"It's been said that they also know this fact."

The person in charge of Hurricane said, "But they pay more attention to public opinion, and they don't completely believe our conclusion. There are more people who support the statement that 'we should take this opportunity to destroy them.'"

"It's ridiculous."

Ye Yang sneered.

But he was not ready to compromise with these people.

"Keep delaying time, I will go down and fish those things out myself."

Ye Yang was too lazy to waste time and play any public opinion games with them, so he directly got on the mecha.

It's difficult for these excavators to dig another 50 meters down, but it's a simple thing for humanoid mechas.


In the canyon wall base.

"How dare he!?"

"He rushed down directly, ready to tear his face completely?"

"What a lunatic!"

The members of the source of destruction were a little desperate.

All means were used, which sounded great, but it didn't stop Ye Yang's steps at all.

"If it doesn't work, just go for it!"

"It's better than being caught and killed by him."

"That's right. Although our earthquake generator is not fully mature yet, it has already begun to show its power. There is a one in ten chance that the Yellowstone super volcano will erupt directly. Base commander, make a decision!"

The members of the Source of Destruction said one after another.

"We were originally established just to deter the United States. Our core purpose has always been to destroy the existing civilization system and build a more perfect world, not to really destroy everything."

Some people hold different opinions.

"I'm not that noble. I just joined here because I have suffered the dog temper of human society and want to take revenge on humans. Since we are all destined to die now, why not drag more people to die?"

"I support his opinion!"


"Make a decision quickly. Ye Yang is too fast. If we don't make up our minds, he will directly clean up our earthquake generator in a few seconds."

The members of the Source of Destruction urged one after another.

The head of the base pondered for a while, then nodded suddenly: "Let's do it!"

The earthquake generator is not perfect yet, and the maximum power can only be adjusted manually by them, otherwise they would not be guarding the base now.

On the day they buried it, they ran directly to the outside of the park with the controller.

"Go along the underground passage, open the generators one by one, and try to open more generators before Ye Yang."

Originally, the success rate of this generation of generators was only 10%. Now under the destruction of Ye Yang's mecha, they must not be able to open all of them. They also know that the probability of successfully detonating is very low.



Ye Yang's light sword swept down and another acid mist burst out.

The situation underground in Yellowstone Park is very complicated, but the Lieyang mecha can open the energy shield, and these things can't cause any damage to the Lieyang mecha.

"Bang bang bang!"

His lightsaber quickly dug the ground.

Fifty meters is not an obstacle at all for the lightsaber in his hand.

If the situation underground in Yellowstone Park was not too complicated, he would not be able to open and close so much, and he could split the earth with just one sword.

"I see."

Ye Yang's eyes condensed.

A huge machine that was dozens of meters long appeared in his field of vision.

At the same time, in the distance, the ground suddenly trembled, and the vibration instantly reached an extremely terrifying level.

It seemed that the entire Yellowstone Park was about to be turned upside down! ! !

"What happened."

"Maybe they turned on all the earthquake generators."


"Withdraw first."


Under Ye Yang's order, the members who were still in Yellowstone Park began to retreat at a high speed.

In order to deal with emergencies, they all wore external mechanical skeletons, so there would be no accidents.

Only the Xiao sisters who also had the Lieyang Mecha guarded Ye Yang.

"You can let go."

Ye Yang said lightly.

At the moment of discovering the earthquake generator, he also discovered the underground network that extended in all directions.

"So it was achieved through this method."

Ye Yang had expected this and was not too surprised.

Tongji Club has been hiding in the shadows for thousands of years, and is extremely skilled in digging holes and tunnels. Both the Black Source and the Corruption Source are underground bases.

It is nothing to dig a tunnel underground that is large enough to build an earthquake generator.

The other party has achieved the achievement of exploring the past and present in digging holes.

"There is more than one earthquake generator, start to destroy them one by one along the passage."

Ye Yang said to the Xiao sisters.



Just like that, the troops were divided into three groups and began to destroy these earthquake generators to race against time with the source of destruction.

At the same time.

Earthquakes in Yellowstone Park are becoming more and more frequent.

People outside are all anxious.

Various violent incidents continue to occur, and many people take to the streets to protest Ye Yang's indifferent behavior. It seems that in an instant, Ye Yang has turned from the light of mankind into the biggest devil.

Many aspects are all stepping up pressure.

No one cares about the fate of the future, but only cares about their support rate at the moment.

However, these had no effect on Ye Yang, because he was fully focused on cleaning up these earthquake generators at this time and had no time to pay attention to these things.

On the street, many people began to rush to Ye Yang's offline stores, preparing to protest.

However, before they could enter the store, they were all knocked unconscious in front of the door and thrown into sacks.

"We are just mercenaries hired to protect Mr. Ye's assets. If you want to make Mr. Ye suffer losses again, we will no longer show mercy."

Some hurricane members disguised as bodyguards said lightly.

They only obeyed Ye Yang's orders, and everything else had nothing to do with them.

"If you dare to sabotage here again, I will make sure you don't die in the volcanic eruption, but die under our guns first!!! A group of shameless ungrateful wolves."

They are all people of temperament. They know that Ye Yang is protecting them, but they treat Ye Yang like this, and they are so angry that they curse.

Behind these people, the composition is complicated. Many members of the source of destruction took the opportunity to start trouble, and even took the lead in shooting!

However, the snipers of Hurricane were not idle either. Whoever fired first would be killed directly.

For a moment, no one dared to move in the shocked scene.

In Yellowstone Park, the speed race was still going on.

In just ten minutes, Ye Yang had basically cleared most of the earthquake generators.

He was too lazy to capture the members of the Source of Destruction he met along the way, and directly cut them in half.

These people were holding the extremely vicious intention of killing hundreds of millions of people and dragging the world into the impact of disasters. There was only one ending waiting for them, and that was - death! ! !

(Second update)

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