Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1255 Ye Shenhao? King of Beasts?


The Hurricane members who were waiting to deliver the mechanical skeleton saluted Ye Yang when they saw him coming.


Ye Yang nodded.

"The geological activity of Yellowstone Volcano has become more and more active recently. We are worried that something unexpected will happen, so we have arranged people to go in in advance."

Someone said.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise: "You mean, there is a risk of Yellowstone Volcano erupting in the near future!?"



Ye Yang frowned.

It seems that this disaster may not only be a geomagnetic reversal, he needs to be more prepared.

"And the source of destruction seems to have some connection with this place. We just intercepted a communication from them that mentioned this place. We haven't figured out what the relationship between this place and the source of destruction is."

The Hurricane member reported.

"They are always indispensable for things related to disasters."

Ye Yang frowned and said coldly.

After putting on the external skeleton, everyone entered Yellowstone Park.

The scenery in Yellowstone Park is indeed very beautiful.

Colorful lakes on the ground, gushing waterfalls, endless plains and canyons carved by knives and axes.

And all kinds of wild animals that are unique to this place.

"This fountain sprays so high!"

Xiao Xiaozhu said with a sly smile.

"That's right."

Xiao Qingxuan touched his chin: "It's probably almost a hundred meters."

Xiao Xiaozhu said: "This should be the legendary Steamboat Geyser. Yellowstone Park has more than 10,000 hot springs, including 500 geysers - accounting for two-thirds of the total number of geysers on the earth, and is the most concentrated area of ​​geysers.

Steamboat Geyser is the most famous one. The water it sprays can reach 91.4 meters high. Not only is it violent, but the intervals are short and the number of times is high. It directly broke the world record!"

Crossing the sunny highway, passing by the magnificent geysers and colorful prisms everywhere, passing through the tranquil Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone Falls, and Yellowstone Grand Canyon, along the way, I saw many wild animals, herds of American bison, and often elk and antelope...

"Look, the elk are fighting!"

Liu Qianqian pointed repeatedly.

"Those are reindeer. They should be fighting for territory or mates, right?"

Xiao Xiaozhu reminded.

Liu Qianqian had only seen this kind of scene of big bucks fighting in documentaries, and now she felt that she had learned something new.

When crossing the plains, she also saw little bears playing on the grassland, and sometimes she could see eagles flying across the sky.

The entire park is densely forested, and traces of grizzly bears or giant black bears can be found in the depths of the park or on the roads.

"With so many wild animals, wouldn't it be very dangerous for tourists to visit?"

Liu Qianqian asked in confusion.

"This is why there are so few foreigners."

Xiao Xiaozhu pointed to a foreign anchor in hunter's clothing in the distance who came to the depths of Yellowstone Park to do an adventure live broadcast.

At this time, the other party was switching the camera with a beaming face, introducing various wild animals to the audience.

This is an animal protection area, but it does not stop tourists who really want to go deeper. As long as they are responsible for their own life and death and do not actively harm wild animals, they will be allowed in.

There were also some small episodes in the middle.

Large animals have intelligence and have seen the power of human long-barreled weapons, but Ye Yang and his companions obviously did not have guns in their hands. Several big bears roared and wanted to eat Ye Yang and his companions as lunch.


The giant bear stood up and pounced on Ye Yang and his companions...

Unfortunately, under Ye Yang's iron fist, a few punches turned these black bears and grizzly bears into mounts.

He had his own exclusive mount directly in the mountains and forests.

In the distance, several foreign anchors who were trembling with fear and struggling whether to come to help were dumbfounded when they saw this scene and knelt directly.


He beat the big bear into his mount with a few punches...

After the camera was adjusted closer.

Only then did he recognize that the Chinese man was Ye Yang.

"It turns out to be Ye Shenhao, that's not surprising."

"That's right, let alone a few bears, even if a dragon comes, he will cut off its wings."


"I feel the same way..."

After all, the first human being before, Contai Nason, could fight a black bear alone.

But such a strong man was beaten by Ye Yang with just three punches, and he went directly to the Chinese construction site to move bricks.

Chinese martial arts are really amazing!

The foreign guys all admired him very much. Today, they finally saw the actual live broadcast of Ye Yang's martial arts in the wild, which made them very excited.

"I didn't believe that humans could do this before, but today I've seen it."

"Yes, yes, Ye Shenhao is really worthy of his reputation!"

"I thought there must be something shady about the first boxing champion losing to him. After all, he is so rich and powerful, how dare a boxing champion fight him. Today I've really seen it. Such a big bear, much taller than an adult human, right? He was beaten down with just one punch!!!"

"I'm kneeling!"

"Can he really be called a human?"


The live broadcast room was in full swing, and the discussion was overwhelming.

These guys who challenged themselves to live broadcast in the depths of the forest were also very lucky today.

Meeting Ye Yang, a man with a hot search physique, made them experience what it means to be popular.

Their live broadcast rooms were directly pushed to the top.

"Go and say hello to Mr. Ye!"

"I don't think it's that easy. Such a big shot, can you just approach him easily?"

"I advise the anchor to think twice. Don't let the sniper guards hidden in the dark by Ye Shenhao mistake you for an assassin. If they shoot you in the head, will you be wronged?"

"Well, I think it's very likely."


The guys who wanted to go up and worship him were stunned in an instant and said they would forget it.

"We'll just follow him from a distance."

"Yes, yes."

The guys have made up their minds.

Since their live broadcast room has not been blocked for such a long time, Ye Shenhao should not care about these.

The audience was amazed along the way. Ye Yang was able to subdue dragons and tigers, and no beast could stop him.

Soon, a bunch of ferocious beasts followed him.

They were aggressive, like the king of Yellowstone Park patrolling the four directions.

Within a radius of several kilometers, all other beasts fled at the sight of the wind, and those who didn't have time to escape all bowed their heads and obeyed obediently, looking extremely well-behaved.

"This, this is too outrageous..."

The audience was all stunned.

(Second update)

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