Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,240 Bare-handed KO of Shark

Although in Hawaii, there are only a few of the most expensive luxury ingredients in the world, so the most famous ingredients from all over the world are also transported here. The difference is that there will be some local specialties such as Hawaiian fruit plates, baked hot cakes, and moon fish.

The three sisters Zhou Zhinan are very accomplished in seafood cooking.

The first meal in Hawaii was also very enjoyable.

After eating, Ye Yang took Liu Qianqian to choose a place to play.

As a world-famous tourist archipelago, Hawaii has many places to play. These attractions are mainly arranged on the four islands of Oahu, Maui, Big Island, and Kauai.

First, there was a wave of shopping in the Waikiki Commercial Center. There are still many special products here.

Seeing people from all over the world coming and going, Ye Yang bought a pair of sunglasses, wore a straw hat, and changed into a lazy vacation outfit.

Liu Qianqian changed into a hot one-piece bikini, lying on a beach chair, chatting with Ye Yang.

"Do you want to have dinner together?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.


Liu Qianqian was stunned.

"It is said that there are lobsters and some sea cucumbers under this sea, all of which are treasures."

Ye Yang flipped through the information memo that Yu Momo prepared for him and said, "Rent a diving suit and go into the water to catch lobsters!"


Liu Qianqian was also trying to catch lobsters for the first time, so of course she was eager to try.

Ye Yang bought some diving suits with better materials. He didn't care. With his physique, he would have no problem being underwater without a diving suit. Even if something happened, he could summon the Lieyang mecha at any time.

But Liu Qianqian was not sure. What if this girl was stupid and got her clothes torn by the lobsters and drowned underwater?

"Go! You are stupid!"

After Liu Qianqian knew what Ye Yang was worried about, she rolled her eyes.

"Plop, plop..."

The two of them entered the water one after another.

The azure shallow sea world suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Diving into the deep sea or playing on the beach, Ye Yang did it a lot.

But Ye Yang had never done shallow sea diving before.

The sun shines in from the sea, everything is colorful, the corals and fish are colorful, like a fairy tale world.

"It turns out that crabs swim very fast in the water. They are so stupid on the beach."

Liu Qianqian was looking at a wandering crab and laughed.

"How about we eat it tonight?"

Ye Yang looked at the fat and strong shallow sea crab and suggested with a sly smile.

"Oh, crabs are so cute, how can we eat crabs!"

Liu Qianqian pouted: "That's it!"


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The girl's mind was really unpredictable.

His suggestion was just a reason to go to the sea to see Liu Qianqian's curves under the sea. How could he really think of solving the ingredients for dinner by himself?

Although these ingredients are also considered treasures, they are still a little different from the world's top ingredients he eats for every meal.

"Ah! This lobster is so bad!"

Liu Qianqian was caught in a sudden spot and cried out.

Although the diving suit provided by Ye Yang is made of very tough material and can dissipate most of the force, it is different after all, and Liu Qianqian's face still burned red.


Ye Yang was amused and laughed non-stop.

"You stinky Ye Yang!!!"

Liu Qianqian wanted to hit Ye Yang, but she couldn't use any strength under the water, and instead became a slow-motion coquettish.


However, after just two hits, there was no movement.

Ye Yang looked at her in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Ye, Ye Yang, behind you!!!"

Liu Qianqian's face was pale, obviously frightened.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, and at the same time, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He hugged Liu Qianqian and kicked his feet. The huge reaction force made him swim more than ten meters directly!

The splashes of water from his powerful force exploded!

Stopping his body, Ye Yang frowned and looked at the huge black shadow that attacked.


Judging from its size, it was not an ordinary shark.

This is a safe zone, how could a shark suddenly appear?

Ye Yang sneered, knowing that there was a reason.

However, it was not easy to fight a shark alone on the seabed.

But it was not enough to summon the Fiery Sun Mecha, and he also wanted to see how far he could go underwater with his super warrior physique.


The big shark was obviously buzzing with the splash that Ye Yang had just kicked out.

At this time, Bing Leng stared at the human in front of him with some hesitation. He felt the instinctive fear of the creature from him.

But sharks are the overlords of the ocean today!

Generally, they will not have any fear of any other species without weapons.

This fear made it hesitate.

At this moment of hesitation, Ye Yang moved!

He was as agile as a dragon underwater.

With a leap, he swam no slower than marine creatures!

Liu Qianqian was stunned. Is this still a human? ?

Too strong! ?

No wonder he was still energetic the next day even if he worked day and night.

Ye Yang's physique is indeed different from that of ordinary people! ! !


Ye Yang punched the hesitant shark on the forehead.

Sharks don’t have vocal cords and can’t make any sound, otherwise they would definitely cry out what kind of monster they encountered.

Just one punch, and the shark was knocked unconscious.

You know, after Ye Yang took the super gene potion, his physical fitness was stronger than Captain America, and pulling a helicopter with his bare hands was no problem.

In addition, Chinese martial arts are proficient in the control of strength and divine techniques.

Even underwater, it can burst out with terrifying power!

Few creatures on earth can withstand such a blow!

“Bang bang bang!”

This was the first time Ye Yang fought against such an ocean overlord, and he had no idea whether he could win, so he didn’t save much strength. Seeing that one punch worked, he added a few more punches.

Until the shark’s head was smashed.

Only then did he stop.

“So you are so weak…”

Ye Yang curled his lips.

Before, when he played games, he was always killed by sharks. Humans seemed to have no resistance in front of such creatures.

So he overestimated the strength of sharks.

"Tsk, you hit too hard, a few punches smashed your head."

Ye Yang shook his head: "Sorry, I let you see such a bloody scene."

Liu Qianqian was stunned at this time, just shook her head blankly.

Those who can escape from the shark's mouth are already peerless warriors.

These few punches to kill the shark, what's the point! ?

At this time, on the hills far away from the shore, seeing the red mist coming out of the sea water, the middle-aged man with yellow beard put away the telescope and sneered.

"What pillar of humanity, what great trouble to Tongji Society, nothing more than this. I used a little trick to kill it. Hehehe..."

(First update)

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