Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1239: I was hungry but didn’t even leave the house


Ye Yang pondered for a moment.

Although I learned some information about the Kiwanis Club from the two major sources of core information.

But he always felt that the Tongji Association seemed to be hiding something, and the Five Source Organizations were just pawns in its hands.

He still can't figure out the core purpose of the Kiwanis Club. If he can know the information about this mysterious organization in the United States for so many years, he can corroborate each other and infer a lot of useful information.

"If Mr. Ye is willing to cooperate with us, we can now provide all the information we have about the source of destruction."

Doyle Mason said.

He has confirmed the friction between Ye Yang and the Tongji Club, and the Fountain of Destruction is an organization under the Tongji Club, so Ye Yang has a reason to take action against the Fountain of Destruction.

Since we are in the same interest camp, why can't we cooperate and join forces! ?

"In that case, it's settled."

Ye Yang glanced at the contract content provided by Doyle and nodded.

Eliminating the source of destruction is what he wants to do.

Now that the United States can provide assistance and information, as well as additional financial support, of course he will do it easily.


After the negotiation, Ye Yang sent all this information to the hurricane.

The destruction of the two major sources was basically caused by hurricanes.

They are veterans and have full experience in dealing with the Fountain Organization.


"Tonight is really interesting."

Liu Qianqian held Ye Yang's arm and said with a smile.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"There are several people at this banquet who are also from Wharton. They had warm eyes before, and some even sent harassing messages asking me to be their lover."

Liu Qianqian smiled and said: "When you see me tonight, it's like a mouse seeing a cat, trembling in the corner for fear of being recognized by me."

"Then why didn't you go say hello?"

Ye Yang sneered. He wanted to give these guys who coveted his women a hard lesson.

"You are still too kind."

"Hmm... maybe so."

Liu Qianqian scratched her head and spat out her sweet tongue: "Okay, let's not talk about them anymore. Tomorrow we will start the first stop of our tour around the United States!"

"Should we go to Hawaii or Las Vegas first?"

Ye Yang asked.

Yu Momo's plan included detailed strategies for each city, but he chose the order of travel himself.

The United States is a big country, but at the speed of the F1000, it only takes a few hours to fly anywhere, and there is no need to consider the distance at all.

The greater the ability, the higher the status, and the broader the vision.

My perception of the world is completely different. When I went to college, I felt that the distance between college and my hometown was already very far.

But now, he really feels like the earth is a village. Every place has his industry. He can basically go wherever he wants. He can even go to the moon for breakfast and come back for lunch.

The word 'distant' seems to be very unfamiliar to him.

"If I go to Las Vegas, I don't know how to gamble, so I don't feel very excited about it."

Liu Qianqian pouted.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"Ah! I almost forgot, with you, the world's top gambler, by my side, what should I worry about!"

Liu Qianqian slapped her head.

At the top of the Aowan Bay, Ye Yang faced off against the three major gambling gods in the world alone, winning three games in three games and collecting US$300 billion in bets.

Known as the God of Gamblers.

This incident caused a world-wide sensation, and Liu Qianqian certainly knew about it.

"As long as you are here, the whole of Las Vegas will lose to you."

Liu Qianqian laughed.

"But I still want to sunbathe first. I have been looking forward to Hawaii for a long time, but I have never been there."

Liu Qianqian said expectantly: "The most important thing is that I can ask Ye Yang to apply sunscreen on me~"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

In the past few years, the United States has been receiving overwhelming publicity, and almost everyone has heard of Hawaii’s reputation.

Especially the Lilo \u0026 Stitch, Experiment 626 Stitch, a phenomenal hit anime when I was a child, which made people fascinated by Hawaii.

"Then let's go to Hawaii first."

Ye Yang nodded and confirmed.

Yu Momo was too lazy to wait for Ye Yang to get there before buying real estate. He went directly there to help Ye Yang look at the real estate.

Last night, after a long drought, Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian communicated too enthusiastically.

Today, the breeze blows gently, moistening everything silently.

Found the most perfect state.

The next morning, the F1000 landed on an island in the Hawaiian Islands.

As soon as he got off the plane, Ye Yang was told that this island was now his.

Because the manor property bought by Yu Mo occupied a full 98% of the island's land! ! !

The entire Hawaii is composed of one hundred and thirty-two islands.

This super estate occupies one of a kind!

The selling price of this island estate is as high as three billion Chinese coins!

"Hmm...sunshine, coconut trees, beach, tropical atmosphere."

Ye Yang walked around the island.

This island is not big, and is much smaller than the first island he took over: Dongxia Island.

But Dongxia Island is a tourist attraction after all, and this island is completely a private manor villa! ! !

"If you were willing to spend money, wouldn't you be able to directly buy the property rights of the entire Hawaiian Islands?"

Ye Yang laughed inwardly.

The house in America is a permanent property right, which means that the land will belong to him after he buys it.

However, he also knows that this idea is unrealistic.

Most of the land has no real estate, and there are also many non-commercial lands that are not sold to the public.

Therefore, this idea can only be thought about.

The main villa of this island manor villa is built in the middle, on the top of the artificial hill.

It is said that its biggest selling point is that every room in it is a sea view room!

Therefore, it is also called the world's strongest sea view villa.

Its design is also worthy of the price, very ultra-modern, and it looks like a completely futuristic beauty.

Originally, I wanted to visit Hawaii after getting off the plane, but I was hungry and didn't even walk out of my island manor villa. Ye Yang was also very speechless.

It seems that it is not good to have a house that is too big.

If you don't come by plane or yacht, you can only travel at home...

Knowing that Ye Yang planned to come to Hawaii first, the Monaco carried Zhou Zhinan and her three sisters and drove over first.

In addition to Ye Yang, who has mastered the limits of human cooking skills, in terms of seafood cooking skills.

There should be few people in the world who can surpass these three top-notch female chefs of Royal Fresh.

"Boss, we have prepared a Hawaiian seafood feast for you!"

Seeing Ye Yang starving after traveling in their home, the three Zhou Zhinan sisters were also at a loss whether to laugh or cry, and brought out the prepared seafood feast one after another...

(Second update)

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