Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,250: The First of the Ten Famous Horses


The huge amount of Blue Gold Rice sold this time has once again set off a wave of international discussion.

This is especially true after the news that the wealthy are willing to spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars to auction one kilogram came out.

For the Chinese, at least the chance of buying Blue Gold Rice is relatively equal, but in other parts of the world today, there is a situation where the strong can kill all. As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want, and the poor have no chance at all.

In other aspects, perhaps everyone can be patient, but in the face of life span, it is difficult for everyone to remain calm.

After all, it was a consensus before that everyone is equal in the face of life span, but now this law is about to be broken openly, which is something that no one can easily accept.

As a result, a wave of resistance has been set off all over the world, and one beautiful landscape after another has been staged everywhere, leaving a deep impression on people.

However, soon, the smart capital giants and financial tycoons came up with a response strategy and directly announced that they bought Blue Gold Rice in order to break the evil Ye Yang Consortium’s monopoly on Blue Gold Rice.

As long as they develop blue gold rice, they will sell it to the world.

They will never be as narrow-minded as Ye Yang.

The public is always easier to fool.

The nature of the capital group is bloodthirsty. Of course, they say so when they don't have the goods, but how can they share it easily after spending a huge amount of time and money to develop it.

Basically, they will start a price war with ultra-low prices, squeeze Jiuzhou Grain Industry out of the market, and then start retaliatory sales at ultra-high prices. ,

But no matter what the situation is, there is no need to worry too much, because that will not happen.

After all, Ye Yang's development speed is far beyond the imagination of international giants.

Las Vegas.

Basically, they have visited all the attractions. Ye Yang and Stephen Kelly stood at the airport and said goodbye to each other.

"Mr. Ye, are you leaving so soon?"

Stephen Kelly said reluctantly.

Ye Yang is a rich man. He has negotiated a lot of business with him in the past few days. And as the only new gambling god in the world, Stephen does have a different feeling for Ye Yang.

After all, just a few years ago, he still believed that there would never be a new gambling god in this era.

"Well, if you have a chance, you can also go to Huaxia, I will treat you to a drink."

Ye Yang laughed: "I will continue my wonderful journey."

The plane took off and soon arrived at the next destination.

Hansburg, Texas, is known as the "City of Cowboys and Culture" and "The Beginning of the West".

Ye Yang had seen many western cowboy movies and TV shows before. How could he not experience the cowboy culture when he came to the United States?

However, this kind of culture is definitely not experienced in big cities, so Ye Yang found a small town that restored the style of the American western town in the film and television works for a tour. It is said that the cowboy style of the last century is still preserved here today.

Although there are modern facilities, the appearance of the town is very retro, and many cowboy movies are now shot here.

In order to experience the cowboy life well, Ye Yang did not even rush to buy a property first, but took the girls to the horse farm and picked a few horses for himself.

Equestrianism is also one of the Olympic events, and Ye Yang has also reached the human level of proficiency.

He also has a racecourse in the Yundingshan Villa.

The Xiao sisters can ride horses naturally.

But Liu Qianqian has never learned it.

After all, she played the role of a horse before and had never ridden a horse.

"I'll teach you."

Ye Yang patted his chest and said confidently.

"Well, Brother Ye is so good at riding, so he must be good at teaching."

Liu Qianqian joked.


Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan both nodded in agreement.

"Well, look well, learn well!"

Ye Yang's face was dark. How come these girls, who have been with him for a long time, have become old drivers?

One by one, they are almost better than him in driving skills.

You know, his driving skills are at the level of top human racers!

Several girls covered their mouths and laughed.


Liu Qianqian sat in the front, and Ye Yang sat behind her and began to teach without distance.

With Liu Qianqian's comprehension, and the horses trained by the top racecourse are very smart, Liu Qianqian soon learned to ride.

In the end, it was Ye Yang who chose the horse for him.

Bob, the owner of the horse farm, also saw Ye Yang's generosity from his previous generosity.

This town is quite retro, and many people still retain the living habits of more than a hundred years ago.

Let alone knowing Ye Yang, even if the general manager of the United States came, they might not be able to recognize him.

Bob saw that Ye Yang was obviously not satisfied with the many precious horses that he was proud of, and he couldn't help but frowned. Within a thousand miles, his horse farm was the best.

Whether it was Hollywood commercial blockbusters or international competitions, horses were rented or purchased from him.

"This gentleman's vision seems to be very high. It seems that only that guy can satisfy your interest."

Bob raised his head, extremely confident, betting that Ye Yang would never refuse his treasure, but he also solemnly warned Ye Yang: "Although this horse is precious, it has an extremely violent temper. From growing up to now, no one has been able to subdue it."


Ye Yang became interested: "Take me to see it."

Bob stroked his beard, smiled mysteriously, and led Ye Yang and his party to a 'stable' that looked like a luxurious villa.

"This is also a stable. When I passed by it just now, I thought it was the factory director's house."

Xiao Xiaozhu joked.

"How can I deserve to live in such a nice house?"

Bob smiled self-deprecatingly: "This is one of the most difficult-to-serve horse ancestors in the world's horse world."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, becoming more and more interested.

Afterwards, the boss introduced everyone into this 'luxury villa' style stable.

Although it is a stable, the decoration is extremely luxurious.

There are also several servants dedicated to serving the 'Mazu Zong' inside.

"Oh, this ancestor really makes me love and hate him at the same time. As long as it exists, my racecourse will receive huge attention and orders."

Bob smiled bitterly and said, "But it's too expensive to raise this horse! It's better for God to take over this ancestor quickly."

"Oh? What's so special about this horse that it deserves to be treated like this."

Ye Yang asked with some confusion.

When talking about this, Bob's eyebrows flew up. Obviously, he was willing to show off the preciousness of this horse to others.

"Among the top ten most valuable horse breeds in the world, the sweat horse is second, and my horse is the first among the top ten horse breeds - a thoroughbred horse!!!"

(First update)

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