Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1235 My dormitory is quite big


Even after the ceremony of returning the national treasures, the enthusiasm it set off lasted for a long time.

After all, it was really shocking.

These legendary treasures appeared one by one and returned.

It was as if they had a wonderful sense of communication with their ancestors thousands of years ago, making the Chinese blood in their bodies boil! ! !

Various hot searches and popular science were popular, and many people took advantage of the heat to make videos. There were also many novels, animations, and games about national treasures that announced that they would start creating.

A wave of enthusiasm was set off from all over the world.

From China to the international world...


After the ceremony, Ye Yang returned to the Prince Gong Mansion in Beijing.

He found several girls in Beijing, Xia Yu, Su Ziyan who was still in college, Xu Jiaojiao, He Muzi, etc., to have a royal dinner at the Prince Gong Mansion.

There were many ancient court dishes and aged court wines.

It was very enjoyable to eat.

It was very enjoyable to play.

It was very enjoyable to do things.


As soon as I got off the night highway, I headed straight to the airport in the morning.

The F1000 took off and headed straight for the United States...

Liu Qianqian was studying abroad at the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton School in the United States.

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is located in Philadelphia. It is the world's leading business school and has been rated as the "world's best business school" many times. The Wharton School was founded in 1881, which is about 200 years old.

Those who can enter this school basically have a good family and good academic performance.

Of course, the premise must be that the family is rich.

Although Liu Qianqian's family is not rich, she has four houses in Shanghai, which is considered a small asset.

The cost of studying abroad is naturally not a problem.

Soon, the F1000 landed at the Philadelphia International Airport...

Philadelphia International Airport is a civil airport located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. It is the headquarters of American Airlines and the largest airport in the Silicon Valley area of ​​Delaware and Pennsylvania. The airport is the 11th busiest airport in the world.

Recently, flights between China and Ye Yang have just been established.

However, with Ye Yang's status, the other party will certainly do their best to actively handle the flight of his private plane wherever he wants.

These foreign airports have been around for a long time.

Compared with domestic airports, they are all a bit older.

However, the flow of people is still very considerable.

After all, it is one of the busiest international airports.

"Ye Yang!"

As soon as he got off the plane, he saw Liu Qianqian waiting in front.

His private plane must have a VIP channel.

Otherwise, with the flow of people at Philadelphia International Airport, Liu Qianqian might not be able to find Ye Yang.

"Long time no see."

Ye Yang smiled and took Liu Qianqian into his arms.

"Well! Ye Yang, did you miss me?"

Liu Qianqian asked with a giggle.

Ye Yang nodded: "What about you, do you miss me?"


Liu Qianqian pouted: "You are on the international hot search every day, and I can see your big photos on social platforms every day. I basically know your whereabouts and deeds at every time, haha..."

"Oh~ So you don't miss me, then I'll take a plane and run away?"

Ye Yang joked.

"Don't, Brother Ye, I was just joking!"

Liu Qianqian pulled Ye Yang's arm, afraid that he would run away: "It's not easy to come to America, accompany Qianqian well!"


Ye Yang patted her head: "Then I will give myself to you."


Liu Qianqian clenched her fist: "I live in a single dormitory..."

After saying that, her face turned red: "My dormitory is quite big~"


Ye Yang looked at Liu Qianqian with a red face: "Then what are you waiting for, go to your dormitory and take a rest."


Liu Qianqian didn't expect Ye Yang to be so direct, but she had wanted it for a long time. At this time, she was slightly moved in her heart and agreed directly.


Yu Momo behind looked at the two people so clean and happy, and couldn't help but rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Then she went to do what she should do.

Every time Ye Yang arrives at a place, she will choose a new property to buy. Since the boss is busy now, it is natural for her, the chief secretary, to do this.

As for whether the purchase is satisfactory?

It is not important!

The most important thing is that it is expensive enough!

The more expensive the property, the more worth investing.

The houses in the United States are not as expensive as Yu Momo thought. A few million US dollars can basically buy a top villa.

However, what Ye Yang wants to live in is obviously not this kind of conventional top villa.

After searching for a long time, he finally found a few top villas, which are probably priced at tens of millions of US dollars.

"Alas, I can't spend money even if I want to. This American real estate developer is not good!"

Yu Momo muttered.

Tens of millions of US dollars, calculated, is almost hundreds of millions of Chinese yuan, which is basically the top here.

It is not even half as expensive as the villa in Yundingshan, the Magic City, that Ye Yang bought at the beginning.


The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian walked on the road of the school.

It has to be said that the atmosphere of foreign universities is still very different from that of China.

The architectural style is also very medieval.

There are many more couples than in domestic universities, in groups of two or three, laughing and playing on the street.

But soon, Ye Yang could no longer appreciate the youthful and casual atmosphere in the university.

Because someone noticed him.

As a popular big shot, once he was discovered, he would inevitably be surrounded by people.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and had to be dragged by Liu Qianqian to run to the dormitory area...

"I'm not seeing wrong! That's Ye Yang!"

"Yes, yes! He has been coming to me in my dreams every day recently, I will never make a mistake!"

"Who is that girl! So lucky! She is actually with the highest quality male in the human race!"

"I don't know, I'm so envious!"



These elite human students were all talking about it.

"It seems that I am also very popular in the United States."

Ye Yang felt the enthusiasm.

But he had targeted the chaebols and consortiums in the United States before, and these guys actually liked him quite a lot.

"The way of thinking in America is different from that in China."

Liu Qianqian said with a smile: "Their boss was beaten by you, and they were gloating over the misfortune, laughing so hard that they couldn't stop. How could they scold you? Compared with those boring, old antiques hiding in the shadows, they admire you as the 'highest quality male in the world' more."

Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

I actually got such a sexy title overseas for no reason.

"This is my dormitory."

Liu Qianqian asked with a smile: "How is it? It's really big, right?"

(Second update)

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