Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,247 Ten million US dollars? Not even as much as the pocket money my boyfriend gives me.


Just like that, another round begins.

Xiao Xiaozhu did not close the handicap.

These are the people who come in to place bets.

However, this time Liu Qianqian had more pressure, but the difference was still quite large.

After all, most people can see that Liu Qianqian is indeed a newbie who doesn't know much about it.

The one just now probably had a lot of luck involved...

Liu Qianqian still followed the chips every time.

Soon, the distribution of cards was completed.

Everyone looked expectantly.

After the cards were opened, everyone's eyes widened.

Max showed his strong strength and got a gourd directly!

With this kind of big hand, apart from a straight flush, only iron support can defeat him.

The other two had already quit during the previous card-dealing phase.

This one is the final showdown between Max and Liu Qianqian.

"Let's open the cards!"

Max looked solemn.

This is a battle where his honor as a gambler is at stake.

Losing once can be attributed to luck, losing twice in a row is a matter of strength.


After the cards were opened, everyone was dumbfounded.

Four belts and one, iron branch deck!

Max's face turned green.

He looked at Liu Qianqian in disbelief. If the other party hadn't been so clumsy that he couldn't pretend, he would have thought that the other party was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger!

"What the hell? I'm going to..."

Max is suspicious of life.

Three belts and two may be due to luck. How can it be possible to open an iron branch without some skills! ?

He gritted his teeth in his heart and kept smiling on his face, congratulating Liu Qianqian.


"This is incredible."

"I go……"

"I started to doubt the world..."


"Did you really only study for a few minutes!?"


But the shock had just begun.

The two gamblers obviously got the upper hand.

He repeatedly invited Liu Qianqian to play a few more games.

But alas, the results are the same.

No matter what good cards they dealt, Liu Qianqian could beat them all.

Each one is harmless to humans and animals and is extremely natural to win.

Now, everyone confirmed that it was indeed the first time for Liu Qianqian to play. The key was the few minutes of Ye Yang's guidance! ! !

In just a few minutes, a complete novice can win against a gambler-level master! ! !

What a terrifying ability this is! ?

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Ye Yang.

In today's world, the God of Gamblers is always there, and the God of Gamblers are all doing business without any consequences.

In the world's casinos, even gambling kings are extremely rare. You may not see gambling kings take action many times a year.

As long as Ye Yang trains him for a few minutes, an ordinary person can almost have the ability to control casinos all over the world! ! !

This is going crazy! ! !

The way they looked at Ye Yang was not just reverence, but almost worship.

This is the true God of Wealth in the world!

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. Ye Yang can give people the skills to make a fortune at will!

Who wouldn’t be greedy for this! ?

Not crazy! ?

If he hadn't realized that the gap between their identities was too big, the other party wouldn't have paid much attention to him.

Everyone present had to kneel down at Ye Yang's feet and kowtow crazily, giving everything they had and begging to be his disciple...even if it only took a minute or two to give advice...

If word of what happened here today spreads, it will probably turn the world upside down again.

At least everyone in the gambling world will worship Ye Yang as the only living true god in the future.

It is estimated that many people will have to set up a memorial tablet for him...

After all, this is amazing.

"Haha, it's not as amazing as everyone thinks. Mainly because my girlfriend has always been very lucky."

Ye Yang explained with a smile.

Everyone was smiling with smiles on their faces, but they were yelling inwardly: "Believe it to yourself! This handsome young man like you is so bad!!!!"


Liu Qianqian spread her hands: "Hey! It's really boring to keep winning. I won't play anymore."

The two gamblers got into trouble at this time, and they both said in succession: "Miss Liu, you are so lucky today and can win so much money in one hand, why don't you stop playing!!!"

Liu Qianqian said seriously: "This game is too repetitive and doesn't appeal to me. I'm tired of playing it. Sure enough, I still don't like playing this kind of thing."

"Emmm...don't gambling pursue randomness and gaming excitement!? The feeling of winning money is the most attractive!?"

Many people present were talking incessantly.

Anyway, if they were to win consecutively here and earn millions of dollars, they would probably laugh to death.

"Oh, after playing for a long time, I only won five million US dollars, which is not as much as the pocket money Ye Yang gave me!"

Liu Qianqian stood up and held Ye Yang's arm: "This money is really not attractive to me."


Everyone was stunned.

This is so irritating! ! !

They don't think they care at all about what they want...

But when I thought that she was Ye Yang's girlfriend, I felt completely relieved.

After all, who is Ye Yang!

The richest person in the entire human society.

A rare existence throughout the ages.

One person can resist the nine major financial groups joining forces, and many super countries will be intimidated by his force and unable to raise their heads.

To say that a girlfriend who exists like this, and such a small amount of money as a million dollars is not attractive, is simply a modest statement!

After they convinced themselves, they didn't think it was outrageous anymore.

Instead, they felt that what Liu Qianqian said made sense!

They kept nodding...


After walking around and watching others play for a while, Liu Qianqian took Ye Yang out.

She had no interest in this kind of monotonous game.

After all, most gambling forms are simple and crude, and they can even be as simple as rolling dice to determine the size.

All the happiness is on the deposits on both sides.

Liu Qianqian doesn't like this kind of game, it's very boring.


Although it is called one of the four major gambling cities in the world, Las Vegas is not only about gambling.

It is also known as the honeymoon capital.

There are many places for couples, and Liu Qianqian is very interested in these places.

She took Ye Yang to visit two or three places specially prepared for honeymoons or couples in one night, and left their traces in each place.

She also took photos and recorded videos of the process as a souvenir.

This night was very happy.

After having fun, the group returned to the villa on the top of the desert.

In the next few days, we will continue to tour Las Vegas. Since we have decided to relax and travel, we must enjoy the process.

Of course, during this period, Hurricane has been exchanging information with the shadow emperors of the United States.

Many clues about the source of destruction have begun to surface.

When these clues return to the sea, it will be the moment when the next storm will completely erupt...

(Second update)

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