Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,242 Ye Yang's counterattack! The black network is boiling

"It seems like this Kiwanis club is crazy."

Ye Yang sneered. He was not like the upright Virgin-like figure in ordinary movies and TV dramas. Only bad guys were allowed to use dark methods, and good guys could only abide by the rules, and then be tricked to death and suffer losses.

Ye Yang would never do such a stupid thing.

He won't take the initiative to do dirty tricks, but as long as someone dares to think this way about him, he doesn't mind returning it even more violently!

A hero who can't punish bad guys is what kind of bullshit hero.

At most, she can be regarded as a holy mother who does not hesitate to sacrifice justice for the sake of face.

“Also send out rewards through our news channels:

As long as anyone can provide information about Kiwanis assassination channels and prove it to be effective, we will reward you with a billion dollars plus twenty years of asylum wherever human civilization goes.

Anyone who can kill members of the Kiwanis Round Table or above will be rewarded with tens of billions of dollars and fifty years of asylum.

Killing the leader of the Kiwanis Club will reward you with hundreds of billions of dollars and a hundred years of protection.

Kill the Kiwanis Prophet and you will be rewarded with a trillion dollars and permanent asylum! "

Ye Yang said lightly.


Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both nodded.

A favor must be repaid and a grudge must be retaliated. This is the character of the boss. You will never feel cowardly when you follow the boss.

This is also the reason why they like to follow Ye Yang from the bottom of their hearts.

If you dare to put a reward, I will also put a reward!

Not only is there a reward, but the reward is for someone stronger than you!

From the congressman to the prophet's head, they are all on the bounty list for you!

Not only that, but also destroying your intelligence network!

The Xiao sisters understand.

Only Ye Yang in this world has the qualifications and ability to issue such a reward. Only he has the qualifications to declare that wherever human civilization goes, he can take refuge.

Even if a force like the Kiwanis Club is hidden in the darkness, no one would dare to believe it even if they offer a reward.

You are hiding yourself, for fear of being caught in your lair and beaten to death. Do you want us to believe that you can keep me safe? ! What a nonsense.

Compared with cash rewards, for those top killers who want to wash their hands and return to the light, Ye Yang's safe shelter is the most fatal attraction!

The Xiao sisters looked at each other, impressed by the content of Ye Yang's reward.

They themselves are considered to be half of the killer world, and they know very well that the content of this reward will cause a terrifying uproar in the reward world! ! !

By then, life for the Kiwanis Club will probably be difficult.

However, they also know that the Tongji Association can last for thousands of years and even cultivate such a terrifying organization as the Five Sources.

It must be an extremely terrifying existence.

Their bounty cannot threaten Ye Yang. Similarly, if Hurricane does not take action, Ye Yang's bounty will actually hardly threaten the core members of the Kiwanis Club.

But this is a reciprocal mutual deterrence measure, and if only understood in terms of meaning, Ye Yang is obviously better.

In this bounty competition that is certain to be fruitless, the Kiwanis Club has undisputedly and completely failed...


As expected, soon, all the major black net circles were in a frenzy with Ye Yang's announcement of the reward! ! !

Many top assassins shook their heads: "In comparison, the bounty offered by the Kiwanis Club is not attractive at all."

"Go all out to track down the whereabouts of the Kiwanis Club!"

"There is also an attachment here. It's not just assassination. As long as you can provide useful information about the Kiwanis Club, you can get a starting reward of tens of millions of dollars, with no upper limit..."

"It's really fascinating."

You may sneer at other people's unlimited limits. How much more can you have?

If you can afford hundreds of millions of dollars, that would be great! ?

Even the world's top richest people, how much money can they pay for some information? ?

But Ye Yang is different. He transcends all concepts, and with the trillions of dollars in rewards and permanent asylum offered for the prophet, it makes people imagine.

If the location of the prophet could be provided, wouldn't it be possible to get hundreds of billions of dollars at least? ?

The entire killer world is going crazy! ! !

Somewhere internationally.

At the Kiwanis Hall.

All the roundtable members were silent.

They were fine yesterday, but today their heads are hanging on Ye Yang's bounty list.

The first helm and the prophet are absolutely confidential and absolutely safe.

But some of these round table members have appeared in the world!

There are even some who are famous bosses in human society.

If they are found out to be members of the Kiwanis Club, their fate will definitely be extremely miserable...

Many people could no longer calm down, and the entire venue was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

"I didn't agree with this proposal at the beginning!"

Someone in black robe complained.

"I think you are afraid that your identity will be exposed, right?! After all, you are considered a big star in human society. Haha..."

Someone gloated and laughed.

"What do you mean!?"

The complaining man in black robe was angry.

"It's nothing. We are gathering together for the most noble beliefs to plan major human affairs. I think you, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, should not hang out in our circle. This round table has no room for disloyal people like you. !”

Those who gloated continued to jeer.

"You've never shown up before, so aren't you worried about your identity being exposed? Don't worry, if I'm killed, I will definitely give you your identity information before I die!"

The complaining man in black robe said coldly.

"Okay! A small reward can turn you into a mess, what a shame!"

A leader spoke up.

The scene was quiet.

The composition of the black-robed members of the Tongji Society is extremely complex.

Although they all follow the guidance of the final secret book and the prophet in their hearts, they are not harmonious with each other. When geniuses with extreme ideas become colleagues, they often cannot tolerate each other's existence.

This is also a headache for the leaders.

"Don't worry, the Tongji Society has existed for more than a thousand years, and its intelligence system claims to be the best in the world. If you can't protect your own members, what's the ultimate of mankind?"

A leader comforted.

"I don't believe you..."

Some members complained in their hearts.

They are all smart people, so they naturally know that the words of the leader are useful in the previous world, but in the world where Ye Yang exists now, it has long been useless.

Even the two important source organizations were cut off.

Although they are core members, how can their importance compare to the two major source organizations?

"It's your fault for liking excitement. You clearly have such an ultimate goal, but you still use the money and status provided by Tongji Club to show off in public. This is retribution!"

"Haha, it was my status in human society that made Tongji Club beg me to become a member of parliament, not because I am a member of parliament, Tongji Club gave me money and status, understand? Stupid!?"

The members of parliament quarreled again.

This scene was something that Ye Yang, the instigator, had never expected...

(First update)

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