Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,257 It’s Not Simple

"Wow wow wow..."

Soon, the Yellowstone Park police arrived to help explore the site.

Cleaning up strong acid mist is very troublesome, and the personnel accompanying the hurricane did not bring relevant equipment. However, these local police forces often deal with this kind of problem, so they can handle it quite quickly.

Some suspicious people were even captured, but these people had heavy firepower and resisted fiercely. After a battle, they were either beaten to death or committed suicide by taking poison.

There are dozens of people.

The few who were still able to speak were tortured and tortured before they could tell the 'truth'.

They are members of the Source of Destruction, which recently developed an earthquake generator.

Can be used to create earthquakes.

After getting the information that Ye Yang was coming to Yellowstone Park, they sent them to install this kind of earthquake generator, hoping to use the high-temperature steam and strong acid substances here to kill Ye Yang here.

Everything was said in a clear and logical manner, and some intelligence links were even knocked out.

They also captured dozens of members of the Source of Destruction.

Everything seemed to make sense.

"Something feels wrong."

Xiao Xiaozhu muttered.

According to the few captured Black Source members, these earthquake generators are disposable and use the principles of resonance and high-energy explosion to trigger earthquakes.

Therefore, the seismic generator they found was also scrapped. Similarly, this could also prevent the assassination from failing and the seismic generator technology being taken away by Ye Yang.

Makes sense.

After Ye Yang pondered, he wanted to hand over the fragments to a black technology company for research and analysis, but was strongly rejected by the Yellowstone Park police.

"Is it possible that they are afraid that we will develop this technology?"

Now, although the United States officially admits that it supports the entry of hurricanes to help deal with the source of destruction, it is still in a competitive relationship with China, and Ye Yang is aware of the other party's concerns.

"Haha, let me tell you, what do they have to be afraid of? Our aerospace aircraft carrier and Sun mecha have already crushed them physically. Even if we really develop this earthquake generator, it will be an additional means of deterrence. That’s all.”

Xiao Qingxuan sneered.

If there are too many lice and we are not afraid of bites, why should America be worried?

Ye Yang shook his head.

"It won't be that simple."

He said calmly.

He has had so many interactions with the Kiwanis Club that he knows their temper and difficulty.

No matter what this time, the cracking process seems a bit too simple.

No matter how outrageous and complicated it is to speculate on this kind of organization, it is impossible to overestimate it.

"In short, everything about the source of destruction must be broken down and investigated. The remains of the earthquake generator must be obtained and studied. This must not be retreated."

Ye Yang said coldly.

He didn't believe the analysis reports from the United States at all. If they were useful, they wouldn't have allowed the source of destruction to openly roam the American continent for hundreds of years.

This can be seen from the incident of the mayor of the cowboy town.

Everything in the United States is actually untrustworthy.

"Tell them that if we analyze the principles of earthquake making from these instruments, we can share half of it with the United States. They can also send people to witness it. If they still don't agree, let them look up and take a good look at the equator. There must be something floating on it.”

Ye Yang said lightly.

This is the greatest sincerity he has ever shown.

The United States must also understand the meaning of his words.

"The other party has been delaying and has not given a clear answer."

A few days later, Xiao Xiaozhu reported.


Ye Yang smiled. It seemed that things were getting interesting.

"It seems that the local forces in Huangshi are not very cooperative."

He was too lazy to wait and called Mason Doyle directly.

"We did receive the application, and our Mason Consortium fully agrees with this proposal. However, this proposal has encountered unprecedented resistance in the parliament. This is unprecedented. Things are indeed a bit abnormal."

Mason also noticed something was wrong.

You know, the Shadow Emperors are the uncrowned kings of the United States. They actually control and monopolize everything.

But in this matter, there was a situation where it was difficult for them to advance! ?

This was simply beyond their imagination.

"There are only two explanations. First, although the Shadow Emperor agreed to this matter on the surface, he secretly did not support it.

Second, it's even more terrifying...even our parliament has...their people. "

Ye Yang nodded. He had offended many shadow emperors. They stumbled upon him because of their personal disgust. It was not impossible for them to disgust him a little.

If it is the second situation, it is worth pondering.

This is basically the deepest thorn in the Kiwanis Club's agenda, but they have worked hard for this matter without hesitation to expose it.

Proving that the secret hidden behind Yellowstone has implicated one of the ultimate core members of the Kiwanis.

"This must be done."

Ye Yang made a decision in his heart.

"Don't worry, in the United States, anything supported by more than five shadow emperors is absolutely impossible."

Mason Doyle nodded and said, "I will give you a definite reply within three days."


That night, someone sneaked into the warehouse where the earthquake generators were stored.

Wanting to blow up the entire warehouse to destroy all evidence.

However, just as the attempt was being implemented, it was killed by the venomous snakes raised by Hunter, one of the ace players of Hurricane, who had been arranged to guard there.

"Things are not as simple as we have speculated now."

Ye Yang sneered and directly recruited a group of AI scientists from the Black Technology Company, and let the Hurricane members take over the warehouse by force.

All those who wanted to stop it were controlled or knocked unconscious before they opened fire.

The people on the American side are too unreliable.

After a few days, Doyle gave the consent resolution, and the fragments had been "accidentally destroyed".

For this matter, the shadow emperors turned a blind eye, and after a symbolic condemnation, they did not allow anyone to discuss it.

A few days later, the official consent decision came.

However, the AI ​​scientists of the Black Technology Company have almost finished their research.

"Boss, after inspection, these are defective products. Even if they were complete, they would never have created the scene that day."

The AI ​​scientist said: "It should be the previous generation of the earthquake generator that caused the earthquake that day. We have made scientific deductions based on these fragments. The next generation of earthquake generators should be buried at least 100 meters underground."

"Are you sure?"

Ye Yang asked.

"More than 90% sure."

The AI ​​scientists said again and again...

(Second update)

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