Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,253 Goodbye Black Eyes Test Subject

"Mr. Ye, it's so late and you're still outside. It's not safe here at night. I advise you to go back."

Charmis said calmly.

"Oh? I do like danger."

Ye Yang sneered and said: "When you encounter danger, deal with it."

"I'm doing this for your own good, Mr. Ye. The people in this town are fierce and every family has a gun. It's very unsafe at night. The police will never go out on the streets at night."

Chamis frowned and said: "Please go back to the villa quickly. During the day, I will personally accompany Mr. Ye to experience the special projects of our town. Isn't it good for you, good for me, good for everyone?"

"You want to stop me?"

Ye Yang's voice gradually became colder.

"...dare not."

Chamis smiled: "I have already advised Mr. Ye, and I have... fulfilled my responsibility..."




Many gunshots suddenly sounded from all directions.


Chamis sneered. He had been occupying Ye Yang's energy and attention. Suddenly

Sneak attack!

Still shooting from all directions without blind spots!

I don't believe that your body is made of iron!

Can you survive in this hail of bullets?

Who knows, the moment before shooting, Ye Yang had already sensed the danger, turned around, held Xiao Xiaozhu in his arms, put his foot on the ground, and jumped up...

Although bullets came from all directions, no one would have thought that Ye Yang would jump three to four meters high. Who would shoot into the sky to block a person? !

It can only be said that Ye Yang went beyond the expectations of ordinary humans.

Hit these people by surprise.

Xiao Xiaozhu had already prepared various medicine bags.

Throw it out directly.

A fine powdery mist instantly rose in the distance.

All those who inhaled the mist were paralyzed and itched so much that they could no longer hold the gun and fell to the ground rolling.


Ye Yang jumped seven or eight meters and fell directly from the sky. He trampled Chamis under his feet and almost exploded with one kick.

His weight plus Xiao Xiaozhu's weight, falling from a high place, the force is still very great.

He bought a cowboy outfit in the afternoon and had a gun on his waist. At this time, he raised his hand and fired with both guns.

One shot at a time, no bullets missed.

One gunman after another fell down.

After a while, Hurricane's bodyguards rushed in.

The scene was quickly controlled.

He came out on his own, just because he wanted to come out on his own. The power of the hurricane was already waiting around him, ready at any time.


Ye Yang looked at all the gunmen ambushing here.

Hundreds of them! ! !

"What a big battle."

Ye Yang's eyes darkened.

Those who dare to kill him now are either assassins or Kiwanis.

This obviously can't be an assassin, it should be the Kiwanis.

Logically speaking.

A town-level branch stronghold can hold up to a dozen people.

Something is clearly wrong here.

"There are no survivors."

The humanity of hurricanes.

Ye Yang showed mercy when he fired his gun just now.

It didn't hit the vital part. These people were obviously dead soldiers, and they had planned to die before shooting.

Ye Yang looked at Chamis under his feet. He was not trampled to death, but he himself died of poison.


"What to do?! All the clues are broken."

The person with the hurricane laments the other person's will to die, but is also a little sad.

Death warriors may have been easier to cultivate in ancient times, but in modern society, how many people can be brainwashed into death warriors?

More than a hundred people showed up at once, still in a small town like this.

They all felt that there must be a huge conspiracy hidden here.


Ye Yang nodded: "Follow me."

The evil feeling coming from his blood was getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, he found the source.

In front of him was a townhouse, but it looked like no one had lived in it for many years. It was dark and there were no lights inside.

He waved his hand.

Hurricane people directly…

Blow this building down.

The roar echoed throughout the town.


This building was full of evil feelings, and Ye Yang was too lazy to explore it bit by bit.

It exploded directly and it was all over.

After cleaning up the debris.

A passage leading underground appeared in front of everyone.

The entrance has been damaged by bombing.

There were constant screams and roars coming from inside...

"There is indeed a ghost."

muttered the man with the hurricane.

They are all ready.

A cordon and fighting net were set up near the villa.

Soon, the screams in the underground laboratory gradually weakened, and some black shadows crawled out of it.

Under the illumination of searchlights.

Ye Yang quickly saw the true appearance of these black figures.

The black nails, which are more than half a meter long, are sharp and penetrating.

The head is stretched forward, the eyes are pure black, without eyelids, and the skin is pale white, which looks extremely penetrating.

Many people who saw this thing for the first time were horrified and shocked.

"It's them!"

Xiao Xiaozhu said with some surprise.


Ye Yang nodded.

This is not the first time he has seen this kind of thing. He has experienced it before in the ruins of Changbai Mountain.

A failed experiment from pre-civilization.

I didn't expect to see it here.

The aversion in the body should be the natural rejection of the Qilin blood to evil spirits.

"What is the relationship between Tongji Society and the previous civilization?"

Ye Yang frowned, somewhat puzzled.

The failed experiment of the previous civilization was actually continued by Tongji Society...

However, it is obvious that these test subjects are different from those seen in the ruins of the previous civilization in Changbai Mountain.

Although the whole body is pale, there are blood-red lines.

At first glance, it looks like blood vessels, but if you look closely, it looks like the blood-red lines on the bronze door of the previous civilization.

"Capture these experimental subjects alive."

Ye Yang waved his hand and said.

These experimental subjects have limited performance. Judging from the performance of the black-eyed failed subjects in Changbai Mountain, a few guns can kill them.

Now that heavy firepower has surrounded them, these test subjects can't turn the world upside down.

A few of them will be smashed.

The so-called fear is just because of insufficient firepower.

Why are there basically no armies in the so-called zombie movies?

Because if the steel torrent really rolls over, there will be no zombies left...

Gunshots can kill them, and 10,000 shells will directly wipe out the zombies!!!


Soon, Hurricane made a lot of mahogany cages and caught all the black-eyed test subjects.

Those test subjects were obviously not conscious, and they just unconsciously banged their heads against the mahogany cages.

But the mahogany cages isolated bioelectricity, making them weaker with each collision. In the end, they all stood in the cages honestly and dared not move.

"So good!"

Xiao Xiaozhu joked.

Ye Yang smiled and walked down the secret underground test site with the members of Hurricane.

He was just tempted for a moment, and accidentally poked a secret base of Tongji Society...

What good luck!

(Second update)

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