The thousands of Hurricane security guards and Qian Boyan's convoy gradually evacuated.

But the crowd was still discussing enthusiastically.

"This Ye Shenhao is too powerful! He asked the old Shanghai tycoon to pay more than 1 billion as soon as he opened his mouth!"

"More than a billion... Even if you put them there for me to count, I'm afraid it will take me a year to count them all! ? Don't wake me up, I can still sleep a little longer!"

"It's only a few billion, but they bet against Jinyi Company and directly bet 100 billion! Don't you think this is amazing! ?"

"Damn, that's right! Now thinking about that 100 billion bet, I feel excited! The rich man is indeed a rich man!"


Amid the envious and admiring gazes of the crowd,

Ye Yang also took Liu Qianqian to his own King Kalman

"Brother Ye Yang……"

Only when she felt the spacious, comfortable and warm chair of King Kalman did Liu Qianqian finally come back to her senses from the dreamy feeling.

She originally thought that it was just a meeting with her beloved after many days.

Unexpectedly, it would be so thrilling!

Until now, she couldn't stop her heartbeat.

The flustered mood stimulated the effect of the famous wine in the dinner, making her face flushed.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

He was used to these big occasions. Not to mention Qian Boyan, even if Mark King or Wang Silin, who were among the best in China, stood in front of him, he would not be the least bit nervous.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang also saw that Liu Qianqian was a little scared tonight, and patted her head with a smile:"Isn't it okay?"

Liu Qianqian took his arm, and the alcohol was getting stronger and stronger:"No... Something's wrong! It's something! Qianqian doesn't want to be separated from Brother Ye Yang tonight!"


Ye Yang looked at Liu Qianqian's slightly pale but rosy face and nodded slightly.

It was already past eleven o'clock after all this commotion.

It was indeed a bit late.

"Then let's find a hotel nearby."

Ye Yang couldn't bear to let Liu Qianqian travel any longer, so he searched for a five-star hotel nearby.

Fortunately, this is a luxury area, and there are many five-star hotels.

"Open an imperial suite and pay with a credit card."

Ye Yang went straight to the point and handed over the black card.


The waiter who was about to say that the Imperial Suite was very expensive shut up immediately after seeing the Centurion Black Gold Card handed over.

"This sir, wait a minute.……"

Soon, the 240,000-yuan imperial suite was ready:"Here is your room card."


Ye Yang took back the two cards and helped the drunk Liu Qianqian upstairs.

"It is indeed luxurious, as expected of the Emperor Suite."

Ye Yang pushed open the door and smiled.

The Emperor Suite costs 240,000 yuan per night!

The various facilities and accessories inside are the most luxurious and top-notch.

They are almost comparable to his Yundingshan Villa.

But if you have to compare, then of course it can't be compared with Yundingshan Villa.

"Qianqian, if you are sleepy, just go to sleep."

Ye Yang put Liu Qianqian on the soft big bed and said softly.


Liu Qianqian hugged Ye Yang's neck directly and said softly:"Qianqian wants to be with Brother Ye Yang tonight!"


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, and had to lie down next to her.

Such a hot beauty with a beautiful fragrance lying next to him made Ye Yang feel a little hot.

"Brother Ye Yang……"

Liu Qianqian looked at his face intoxicatedly, and suddenly seemed to have made up her mind.

She went under the quilt.


Ye Yang groaned, and let go of himself, obeying Liu Qianqian's wishes.

After tossing and turning for half the night,

Liu Qianqian finally fell asleep tired and at ease under the mixture of many emotions.

Because her body and mind were relaxed to the greatest extent after the tension.

Liu Qianqian slept sweetly until noon.

The imperial suite naturally has exclusive luxury dining.

"Awake? If you are awake, then eat."

Ye Yang smiled at Liu Qianqian:"After eating, I should take you home."

He smiled and looked at Liu Qianqian with a different look from yesterday.

After all, the other party was already his woman.


Liu Qianqian nodded obediently and slowly stood up:"Brother Ye Yang, you are too strong... Alas... It seems that I have to rest for a few days before returning to the United States."


Ye Yang scratched his head and laughed a few times. It seems that being too strong is also a problem for men!

(The third update)

Thanks to book friends Hehehe and 2348/1965 for the mooncakes.

Thanks to book friend Situ Xue for the likes.

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