Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,242 Saturation assassination? Trillion-dollar bonus

"It's really boring."

The thin middle-aged man with yellow beard stood up and prepared to retreat: "Hey, is this enough for the killer world to almost announce the blood moon? Haha, a bunch of useless old guys, it seems that the throne of the world's number one killer should be taken by me."

He stretched.

But soon, his companion, the black fat man, found something wrong.

"Something floated on the water."

He said in a muffled voice.

"Is it the remains of Ye Yang? Maybe there is his girlfriend. Hehehe..."

The yellow beard whistled: "It's just a pity, his girlfriend is really hot! The best in the world, but it's a pity that she died with Ye Yang."

"Not really, that one looks so big!"

The black fat man adjusted the lens closer and took a closer look, then immediately threw the telescope away, his lips trembling with fear and his eyes wide open.

"What the hell, scared you like this? Even if the body of a shark after biting a person does look scary, it's not... Shit..."

The yellow beard picked up his telescope and looked at the sea.

A headless shark turned over and floated on the sea. All kinds of messy things spilled out from the severed head, and the blood dyed the sea red.

Many people in the distance had noticed this scene and began to run away screaming.

"What's going on? Someone collided with me?"

The first thing that Yellow Beard thought of was that there were other people who had this method to deal with Ye Yang, and the sharks on both sides fought.

As for Ye Yang killing the shark with his bare hands! ?

How is that possible! ?

Is he still a human! ?

He usually relies on the mecha to commit crimes. I observed that he didn't even bring the mecha with him. When attacked by a shark, humans usually can't survive a single encounter, and it's over. There is no chance to summon the mecha.

He also calculated this point and prepared this assassination plan.

But unfortunately, it seems to have failed.

"This doesn't prove that I lost."

Before Yellow Beard saw the mecha flying over, he said unyieldingly, maybe the shark he was traveling with would eat him.

However, soon, he saw the water splashing on the shore.

Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian walked to the shore in high spirits, without any signs of injury...


A bad premonition came to the yellow bearded man: "No...did he really beat the shark to death?"

He couldn't believe this idea at all.

"It's not impossible. It's said that Ye Yang once defeated Taikang Nason, the world's No. 1 boxing champion, with three punches, and then sent the boxing champion to move bricks at a construction site in China."

The black fat man said.

"That's impossible! Humans have their limits! No matter how powerful they are, they can't kill a big shark in the water with their bare hands!? Unless he's not a human at all! He's a demon!!!"

The yellow bearded man gritted his teeth.

"Instead of dwelling on this, I think we should run away quickly... A big shot like him is not simple-minded. He will probably realize soon that this is not an accident, but a man-made one. By then, he won't be able to leave even if he wants to."

The black fat man said.

"I did it perfectly! He won't be able to figure it out for a while!"

The yellow bearded man laughed conceitedly.

"Perfect? ​​You think highly of yourself."

A cold laugh came from behind the yellow beard, and his face changed drastically. Before he could react, his neck was hit by a knife, and the whole person collapsed.

"You look stupid, but you still have some brains, but unfortunately not much."

After Xiao Qingxuan knocked the yellow beard unconscious with one move, he looked at the black fat man with a playful look: "Otherwise I wouldn't have participated in this matter."

The black fat man raised his hands above his head: "If I say I am just a guide, would you believe it?"

In response to him, Xiao Qingxuan's cold and ruthless boot.

Then he fainted completely...

On the island manor.

Ye Yang looked at the two people who woke up slowly.

As soon as Huang Huzi woke up, he wanted to bite the poison in his mouth, but he soon felt something was wrong. Why did the poison smell so bad...

"It was switched a long time ago."

Xiao Xiaozhu said with a smile: "The one in your mouth is a dog shit capsule."


Huang Huzi kept spitting out saliva, but unfortunately he was eager to die and had swallowed the capsule directly into his stomach just now...

Knowing the truth, he burst into tears.

"Hehe, you know, we killers are principled and will not reveal any information at all. It's useless to keep me. I advise you to kill me as soon as possible."

Huang Huzi frowned.

"Generally, the more people say this, the more afraid of pain."

Xiao Xiaozhu raised the corner of her mouth and whispered to Huang Huzi.

Presumably, she told the other party the effect of her special poison.

Huang Huzi's eyes widened and he couldn't stop shaking all over.

In the end, he was even scared to pee.

"Is this a killer with a bottom line and moral integrity!?"

Xiao Xiaozhu said contemptuously: "I haven't done it yet, but I was scared to death just by hearing the punishment."

"I, I said, don't torture me like this!"

Yellow Beard's lips trembled and he kept saying it.

Next, he explained everything.

Sure enough, these were all Tongji's plans.

Since Ye Yang defeated the Nine Financial Group and had a formal conflict with Tongji, the other party released a saturation assassination plan.

Everyone in the world can take this task, and the task release channel is extremely hidden.

Bonus, trillion dollars!!!

"You can't escape, this bounty is valid for a long time, you will live in an endless wave of assassinations in the future!"

Yellow Beard tried to provoke Ye Yang and let him kill him quickly.

"Trillion dollars..."

Ye Yang muttered, the strength of this Tongji Society is indeed not to be underestimated.

Trillion dollars, even the giants can't take out trillion dollars.

They may have a few trillion dollars in assets, but it is impossible for them to take out trillion dollars. Even the top ten giants in the world, such as the Balor Consortium, can only have a cash flow of about 700 billion dollars.

"Even if I die, let me die with understanding! Without a mecha, how did you escape from the shark's mouth!?"

Yellow Beard asked angrily.


Ye Yang stretched out a finger and flicked it lightly, and the stone table in front of him cracked directly from the middle.

"Why don't you ask how that shark died?"


Yellow Beard was completely dumbfounded: "You, you are not a human being at all! You are the world-destroying demon described in the Ultimate Secret Book!"

Ye Yang shook his head. This guy is hopeless.

"Do what you just said and let him die."

He told Xiao Xiaozhu: "As for this black fat guy, give him a quick death."

(Second update)

PS: Tomorrow is the end of the month, I will give myself a day off. I will soon pass 2.5 million words, which is also the longest book that Jiuyang has written in the past few years.

Thanks to the fans who have followed along~

Updates will resume on May 1st.

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