Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1231 Xia Yu Nine Cauldrons

"Of course, there is one more!"

Dini*Mosos nodded repeatedly.

China has too many national treasures.

A real country is worth countless countries put together.

With a long history and vast land, the number of treasures produced is naturally vast.

Just the heirloom treasures, China's heavy weapons account for nearly four-tenths of the world.

Due to the special circumstances in the past few years, many of China's heavy weapons have been lost overseas, and they have obtained a lot of them.

There are three heirloom-level ones alone!

Any one of these three heavy weapons, taken out, is shocking the world and shining in ancient and modern times.

It is the most important cultural treasure level of mankind.

Ye Yang was a little surprised. This Mosos family is really unfathomable...

There is actually another heirloom treasure? !

"The last one is more significant, but it is indeed not easy to carry. Please follow me, Mr. Ye."

Dini*Mosos said repeatedly.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

The imperial seal and the Yuanmou Man skull are both top treasures of ancient and modern times.

Is there anything more meaningful than them! ?

"Lead the way."

Ye Yang waved his hand and said lightly.


Dini Mosos led Ye Yang into the core treasure house of the Mosos family.

There was only one treasure in this treasure house.

The whole treasure house was decorated in an extremely luxurious way.

Gemstones and gold were used in large quantities, but in front of that treasure, they all seemed eclipsed and worthless.

Ye Yang looked at the creation in front of him in disbelief and walked up.


"Xia Yu Jiuzhou Ding!?"

Even with his concentration, he couldn't help but exclaimed! ! ! !

The Xia Dynasty was the root of the concept of China's world.

Emperor Yu established the Nine Provinces.

Since then, the concept of the Nine Provinces of China has begun to penetrate the hearts of Yanhuang.

The cohesion of China, the most original token of Yanhuang culture.

It is this one.

Emperor Yu Jiuzhou Ding!!!

Unfortunately, this Ding was lost in the Spring and Autumn Period.

In later generations, it was even said that it only existed in legends, and was a legend and a mythical creation.

Whether it existed in reality or not is not necessarily known.

Today, he finally witnessed with his own eyes that this Ding Ding Jiuzhou's divine object.

The ultimate tool that opened the spirit of China, the heart of Yanhuang, and the name of Jiuzhou!!!

Ye Yang was not sure about its significance to the world.

But he knew that for China, Jiuzhou Ding was unique and absolutely respected.

There is nothing else!

"My Huaxia Yuan Ding has been overseas for a long time. Today, the young man Ye Yang, please return Jiuding to his hometown!!!"

Ye Yang took two steps back, solemnly clasped his fists to Jiuding, and shouted in a low voice.


Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters also followed Ye Yang in saluting.

This tripod has witnessed too much. Five thousand years have passed since it, and the destiny of Yanhuang was born from it.

Ye Yang looked at this ancient tripod.

It is not that the descendants are unworthy, but the history of China is too long...

So long that in the long river of history, all the opponents who have fought with China have disappeared in the smoke and dust...

In such a long history of civilization, nothing can be prosperous forever.

Looking around the world, even a civilization that can survive for five thousand years cannot be found, let alone a civilization that can continue to pass on ancient civilizations for five thousand years! ?

This ancient tripod can be returned to its hometown after thousands of years.

It has proved the unique heritage and charm of Chinese civilization! ! !


"Tell me, what do you want."

Ye Yang asked lightly.

These three treasures alone are shining in the world, and each one is an absolutely priceless treasure that cannot be priced.

Obviously, the other party is not here simply for money.

In front of such a treasure, talking about money seems to be overshadowed.

"Mr. Ye..."

Dini*Mosos also knew that after letting Ye Yang see these three treasures today, the other party would definitely not stop.

Such treasures that are absolutely meaningful to China will inevitably return to China after China has Ye Yang, who is so powerful that he can dominate the world. It is just a matter of time.

He also knew this, so he was smart to find Ye Yang in advance.

If he didn't take the initiative, he would probably be robbed directly after he arrived.

After all, in the previous various public opinion wars, Ye Yang's image was not good. He was just a crazy bandit.

Whoever dares to provoke him will be overturned and his ashes will be scattered!

"Mr. Ye must also know the difficulties that my Moss family has been in. Although we have become an alternative first-class financial family by reselling antiques, we still have no sustainable industry to rely on."

Dini*Moss rubbed his hands: "If possible..."

Ye Yang nodded: "I understand, are you trying to start whitewashing the family?"


Dini*Moss nodded awkwardly.

"Well. Indeed, reselling antiques is unstable after all."

Ye Yang nodded: "Don't worry, I won't treat you unfairly. I will allocate you 1 trillion Chinese yuan of sustainable assets and promise to protect your Moss family for 50 years. As long as you don't take the initiative to harm others, you can come to me to solve any problems."


Dini*Moss was so excited that he almost danced.

Ye Yang's reputation in the gray world is not good. After all, he has offended countless international top players in the process of his rise.

He has beaten up all the gray industries such as assassination, black network, gambling, and hacking, and no one can escape.

This circle is made up of guys who have been beaten up by him. How can he have a good reputation in this circle?

I heard that Ye Yang is actually going to give them a sustainable industry with a production value of 1 trillion Chinese yuan, and protect their family for 50 years! ! !

This return is simply overvalued, at least it completely exceeded his psychological expectations!

Sustainable assets are the most valuable and the least watered among asset types.

Financial assets, which are said to have a market value of 1 trillion, are actually not worth much money.

But sustainable assets are different, with almost no water!

Moreover, Ye Yang said that he would protect them for 50 years.

In other words, these 50 years are their trial and error period. They used to resell antiques and cultural relics. If the industry is handed over to them, they may not use it.

But with these fifty years, they can perfectly pass this transition period.

It can be said that Ye Yang basically took over the entire process of their family's return to the shore.

This is what the Mossos family has been looking forward to for so many years.

"My choice is indeed wise."

Dini Mossos clenched his fists.

He made the right bet!!!

"I have never let anyone who believes in me lose."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and looked at Dini Mossos.

"But as a condition, you have to send all the remaining inventory treasures about China back to China, and I can exchange them with an equal amount of small assets."

(Second update)

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