"Mr. Ye."

Doyle Mason smiled slightly, stood up on his own initiative, and joined the many upper-class wealthy businessmen present to welcome his arrival.


After some polite greetings, we sat down.

"Long time no see, you still look so good."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye was joking."

Mason Doyle drank a cup of tea and felt a little emotional.

It's a long story, but in fact, it had only been a year since he last met Ye Yang, and his international status was already completely different.

When they first met, although Ye Yang had just made a name for himself internationally, most people still thought that he was just a newly rising big man who was ruling the roost in China, and was far from being a giant.

After all, it is difficult for China to produce so-called economic giants.

Those few wills represent the giant forces in China, and even the shadow emperor forces like the Sars Consortium feel that Ye Yang is nothing to fear and is an emerging force.

But over the past year, Ye Yang's many actions have completely changed the world situation and everyone's view of him.

It's really too fast...

No one has ever risen so quickly.

Moreover, this can no longer be regarded as a rise. A normal rise is from an emerging consortium to a world giant.

But now, the word giant can obviously no longer be used to describe Ye Yang.

The nine major financial groups combined could not pose any threat to him. Instead, they were defeated one by one by Ye Yang. Moreover, during that period, Ye Yang also wiped out an ancient source organization in Europe.

This kind of power is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Regardless of financial resources or force, Ye Yang is now openly seeking global supremacy.

Even the giants who stood on top of mankind before, no one dared to provoke him.

When Doyle Mason met Ye Yang for the first time, he still had the mentality of looking up to a strong junior, but now, even he is starting to look up to him.

This made him feel extremely emotional.

Presumably, the only one who can confront Ye Yang alone now is the Tongji Club, a mysterious and well-hidden existence.

Of course, if the United States as a whole devotes everything to an economic war with China, the outcome is uncertain.

But Doyle knew that this was impossible under the threat of the Space Carrier and the Sun Mecha.

Dignity only lies on the edge of the sword.

Truth only exists within the range of a cannon.

In essence, weapons are the foundation among major powers.

"I wonder if Mr. Ye has any plans for coming to the United States this time?"

Mason Doyle asked tentatively.

"I don't have any plans."

Ye Yang shook his head: "The main reason is to travel and relax."


Mason Doyle frowned: "Does Mr. Ye have something to hide? With Mr. Ye's current strength, there is no need to be so cautious. You don't have to misunderstand, there is an old Chinese saying that those who know the current affairs are heroes, and I may not be the same. I can’t see the situation clearly. If Mr. Ye has any plans, I will give my full support.”


Ye Yang sighed helplessly. He was used to the life of a bunch of crazy people around him.

Mason Doyle looked at Ye Yang and sighed, and added: "I came with the will of several other shadow emperors. We all mean this. Mr. Ye doesn't think that I am old and can't help Ye." Are you busy, sir?”


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's true that you are worrying too much. But since we have talked about it for this reason, I really have something to explain to you first."


Mason Doyle nodded and finally got to the point.

"I originally planned to tell you after this trip."

Ye Yang said: "You already know that the technology I shared with you in the marine technology chain is for the Qianlong Project. The Qianlong Project will build no less than 10,000 submarine bases in sea areas around the world, which naturally includes your United States. "

Mason Doyle nodded: "It is true that some people still cannot accept this matter. I will try my best to do their job."

Ye Yang nodded: "I'm just telling you this news in advance. When this plan officially starts to be implemented, those who have not yet agreed will not have to make a choice."

Doyle Mason was stunned.

"As a giant of mankind, they ignore the crisis of the end of the world. They are not worthy of this giant!"

Ye Yang said lightly.

Doyle once again felt the irresistible pressure. What Ye Yang said now was not a joke.

He does have the ability to do what he says.

"In addition, after a while, various disasters will begin to appear. Instead of letting everyone discover the cause of the disaster on their own and having the Kiwanis take advantage of it, at that time, I will announce the truth about the geomagnetic reversal to the world. You also Get ready."

Ye Yang said seriously.


Doyle nodded seriously.

Announcing the end of the world is an extremely stressful thing for any country.

At that time, many questions will definitely arise.

"If Mr. Ye has finished speaking, I happen to have something to ask Mr. Ye for help with."

Doyle smiled slightly and showed his fox tail.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth, this old guy had a hidden agenda.

"Say it."


Doyle* Mason thought for a moment and then said: "There seems to be some grudge between Mr. Ye and the Kiwanis Club?"

"Isn't this an indisputable fact?"

Ye Yang said with a smile.

During the battle with the Nine Financial Groups, a tug-of-war broke out between himself and the Tongji Club.

Although they stayed at the stage of mutual condemnation and did not really have a direct conflict, the world has already understood the contradictory relationship between them.

"Hmm...then it is true that the five ancient sources are sub-powers controlled by the Tongji Association."

Doyle Mason nodded.

The giants are all shrewd. Combining the information they have and a little inference and thinking, they can deduce the truth.

It's just that I don't want to face the weird and unpredictable Kiwanis Club.

"I admire Mr. Ye's righteousness very much."

Doyle said sincerely.

Just one source of destruction spread across North and South America for hundreds of years, causing everyone a headache.

Ye Yang actually dared to directly attack the Tongji Association.

That means being enemies with the five ancient sources and their controllers at the same time!

Even the shadow emperors like America can't deal with just one source of destruction, and they certainly don't have the confidence to deal with the ancient source.

"Mr. Ye destroyed the black source and the source of corruption one after another, clearing away the source of suffering that lasted for hundreds of years on two continents. It is really a great achievement."

Doyle Mason looked at Ye Yang's expression and added in a timely manner: "If Mr. Ye is willing to help us get rid of the source of destruction in America, we are willing to provide all support and share all information about the Kiwanis Club with Mr. Ye... "

(First update)

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