols, who don't know how long they can survive, were immediately confused when they heard this invitation.

"You still want us to compete... You won't force us to pay another 300 billion US dollars... In our current situation, it's hard to get 30 billion US dollars..."


The six chaebols were all trembling with fear, and they no longer had the momentum they once had to dominate and poison Asia.

"Maybe... We can make a comeback with this wave..."

Someone said something shocking.

The others looked over with trembling eyes: "Are you crazy!"

The female executive of Sanling put out her cigarette and said repeatedly: "The deep-sea submarine project we developed in cooperation with the United States is now absolutely one level ahead of any deep-sea submarine in the world! If we can regain some prestige by defeating Ye Yang, maybe we can rely on this project to come back to life! There are huge benefits!"


Several heads of the consortiums nodded, indicating that they could indeed consider it.

Now the six consortiums are extremely difficult, and they really need a reversal node to change everything.

Perhaps this competition is indeed an opportunity.

Although Ye Yang created many miracles, they believed that even Ye Yang could only be on par with them in terms of deep diving.

If they win, they make a lot of money, and if they lose, they don’t lose anything!

Let’s do it!!!

Their eyes were full of enthusiasm, and they had already imagined the wonderful days when the six chaebols would rise again after defeating Ye Yang...

(Second update)

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