Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1234 Everything has its own destiny


The appearance of the imperial seal made the live broadcast room crazy for a long time, and even caused a great shock internationally.

Many people who originally did not believe that Chinese culture had existed for thousands of years had to believe it.

After all, it was the imperial seal!

The so-called orthodoxy in the world basically started from this token!

Whoever gets the seal is the orthodoxy! It represents being appointed by heaven!

It represents everlasting prosperity!

I don’t know how many emperors and generals have been crazy about it!


"There are two more items that are comparable to this jade seal!?"

"Is there really anything that can be compared to the level of the imperial seal!?"

"Although some other treasures have great reputations, such as the Gan Jiang Moye sword, their own meaning and cultural connotations are far from the symbol of national destiny such as the imperial seal!"

"Yes... This is a fixed treasure, and it is hard to find a few in the world. Mr. Ye is going to take out three directly!?"

"I am very satisfied to see this imperial seal in my lifetime. Even if the two things behind it are not as good as it, this ceremony is grand and shocking enough!"

"Not bad..."

Everyone nodded repeatedly to express their agreement.

"Next, it is the second treasure handed down from generation to generation."

Ye Yang nodded to the military ceremony team members.

"The Zhoukou ape skull from 600,000 years ago!"


"It's this!"

"It was lost in the war and now it has finally returned to its homeland."

"It is said to be a human skull from the early Paleolithic period, when humans could already use stone tools and fire!"

"That's really too long ago."

"It was still an ape at that time!? Humans probably still had tails at that time? I don't know when our tails degenerated."


"That's our super ancestor!"

"Yes, the monkey ancestor from 600,000 years ago."

"...Why do I think what you said is weird."


Although netizens are amazed at this treasure, only professionals understand its significance.

After all, the discovery of this skull directly affected the inference of human evolution history, and human history was pushed back to 500,000 years ago!

It directly established the stage of the existence of Homo erectus in science.

This is the supreme treasure of mankind as a whole, priceless!

"Huaxia has recovered this skull..."


Many foreigners also stared at him.

Although the Chinese academic community had used this skull to prove the advancement of human history in China before, it was refuted and disagreed by all countries on the grounds that they could not produce the skull.

Now, with the evidence in hand, no one can say no.


"The last one is also the most significant and valuable treasure this time."

Ye Yang's face was solemn.



"You are so sure that it is the most significant and valuable!?"

"Doesn't that mean... this item is almost indisputably more valuable than the imperial seal!?"

"I really can't imagine what it is..."

The imperial seal was intentionally spread before, and as for the Jiuzhou Ding, the news was strictly sealed and no one knew it at all.

"It can't be something from myths and legends!? Zhuxian Sword? Fuxi Bagua Diagram?"

"Could it be that the higher-ups want to take this opportunity to announce evidence of the existence of the Chinese mythological era!?"

"Maybe it can even prove the existence of immortal cultivators!"

"Can we all practice cultivation!"

"Haha... you've read too many novels!"

"I can think of a treasure. If it really exists, it will be more important to China than the Imperial Seal!"


"But it doesn't seem very realistic. The legend of the Imperial Seal at least continued to the Yuan Dynasty, but it's hard to find traces of that thing in ancient books after the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods..."

"You mean...!?"

More and more people reacted, looking at the third heirloom treasure that was lifted up with expectation and shock.

The red cloth was lifted.

Waves of exclamations came from countless viewers...

"A bronze tripod!"

"It looks extremely old..."

"Could it be..."

Ye Yang also said solemnly at this time: "This is the Emperor Yu Jiuzhou Ding! The concept of the emperor's world began with it. The epic of the Chinese world began with it!"

"It is really the Jiuzhou Ding!!!"

"In the early years of the Xia Dynasty, Dayu divided the world into nine states, and each state had a governor. Later, Xia Qi ordered the governors of the nine states to contribute bronze to cast nine tripods. People were sent in advance to draw pictures of the famous mountains, rivers, scenic spots, and strange things in all states across the country, and then selected famous craftsmen were sent to imitate these pictures and carve them on the body of the nine tripods, with one tripod symbolizing one state.

The engraved figures also reflect the state of the mountains and rivers in the state. The nine tripods symbolize the nine states, reflecting the unification of China and the high concentration of royal power, showing that the King of Xia has become the common master of the world, which is in line with the "mandate of heaven". As the saying goes: "All under heaven is the king's land, and all the people are the king's subjects. "From then on, Jiuzhou became synonymous with China, and "Dingding" became synonymous with the establishment of Chinese dynasties."

"I feel like the popular science guy above, let me add that the Jiuzhou Ding are: Ji Ding, Yan Ding, Qing Ding, Xu Ding, Yang Ding, Jing Ding, Yu Ding, Liang Ding, Yong Ding."


The appearance of the Kyushu Cauldron made everyone unable to suppress the blood resonance of the Chinese heritage in their bones, and they became excited.

This is the legendary DNA movement.

Ye Yang sighed.

How could he control the excitement deep in his heart when he saw the Jiuding for the first time in the Mossos Secret Vault! ?

The Xia Dynasty is now recognized as the first dynasty in China.

Xia Yu was also the first emperor of China.

The significance of this Jiuzhou Cauldron naturally transcends all others, and it should be the first of all treasures in the world.

"I really didn't expect that I would be able to see the legendary Yugong Jiuzhou Cauldron with my own eyes in my lifetime!!!"

"The Nine Cauldrons return to their positions, and luck will flourish!"


This wave of craze is even higher than that of Chuanguo Jade Seal.

The Mossos family knew before that such a treasure that reaches the sky must not be revealed until there is an existence that can accept its weight!

Otherwise, it would be the crime of a common man to possess a jade without any guilt.

Even if they can rank among the world's first-class financial families, having such a valuable treasure is definitely not enough for the giants to deal with.

Therefore, although many giants in the world have been looking for the location of Huaxia Jiuding, there has never been any news.

Baoding finally appeared today, which shocked them all.

"It was said before that this Jiuzhou Cauldron was in the tomb of Qin Shihuang, and it was also said that it had been smelted and burned in the war. Unexpectedly, many years later, this Jiuzhou Cauldron has reappeared in the world."


Many people are sighing with emotion. When China is now shining in the world, the Nine Provinces Cauldron appears again. Perhaps everything has its own destiny!

(First update)

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