Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1256: Sudden Earthquake


Soon, they came to the location of the Yellowstone volcanoes.

In fact, the entire Yellowstone Park underground is a volcanic lava reservoir, and the lava stock is equivalent to 1,100 times the water storage capacity of the Three Gorges Dam.

The volcanic explosion scene at the beginning of the 2012 doomsday movie that was popular around the world was about the Yellowstone supervolcano eruption.

The Yellowstone Park volcano is not like a volcano like Mount Fuji. It has an eruption vent that stands there and can be seen at a glance.

This is a group of volcanoes scattered throughout the park.

Now they came to the largest possible eruption vent.


A slight shaking feeling came over me.

"Is there an earthquake?"

No one panicked.

After all, this is a plain, so as long as the earthquake doesn't cause the ground to crack, there won't be any problem.

Most of the previous earthquake casualties were caused by secondary disasters such as house collapse in cities and towns or landslides and falling objects from high altitudes.

The Yellowstone Volcano is an active volcano with very frequent geological activities. Thousands of minor earthquakes once erupted within a month.

Therefore, everyone who was traveling felt that this was nothing.

But soon, everyone realized something was wrong.

"It feels like the shaking is getting worse and worse, and the energy is very strong."

"It can't be such a coincidence. Although the Yellowstone volcano is about to erupt, why did it happen today?"

"Run quickly..."

The few live broadcast guys who followed behind were even more panicked and ran away quickly.

Ye Yang frowned, this shock made people feel that something was wrong.

No matter how powerful the earthquake is, it will always take more than ten seconds for the earthquake to turn into earth-shattering energy, but now it only takes a few seconds for the ground to begin to crack! ! !

Is it really going to break out?

He frowned, and the external mechanical skeleton began to explode with energy.

As soon as he stepped out, he was ejected more than ten meters.

In just a few seconds, as soon as I left the place where I was standing, the ground collapsed completely, and high-temperature strong acidic water vapor burst out from it. As long as you are still a living thing, you will lose at least half your life if you are in it. !

As soon as he landed, the ground beneath his feet began to collapse.

Several people retreated violently again.

Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan's reflexes were enough to avoid them, but Liu Qianqian was a little clumsy.

Ye Yang shook his head and directly held the princess in his arms.

Then he moved around.

The whole process can be said to be full of dangers.

Ye Yang frowned and looked at the foreign live broadcast boys who were running away in the distance. The earthquake there was obviously not severe, and they were only less than two thousand meters apart.

This side looks like the world has been destroyed, but the other side is just shaking violently. ,

Moreover, the ground collapse seemed to be intelligent, chasing them closely.

Wherever they went, the ground began to collapse.

If this is a coincidence, it would be too much of a coincidence.


Just like this, after about twenty seconds of danger, the twinkling light of the Lieyang Mecha finally flashed from the horizon.

"Chi chi chi..."

The three mechas directly connected with the three people in mid-air.

Several people flew upwards and floated in mid-air.

These strong acidic and hot water vapors can only erupt to a height of about a hundred meters at most, and there is nothing they can do about it.


Standing high enough to see clearly, it seemed that only a small area on the entire ground was experiencing earthquakes, and the collapse area was indeed only the part of the land they were standing on just now.

Ever since they were suspended in mid-air, the tremors began to weaken sharply.

Finally, it returned to peace.


"What a strange earthquake."

Xiao Qingxuan realized something was wrong: "Sister Xiaozhu, you wouldn't tell me that this is also a characteristic earthquake in Yellowstone Park, right?"

Xiao Xiaozhu shook his head repeatedly: "I haven't heard of it, there must be something hidden."

"The members of the Hurricane said before that it seems that the source of destruction has some connection with this place. Could it be their fault?"

Xiao Qingxuan asked.

"No way?"

Xiao Xiaozhu frowned: "If they had mastered the technology to trigger earthquakes accurately, would they still be hiding in the dark like mice?"

After all, in terms of energy level.

The energy required to control an earthquake is much greater than a nuclear bomb! ! !

That's no joke. If they really mastered this technology, they would definitely not be as content as they are now and would have openly stood up to threaten the world.

After all, the reason why the Kiwanis Club and the Five Sources Organization are hidden in the darkness is that their own ideological dangers are only one of the reasons. The biggest problem is that they do not have enough force to fight against the world.

"Maybe there are a lot of restrictions."

Ye Yang guessed.

There are many people who want to kill him, but the only ones who have the ability to pull off today's scene are basically the Kiwanis Club.

If other countries suddenly have weapons of this level, it is absolutely impossible for him to not know about it with his current intelligence capabilities.

The only one who could hide it from his eyes and create such a thing was the Kiwanis Club.


"Did it succeed?"

There is an extremely secret underground base hidden among the canyon walls of Yellowstone Park. This base has existed for a long time, but it has never been discovered.

"It was a miscalculation. They were wearing improved mechanical exoskeletons, and none of them were killed."

Another voice came.

"How could this happen?"

It was difficult for Ye Yang to get information about Tongji Club. Similarly, it was difficult for Tongji Club to infiltrate Hurricane and get information. They didn't even get any information in advance about whether Ye Yang and his party wore exoskeletons today.

They had tried their best to get information about Ye Yang's visit to Yellowstone Park.

However, just now, the information they had worked so hard to get was actually leaked to the world by a few live broadcast guys, which really made them dizzy. Ye Yang never wanted to hide his itinerary at all! ! !

"This is a loss of both the wife and the army. I just hope that Ye Yang will not follow the clues to find us out."

"There are still too many problems with our earthquake generator. The flaws are obvious. I have long disapproved of us using this thing to deal with Ye Yang."

"He is growing too fast. As long as there is a slight chance, the headquarters will do everything they can to kill him. Our failure has long been taken into account by the headquarters."

"From the beginning, we were just a chess piece for testing."

"Impossible! Our Yellowstone base is so important. I don't believe that the headquarters can just give up on us!!!"

"Yes, we are the ultimate weapon to deter and control America after the future. How could the headquarters choose to sacrifice us?"

"Okay, no need to argue anymore."

The base commander frowned: "It has been said above that we will never have any problems. Someone will die for us in this matter."

(First update)

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