Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,249 Blue Gold Rice, the Second Wave

The rich are crazy about the hope of prolonging their lives.

For example, the stories of the two rich people who prolonged their lives were very famous before.

He Shenhong spent more than 800,000 yuan for one injection, and Li Laocheng spent more than one million yuan for one pill.

Moreover, they had to take the medicine frequently.

As the saying goes, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation. The development of medical science has been able to slightly increase the life expectancy of the rich.

Most rich people will not live to be less than 90 years old if they live normally to the end.

Unless they have a terminal illness that cannot be cured by modern medicine for the time being.

Of course, normal people with terminal illnesses will die this year or next year, while the rich can live at least three to five years longer.

So, never doubt the price they are willing to pay to live a few more days.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, and finally raised his lips: "Okay, since they want it so much, then divide it into one thousand shares, take it to the world for auction, and let those rich people fight for it. I really want to see how far they can fight for this blue gold rice."


Yu Momo smiled slightly. The boss's move cleverly diverted the contradiction and let those rich people fight for it.

Maybe it can also bring a lot of benefits.

Those rich people naturally know Ye Yang's intentions, but this is a pure conspiracy. You can't do anything about it. You can only follow Ye Yang's routine.

Otherwise, there will be nothing to eat.


"This time we have prepared a full 30,000 blue gold rice."

In the live broadcast room, Ye Yang continued to live broadcast and sell goods.

"Stop talking, Ye Shenhao! Hurry up and stock up! Hurry up and stock up!"

"We are waiting to grab it!"

The rumors of blue gold rice have spread like wildfire in the past few months, and they are all spreading in the streets and alleys. Everyone is eager to get started.

This is known as the world's strongest live broadcast room, and it is also the live broadcast room with the least worries about sales in the world.

No introduction is needed, just put it in the shopping cart.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, and no longer said nonsense, and directly clicked the release button.

At the same time, all channels began to rush to buy.


This time is different from the last time when there were 1 million jin. After all, there are 60 million copies, and it takes a long time to sell out.

A full 0.1 second! ! !

After 0.1 seconds, the shelf was empty.

60 million copies of blue gold rice, gone...

Many international friends looked at this scene with envy and jealousy.

They also wanted to grab it!

Unfortunately, they all give priority to China.

There are 1.5 billion people in China. When they are all supplied, how long will it take? !

Alas, I really want to eat blue gold rice!

60 million copies were gone in 0.1 seconds, which made them extremely desperate. When will it be their turn?


At the same time, the auction of blue gold rice has also begun to appear in auctions around the world.

The rich people all heard the news and moved. Many former rich people, former richest people, and even some transcendent big forces, first-class families, and top giants who have not appeared in the world for many years.

They couldn't help but arrange people to collect them regardless of their face.


Recently in the auction world, what thousand-year-old antiques and ancient famous utensils.

They are not effective.

As long as it is announced to the outside world that there will be blue gold rice in the next auction, it will be better than any publicity.

I don't know how many rich people are flocking to it, all swarming in...

Many auctions have begun to use blue gold rice as the finale.

In China, one kilogram is one thousand yuan, but abroad, it is a first-class treasure.

This is the result of technological crushing.

At the beginning, the United States held many core patents and used them for free in its own country. If China wants to use them, it needs to pay a huge amount of money. This is the same reason.

It's just that the situation has reversed now...

"One million dollars!"

"You want to buy such a treasure for one million dollars?! I'll just pay 10 million dollars!"

"You have the nerve to show off 10 million dollars? I'll pay 20 million dollars!"


Such scenes are played out every day all over the world.

One meter of blue-gold rice, which has been divided into thousands of portions, has recently caused endless storms in the international arena.

Various high prices have emerged one after another.

Even one portion was sold at a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of dollars, which directly shocked the world.

After all, this is only one kilogram of rice...

One kilogram of rice is sold for hundreds of millions, and it's still US dollars. Can you imagine it! ?


In the end, these one thousand portions of blue-gold rice directly earned Ye Yang a few hundred billion US dollars.

Although this money is not too much for him, it is only exchanged for one meter of rice after all, and it is still very refreshing to think about it.

However, he also knows that these rich people do not think that this kilogram of rice is worth 100 million US dollars.

Instead, they all wanted to get a kilogram of blue gold rice and go back to study it themselves. As long as they also figured out the cultivation method of blue gold rice, they could build a base on the moon in Europe that was just built a few days ago...

Yes, after so long, Europe's super rocket finally built a simple and operational base on the moon.

In this simple base, they can try to cultivate blue gold rice themselves and break Ye Yang's monopoly.

And thus divide up the terrifying market of blue gold rice worth hundreds of trillions in the future.

But Ye Yang sneered at this.

Just the full simulation ecological cabin on the moon, with the current technological level of various countries, it would take more than ten years to develop it. Even the future company beyond the concept, such as the black technology company, has gone through several months from research and development to confirmed production.

Normally, it is basically impossible to complete the process of anti-research without thirty years.

By that time, he would have already gone to the universe and developed many emerging industries...

What is a small blue gold rice?

Those international giants are really small-minded, and they need to expand their horizons!

Ye Yang smiled and didn't care about these things.

Or, maybe he has cultivated some purple gold rice or black gold rice by then?

He smiled and shook his head, and stopped thinking about these things.

30,000 densities of blue gold rice, each kilogram is sold for 1,000 yuan.

The sales this time reached 60 billion. Counting the rewards in the live broadcast room, the revenue this time is 120 billion Chinese yuan, about 20 billion US dollars.

This once again proves the objectivity of the term "rare goods are worth hoarding" and the logic of hunger marketing.

One density of blue gold rice can be sold for tens of billions of US dollars in the circle of rich people...

30,000 densities of blue gold rice, if you go online to buy normally, a total of 10 billion US dollars will be sold in China.

After hearing the news, many Chinese netizens were filled with emotion.

Fortunately, they are in China, otherwise they don’t have tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars to grab a kilogram of blue gold rice...

(Second update)

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