Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1246 Worthy of being the woman of Gambler Ye


The dealer begins to divide the cards.

People from all walks of life gathered around.

Although the God of Gamblers does not appear in person, it is something related to the God of Gamblers after all. In the gambling world, it is the biggest gimmick.

After the four players' talents were revealed, Liu Qianqian's looked very ordinary.


“It still feels like there’s a bit of a chance of winning.”

"At least it won't be the worst card."

"But this is a winner-takes-all game. If you don't persist to the end, it means nothing."


Everyone was talking about it.


Soon, the fourth person gave up following.

"My chances of winning are very high. I suggest Miss Liu not to continue following."

Gambler Max smiled confidently.

"Oh? Really?"

Liu Qianqian had the secrets taught by Ye Yang and didn't care about it at all, so she was very relieved to follow up with the chips.

"You really don't understand!"

"Always following the chips."

"The chance of winning is so small, and she has no brains to follow the cards. She will probably lose miserably."

"Hey, the winning or losing of this one is only hundreds of thousands of dollars. God of Gamblers Ye can make more than this amount of money in the blink of an eye, not even the hairs on his body. It's just entertainment."

"Humph, if there were too many, these guys wouldn't dare to win! They would probably have to fold directly."


The onlookers' words and words are all predicting the direction of this game...

Soon, the card dealing process was over.

Only one person folded midway.

Liu Qianqian followed him to the end unexpectedly and logically...

"Tsk, which gambler do you think will take it all in the end?"

"It's probably Max! His bright cards look very promising."

"I think it's Enero."


Ye Yang smiled and looked at the audience around him. Xiao Xiaozhu was thoughtful and looked at the boss's evil smile and immediately understood what he meant: "Don't you think Miss Liu has no chance of winning?"

"Ah no no no, that's not what I meant..."

"It's just a guess about the winning rate from the open cards."


The people next to him were startled.

Afraid of offending Ye Yang by saying the wrong thing.

"Don't be so nervous! I also agree with your statement, but I don't completely agree. Do you want to participate in this game and experience it?"

Xiao Xiaozhu smiled.


Everyone was a little confused.

"I'll open a bet on the spot. If you think Qianqian can win, bet on me. If you think Qianqian can't win, bet on the other side. One hundred thousand dollars is the entry standard. Do you want to participate?"

Xiao Xiaozhu asked.



Good opportunity to make money.

That's what they all thought.

"Everyone is free, this is just a small lottery. The total winnings and losses are only tens of millions of dollars. Just treat it as a fun addition."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"God of Gamblers Ye has spoken, and I won't hide it anymore. The big shots don't care, but we are still here! I bet one million US dollars! Max wins!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll put down half a million dollars! Enelu wins!"

"I'm betting on millions of dollars..."

These people are gamblers by nature.

With the nature of speculation and big spending, Ye Yangzhen was just on the court before, and they did not dare to play at will.

Now Ye Yang is easy-going and friendly, and they suddenly reveal their true nature.

As soon as someone opened his mouth, the sound of pressing money came flooding in.

It's just that they basically suppress the other two gamblers.

The odds are basically an astonishing one thousand to one.

This disparity in ratio immediately aroused the addiction of another group of extreme gamblers.

These people have a fascination with the disparity in winning rates.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

When it comes to betting on something like this, there is no guarantee of winning or losing.

With this thousand-fold difference, once you win, it will be a huge amount of money; if you lose, you will lose tens or even millions of dollars.

Soon, several extreme gamblers also entered the game and directly bet on Liu Qianqian.

The odds were directly raised to dozens to one.


Ye Yang also smiled and casually threw in 100 million chips: "I'm trying to show my girlfriend some favor."


Everyone was ashamed.

You are more careless about throwing away a hundred million US dollars than just throwing a firecracker.

We are still thinking hard about whether we can earn this amount in this life, but you are just complimenting me...


After hedging his bets.

The three finally opened their cards.

"A, A, A, j, 10, there's a big triple lane on Enel Road!"

"I'll go, straight! Max made a straight... Although it's not a straight flush, it's still a big one. Sure enough, I was right to beat him!"

"Haha, you can always trust my vision!"

Many people felt that the outcome was decided.

Liu Qianqian's cards were of different suits, so obviously they couldn't get the same suit.

Two 10s and a K also make it clear that there is no straight draw. Now that 10s and Ks have been played in the field, it cannot be an iron-clad deck with four, one, and one.

Basically declared a loser.

"Hey, don't underestimate me! After all, Ye Yanggang taught me for several minutes!"

Liu Qianqian smiled confidently.

Several minutes! ?

As soon as he said these words, the onlookers around him almost fell to the ground with thunder.

Those who can enter this casino have been in the casino for several years at least.

a few minutes...

That’s too ridiculous.

"Huh, if you don't believe it, just watch carefully!"

Liu Qianqian opened the card directly, with two hidden cards.

It turned out to be two kings!

"Damn it, it's a gourd..."

"It's actually a gourd..."

Everyone was sweating profusely.

The so-called full house is a combination of three with two cards, three identical cards with a pair of identical cards.

Liu Qianqian's 3K plus 10 is a full house hand.

Overwhelmed the two gamblers' straights and sets! ! !

"Oh, it's my first time playing today, and I actually won!"

Liu Qianqian gave Ye Yang a thumbs up: "As expected of Ye Yang, what he taught me is amazing! Awesome!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"Ahem, isn't it said in the gambling world that the first shot in life is often the smoothest and the luckiest!"

Some people lost money and didn't want to admit that they had poor judgment, so they could only mutter.

"She is worthy of being the God of Gamblers' woman. If she has a little bit of the spirit of the God of Gamblers, she can win even if she fights two gamblers for the first time!"


"It's always right to stand with Mr. Ye! He is the son of luck, the god of plane war!"


The person who won the money laughed and was in a good mood, and even flattered Ye Yang wildly.

Ye Yang looked at this group of powerful patter kings and took a deep breath, secretly thinking that these people had mastered the art of flattery to such a terrifying level.

"Are you coming yet?"

For the first time in her life, she won millions of dollars, and Liu Qianqian felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

Although Ye Yang gave her a lot, what he had won still felt a little different.

"Since Miss Liu is so elegant, we should accompany her!"


Both gamblers are connected.

You must win one!

Let a woman who has just learned gambling for a few minutes be beaten down, and they are still acting like crap gamblers...

It would be better to commit suicide on the spot by caesarean section and withdraw from the gambling industry.

(First update)

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