Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,230: National Treasure


A winery in Europe.

The environment here is beautiful, with vast pastures.

Cows and sheep are galloping on it, birds are singing in the sky, and there are many botanical gardens scattered around.


Ye Yang nodded.

Judging from the size of this manor, this unknown family does have some strength.

His men have already checked the details of the Mossos family.

This family specializes in reselling antiques, cultural relics, and treasures.

This business has been going on since the Middle Ages in Europe and has continued to this day.

To put it bluntly, it is similar to the Old Nine Gates in China.

However, due to the special geographical environment of Europe and the convenience of access to all parts of the world after the great voyages, it is much more convenient for the Mossos family to resell antiques and cultural relics than the Old Nine Gates.

The Mossos family is also one of the earliest families to engage in this kind of global cultural relics and antique collection.

Therefore, it has taken all the advantages.

Thus, it has become an international leading family in this industry. However, this is ultimately a gray industry, and they are trying their best to hide their existence.

However, since they specialize in this field, even if they have achieved the world's ultimate.

They are still more than one level behind the giants.

Treasures that are too valuable, even if collected, can only be used as a foundation at most, and cannot be sold at all.

For example, the 1,000 volumes of the Yongle Encyclopedia, except Ye Yang, who else in the world has the ability to accept it! ?

It is impossible to buy it with money.

Bartering is not very meaningful for super giants.

Therefore, in the end, the scale of the Mossos family is equivalent to that of a first-class financial family.

However, the family foundation is comparable to some weaker giants.

After all, the world's countries, princes and nobles, and family treasures have all been collected by them.

This kind of foundation is not something that ordinary people can get. Only a family like the Mossos family, which specializes in tomb robbing and reselling, can get so many rare treasures.


After listening to Yu Momo's introduction, Ye Yang nodded.

It's not that he hasn't heard of this family, but this family is indeed a little weak, and can only be regarded as a first-class family, and can't be ranked among the giants at all.

Nowadays, only giant-level forces can enter Ye Yang's eyes.

If he didn't check specifically, he would really be too lazy to remember the names of these first-class families that he had never come into contact with before.


"Mr. Ye!!!"

As soon as he arrived outside the manor, many people came to greet him.

"I am the current patriarch of the Mosos family, Dini Mosos. Our family has been waiting for Mr. Ye's arrival. Your arrival makes our family glorious!"

The members of the Mosos family bowed repeatedly to welcome Ye Yang's arrival.

Now Ye Yang is the only one who can deal with the international-level treasures they have in their hands.

The Mosos family has always been embarrassed internationally.

Relying on the unique reselling and tomb-robbing techniques, it has become the most embarrassing international first-class financial family.

The foundation is comparable to that of a giant, but the economic strength is worse than that of a first-class financial family.

They wanted to get rid of the top-quality goods in their hands.

It was a pity that no one could afford it for hundreds of years...

After all, Ye Yang finally appeared, and they were all doing their best to support him.


Ye Yang was invited into the reception room of the manor.

"Mr. Ye, please take a seat."

After Ye Yang sat down, he found the girl who contacted him at Sotheby's auction house that day, and nodded slightly to her.

After all, the other party was also very beautiful.


"Then let's get straight to the point."

Ye Yang said: "I hope you can show me what treasure it is, which is enough for me to come here in person."

"I will definitely not let you down, Mr. Ye."

Dini * Mosos nodded repeatedly, rubbing his hands and smiling.

He has never been so humble since he became the patriarch of the Mosos family.

"Quick, serve Mr. Ye the goods!!!"

He said repeatedly.

Then, several core warriors of the Mosos family came up with a red tray.

"This first gift is a treasure handed down from generation to generation in China. I believe it is enough to make Mr. Ye feel that it is worth coming here this time."

Dini Mossos laughed loudly.

He was obviously very confident.

Ye Yang's eyes focused. The shape of the items in the tray looked quite familiar. Could it be what he thought of?

If it is true, it is indeed one of the rare top treasures handed down from generation to generation in China.

"Please judge it, Mr. Ye!"

As a major international antique dealer, the Mossos family has naturally dealt with China.

Now that Chinese is popular in the world, he has also learned some professional terms.

Ye Yang nodded, personally uncovered the red silk, and his eyes focused.

It turned out to be the treasure he imagined! ! !

On the plate, there is a jade seal.

This jade seal is made of Heshi Bi, which was made by Qin Shihuang, the ancestor of China. It is four inches square, with five dragons on the top button, and the front is engraved with seal characters, which are the eight characters of "received the mandate from heaven, and will live forever and prosper".

It has been in Chinese history for nearly two thousand years, but was lost in the dust of history and has no trace.

I didn't expect that after hundreds and thousands of years, I would see this legendary imperial seal here! ! !

"How is it, Mr. Ye? I said, I won't disappoint you, right?"

Dini*Mosos chuckled and said in a very flattering way.

Ye Yang nodded seriously. With thousands of volumes of Yongle Encyclopedia as a prelude, he already knew that the Mosos family must have extremely incredible hard goods in their hands.

But he didn't expect it to be so hard! ! !

His eyes flickered: "What else, take it out together."

"Well... the following treasure is not suitable for transportation. Please move with me, Mr. Ye."

Dini*Mosos knew that he had gained some trust from Ye Yang and was much more confident.

Ye Yang followed him to an exhibition hall.

The next collection was displayed in a crystal display cabinet.

"What is this!?"

His eyes were shocked.

"Yes, this is the skull of Yuanmou Man, which is of infinite significance to the history of Chinese biology and is 600,000 years old."

Dini*Mosos said repeatedly.


"You actually got it."

Ye Yang looked at the skull in the display case. This skull is called a priceless treasure, especially for China, it has special significance.

It can prove that China had its own human-like species at least 600,000 years ago, and it has a decisive role in human biological history.

"We got this from the collector of the Sun Country at a very, very high price."

Dini Mossos said.

Ye Yang sneered: "What collector? He's just a thieving criminal."

Dini Mossos lowered his head, not daring to disobey Ye Yang's intention.

"Anything else?"

Ye Yang asked.

(First update)

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