Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,232 He claims to be second, who dares to claim to be first?


Ye Yang’s proposal obviously benefits both parties.

Dini*Mosos had no reason to disagree, so he nodded in agreement.


Ye Yang returned to China with many cultural relics and antiques.

As soon as he landed, many bigwigs greeted him.

After all, the cultural relics that Ye Yang brought back this time were too precious.

They were all treasures handed down from generation to generation.

Any descendant of Yanhuang would regard them as the most important things.

“Thank you for your hard work!”

They knew that Ye Yang must have spent a lot for this batch of cultural relics.

However, Ye Yang shook his head and smiled. This was what he had always wanted to do. Now that he had the ability, he would realize it, which could be said to be a perfect life.


After placing these treasures, Ye Yang returned to the Yundingshan Villa.

Such a big event must have been discussed internally for some time.

In a few days, there will be a ceremony for the return of national treasures. As the person who facilitated this step, he must be present.

In the next few days, Ye Yang rested in Yundingshan Manor and played happily with the girls.

He also went out for dates, movies, and games with the girls in Shanghai who he hadn't contacted for a while.

Today, I went out for a big meal with Xu Xiaoxin, and tomorrow I took Lin Xueer to a charity dinner.

With his current reputation, he is undoubtedly the core wherever he goes, and the blind guys he met before are rare.

However, there are always some weirdos in the vast sea of ​​people.

Occasionally, there will be some small episodes.

But they are harmless.

Different identities, the feeling of watching these small characters is also different.

"Ye Yang~ When are you coming to America! I'm in the final stage of the experiment recently, and I can't get away! But I miss you so much!"

At night, in the Yundingshan Hot Spring, Liu Qianqian and Ye Yang were chatting by video.

"Well, did you miss me?"

Ye Yang touched his chin: "Then see you the day after tomorrow."


Liu Qianqian was a little confused: "Ye Yang, are you serious!?"

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

Now the Qianlong Project and the Xingsan Project are on the right track, and the Qingtian Project has been secretly prepared.

The lunar base is being built, blue gold rice is being transported to the earth, and the ocean development project is in full swing.

The various industries of Shentu Company have also penetrated into all parts of the world, and the network built by this is enough for Ye Yang to have an information network involving the world.

The Luanniao air and space aircraft carrier and the photon weapon, one bright and one dark, are in the military world, and no one dares to provoke disputes.

Everything is carried out according to the plan, and there are very few things he can do.

With his current status and position, there are not many things that he must deal with personally.

Only Tongji Club and the remaining few source organizations have always kept them in his mind.

But dealing with this strange force that has been hidden in the world for who knows how many years is not a matter of a day or a night, so it is natural to live as one pleases.


"Are you going to America the day after tomorrow?"

The maids gave Ye Yang a full-body massage in the water.

"Well, it's time to go once."

Ye Yang nodded. Speaking of which, he has not been to America yet.

Just treat it as a trip. If you can find out the source of America's destruction by the way, it would be even better.

As for why it is not tomorrow, it is because he received news.

Tomorrow is the day for the national treasure return ceremony to welcome back the national treasure.

He will be a guest at the scene.


"Then I will prepare the materials."

Yu Momo has become accustomed to Ye Yang's wild imagination and his character of doing whatever he wants.

So, he prepared to leave the hot spring directly and prepare the information needed for the trip.

"Why are you in a hurry? Just soak for a while before leaving!"

Ye Yang smiled.

"Well~ If I collect them quickly, I can still catch the evening bus~"

Yu Momo laughed and went ashore wetly.

The swaying wet figure of a mature body made people feel very emotional.

"Well, the muscles and bones are transparent!"

However, the spa performed by the maids was very professional and brought Ye Yang back to reality.


In the gentle words, Ye Yang lost himself directly...

The maids can always come up with a lot of new tricks, and he doesn't have to think about what games to play.

In some aspects, human creativity is infinite.

Especially after the maids knew Ye Yang's preferences, the new games they developed made Ye Yang say that they were beyond imagination.

This made Ye Yang always sigh that human imagination really has no limit!


It was not until the next day that Ye Yang packed his luggage again.

He flew directly to Beijing.

Today, the three super national treasures and a group of Chinese cultural relics and antiques that have been lost overseas will be officially unveiled.

The wind has been released before.

Now the whole of China is looking forward to it.

Even overseas, many people have been attracted by this event.

After all, these are basically legendary.

Once they are truly released, it will definitely be an unprecedented hot scene.

Human nature likes to join in the fun, and these foreign friends also hurried over to watch the fun.

China is not stingy and directly broadcasts it globally.

These treasures carry the culture and history of China, and they are also shown to foreign friends. There are definitely more benefits than disadvantages.


Today, the capital city is decorated with lights and colorful decorations.

Many people spontaneously set off fireworks, showing the unique feelings of the Chinese nation for national treasures and the excitement of national treasures returning home.

"I heard that among the treasures returned this time, there are three that are legendary! I heard that there is the legendary imperial seal!!!"

"Is it the imperial seal that no one can refuse, which says 'received the mandate from heaven, and will live forever'?!"

"That's right!"

"Oh my god, wasn't it said that this thing was lost in the Yuan Dynasty? It actually reappeared in the world!"

"Who has such great magical powers that he can bring back this super treasure of the ancient ancestor level!"

"Who else can it be? You can think of it with your ass!"

"Ah! Ye Shenhao!"

"Haha, look, you can think of it with your ass."

"Get lost!!!"


Whether it is online or in real life, everyone is happy and discussing it enthusiastically.

"Mr. Ye is really powerful!"

"Then do you think he is called the first giant of mankind for nothing!?"

"What first giant? You gave him the title!?"

"Hehe, now you say on the Internet that he is the second, who dares to come out and claim the first place? Nine people together will kill you! Don't deny it! Is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent!?"

"Haha, that's right, at this time, there are still people who doubt the strength of Ye Shenhao, it's ridiculous."

"Hehe, there are always higher powers, you fans are blindly worshipping! Sooner or later someone will come to take him away!!!"

"Just wait, I think the only thing that can make Mr. Ye decline is the destruction of the world..."

"What does the destruction of the world have to do with others? There is rice, water and electricity on the lunar base. If it really is the end of the world, people can fly to the moon and live there. That's true!"

(First update)


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