Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,260: Face value skyrocketed! Happiness is back


Soon, Ye Yang’s photon sword destroyed most of the earthquake generators in the underground base of Yellowstone Park.

The vibration of Yellowstone Park also slowly subsided from extremely violent to slight vibration.


Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

The remaining few basically couldn’t cause any big waves.


The members of the source of destruction shook their heads, feeling very sad.

Most of them didn’t have any lofty ideas, just because they wanted to make a famous or infamous deed in history to make their meaningless life extremely different.

Or simply out of revenge.

In the end, they didn’t let hundreds of millions of people die with them, which made them feel sad and lonely.

"Failed after all."

"It's really meaningless to die!"

"Damn Ye Yang!"

"Don't worry... We have more than one trump card. Although we are one of the trump cards, what if we are killed in advance? When the final showdown comes, the ending is still destined. At that time, let Ye Yang be buried with us!"

"That's right!"

"Let him be buried with us!!!!"

The people of the Source of Destruction gnashed their teeth. Obviously, they had no doubts about the outcome of the final battle.

They believed that Ye Yang would definitely lose.

Even after Ye Yang revealed so many trump cards, it was obvious that they had extremely high trust in Tongji Club.

"Will they really win?!"

Only a few people raised questions.

Now Ye Yang has also shown too much power. Even if he has confidence in Tongji Club, he may not be able to win for sure! ?

They thought so.

However, it was meaningless for them to think about it.

Because Ye Yang has arrived...

"Ye Yang, you can't win..."

Before they even finished their farewell speech, they and the last earthquake generator behind them were all turned into blood mist by a micro bomb...

"It's over..."

Ye Yang looked at all this with a calm look.


After Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu solved the areas they were responsible for, they came to meet Ye Yang.

"There's nothing to stay here."

Ye Yang nodded to the two of them, and then followed the passage to find the base.

However, the base has been completely destroyed by the bomb inside, and the important documents have basically been destroyed. It can only rely on AI experts to restore it as much as possible.

"This time we caught such a big fish, and we will definitely be able to follow the clues and find a lot of clues about the source of destruction."

Xiao Xiaozhu said repeatedly.

Ye Yang nodded: "Combined with the information provided by the United States before and the information we have, we should be able to clean it up."

He looked calm.

The Tongji Society controls a total of five source organizations: the Black Source in Asia, the Fallen Source in Europe, the Destruction Source in North and South America, the Greed Source in Australia, and the Rage Source in Africa.

Now the Black Source and the Fallen Source have been wiped out by him.

If the Destruction Source in America can be eliminated, three out of five can be eliminated.

Its significance is extremely significant.

After all, a small half and a large half are completely different concepts.

The Tongji Society is the brain, and the five dark organizations are its five limbs, the hands and feet of doing things.


As the earthquake effect of Yellowstone Park calmed down, the unrest in the outside world gradually subsided.

Many leaders were arrested.

"This time it was really thrilling..."


The members of the Hurricane were all sweating on their heads.

This time Yellowstone really has a one in ten chance of eruption.

But if they don't stop the other party this time, the entire United States will always be under their threat, and they will die sooner or later, and they will have to do many things that violate the bottom line for the Tongji Society before they die.

This is the only outcome of compromising with evil forces.

After this matter was settled.

The Internet craze continued.

"I said that Mr. Ye's decision must be correct!"

"Those people who went to smash and destroy before were really irrational!"

"No need to tell them, they all went in..."



"Always support Ye Shenhao!!!"

Ye Yang also saved the world in disguise. Although the eruption of Yellowstone Park will not destroy mankind, it is still a big disaster.

Everyone respects him from the bottom of their hearts.



Ye Yang noticed his face value.

These days, his face value has risen rapidly.

It seems that the so-called face value is not just fame. If these people not only know him, but also respect him, the more intense the intention and the greater the thought, the more face value will increase.

There are only so many people in the world who can access the Internet.

Since he declared war on the four major super consortiums in front of the Tokyo Palace in Japan, he has basically covered most of the international Internet users.

However, during this period of time, these people have gone from hostility to fear of him.

From surprise to admiration, and now to awe.

With each incident, the face value is getting more and more...

Especially this time when he stopped the eruption of Yellowstone Volcano, the gratitude brought by it is the most obvious.

The previous hostility, fear, and admiration for him are still objective evaluations of another person.

But being saved is about oneself.

He was about to die, but he was saved.

The kind of gratitude towards my benefactor is naturally not comparable to the quality of the previous emotions.

Originally, Ye Yang had a total face value of less than 10 million.

Now, this wave has skyrocketed to 30 million, which surprised him extremely.

"I never thought there would be such a generous reward for saving the world."

Ye Yang pondered.

This can only mean one thing, the system tends to do this kind of thing by itself.

Its setting is just like this. The original intention of its creation is to want the host to do this kind of thing. Otherwise, it will not give such a huge reward for this kind of thing.

"A system born to save the world..."

Ye Yang was silent.

If this is really the case, then the inner story behind this is terrifying to think about.

Of course, this was just a guess on his part, and he couldn't tell the specific details.

"There is obviously a connection between the system and pre-civilizations, but the technological level of pre-civilizations at that time obviously made it impossible to create such a system."

Ye Yang pondered: "What is the truth?"

Even if you can't figure it out, there's no need to force it. Once all the prerequisites are clearly understood by him, the truth will naturally emerge.

There are many things you can't guess, and they have nothing to do with IQ, it's just that you have too little information.

"With thirty million face value, I can finally do whatever I want."

Ye Yang grinned.

It's been a long time since he felt this sudden sudden wealth and excitement. After all, he was so rich...

If you are too rich, you will lose the fun of making and acquiring money.

The system recently rewarded those small rewards worth 18 billion, but he couldn't even feel a single ripple in his heart.

But the face value of more than 20 million reminded him of the joy of suddenly getting rich when he first obtained the system.

Happy, it's back! ! !

(First update)

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