Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,254 Yellowstone Park, the world's largest volcano


Soon, the base was cleared.

Many people were taken out, some were members of the Kiwanis Club, and some were innocent civilians. They were all secretly arrested by secret bases.

Most are orphans or mentally ill.

"It's so tragic."

"Orphans and mentally ill people usually disappear without being noticed. There are also some homeless people who were captured and experimented on, causing them to become insane..."

Looking at these "experimental subjects" with blank eyes, who had obviously experienced a lot of inhuman treatment, everyone felt some sympathy.

"We have never encountered similar situations during the eradication of the Black Source and the Fallen Source. This is indeed a country of freedom. So many people have disappeared for no reason, and it has not caused any waves."

The Hurricanes captain complained.

"It's not that simple."

Xiao Xiaozhu said seriously.

"The mayors are all from other families. It seems that the penetration of the source of destruction is still very serious."

"The area around here should have been dominated by the source of destruction for a long time. Everything is under the control of the other party. It is reasonable that there will be no waves."


Xiao Xiaozhu's statement also aroused the agreement of most people.

"After collecting and analyzing the data from this laboratory, I would like to see what these people want to do."

Ye Yang frowned.

Making biochemical soldiers?

But the physical strength is actually just that. Although it is much stronger than ordinary people, being shot will not be a big problem. But it cannot reach the strength of the so-called biochemical warriors.

Apart from being more vigorous and harder to kill, there seems to be nothing to praise.

It's really puzzling.

"According to some newly captured homeless people, they were not directly involved in the transformation, but were killed first and then their consciousness was transferred to a new body."

Hurricane members will report after investigation.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this was somewhat interesting.

He suddenly thought of what he saw at the moon base.

At that time, the former civilization was facing great sifting, and there were great differences.

Many different paths emerged from this.

And the experimental subjects he encountered in the base were themselves part of the road.

"What is the specific content of this road?"

Ye Yang frowned.

But whatever it is, it's clear that this path won't work, otherwise pre-civilizations should have survived.

Judging from the black-eyed experimental subjects that popped out of the ruins, let alone whether it was feasible or not, the experiment itself was not successful.


"Based on preliminary analysis, these creatures should be replaced with new bodies. The specific functions of this new body still need to be analysed."

After looking at the underground experimental base, Ye Yang nodded.

The town has been cordoned off.

It is impossible to support such a huge underground experimental base with so few people. In the small town, it is estimated that many residents are people from the source of destruction.

This review process is bound to be brutal and lengthy.

The next day, Ye Yang received a call from Watson, a black technology company.

"Boss, we already know the specific function of the red ore dug out of the former civilization's submarine base."

Watson said again and again.


Ye Yang kept saying: "Send me the specific situation."

He looked at the report sent by Watson and frowned.

Due to the dual effects of undersea high pressure and volcanic high temperature, this ore has extremely special properties. In many industrial aspects, it has significance that transcends the times.

But, most importantly, its role in electromagnetism!

If this ore is used as the core to create a submagnetic field generator, the function will be at least ten times higher than before!

"A treasure indeed."

Ye Yang was extremely emotional.

However, he was also a little confused, why did pre-civilizations mine this mineral?

Could it be that the other party was also facing the disaster of geomagnetic reversal?

If you put it that way, is the Great Screening actually a set of inherent procedures? ?

The content is actually the same! ?

The thought made him shudder.

If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that this is not a random random choice of nature, but...

Some kind of rule.

But even if they are rules, they cannot necessarily be man-made. The laws of physics are also rules. Are they also formulated by a certain civilization? ?


However, the technological level of previous civilizations that allowed them to build bases on the moon should not have been destroyed by a disaster such as geomagnetic reversal.

Although this kind of disaster is enough to destroy civilized society, if we say that civilization becomes extinct, its inheritance will be completely cut off.

This is impossible, let alone pre-civilization.

Even if human civilization has not developed black technology, it will never be completely destroyed in such a disaster...

Preparing enough food and digging a few large enough dungeons will be enough to preserve a lot of civilization fires...


The hidden worries in his heart were still getting worse.

After all, the so-called great screening and geomagnetic reversal may be just the beginning.

Can humans really survive this? !

He drummed his fingers on the table.

Nowadays, human beings are not even as technological as the previous civilizations. He used black technology companies to forcibly elevate everything.


the next day.

Towns that continue to be sealed off will definitely not be able to continue playing.

Ye Yang took Liu Qianqian and others directly onto the plane and flew to Wyoming. The next destination was Yellowstone Park.

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most famous attractions in the United States. The super volcano in it: the Yellowstone Supervolcano, is enough to make it world-famous.

The Yellowstone Supervolcano is a supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. It is the largest and still active supervolcano in the world today.

It is said that once it breaks out, it will destroy most of the land in the United States, and a quarter of the world's surface will suffer serious damage!

The impact will soon spread around the world, and some species will become extinct.

It is one of the most dangerous hidden dangers of a world-destroying disaster.

After the plane landed, everyone quickly arrived at the entrance of Yellowstone Park.

"This park is big enough."

Xiao Qingxuan muttered.

"Yes, the transportation in the park is convenient. The mountain-ring highway is more than 500 kilometers long, connecting the main attractions in various scenic spots. There are more than 1,500 kilometers of hiking trails..."

Xiao Xiaozhu added: "This is the world's first national park. It covers an area of ​​900,000 hectares and spans three states."

"This is a private make-up lesson in advance!"

Xiao Qingxuan patted Xiao Xiaozhu on the shoulder: "This trip depends on you!"

Xiao Xiaozhu rolled his eyes: "When did I rely on you? We are the ones who come up with the idea every time."


Xiao Qingxuan shrugged moodily, muttered and walked away.

Those who come here can either drive by car or go back after a short walk.

But you can't take a detailed tour by car, but this doesn't bother Ye Yang.

The black technology company has already prepared several external mechanical skeletons for them here.

It can be called home travel, fighting with bricks, killing people and stealing goods, the best artifact...

(...first update...)

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