After eating the caviar breakfast,

Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian spent some time together before sending her back home.

This time, Liu Qianqian had asked for leave to come back to see him, and she would be returning to the United States in a few days.


After kissing Liu Qianqian goodbye, Ye Yang hummed happily and parked the King Kalman in the parking garage of Yundingshan Villa.

As soon as he got out of the car, he felt a chill on his back.

"Uh...are you all here? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Ye Yang scratched his head and looked at the group of beautiful girls in front of him with some surprise.

""Master, are you okay?"

Yu Momo came up to him with some concern, and looked Ye Yang up and down. After confirming that he was okay, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, I am full of energy now."

Ye Yang smiled and spread his hands.

""Alas...last night's incident was all over the news. I was so scared. The scene was so huge. I was afraid something might have happened to you, Master."

Yu Momo said worriedly.

"On the news?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Well, since this incident did not cause any impact, and neither you nor Qian Boyan filed a complaint, this incident can only be seen as a piece of news for fun."

Yu Momo explained:"Lawyer Fang and others have already dealt with the relevant matters."

"Well, it's hard work for him."

Ye Yang smiled.

The facts are increasingly proving the importance of having a gold medal law firm behind you.

As long as you don't cause any big trouble, you don't even need to show up, and all the big and small things will be handled by you.


Xiao Xiaozhu puffed up her cheeks and said,"You must take us with you when you go out in the future! Otherwise it will be too dangerous... Qingxuan blamed herself and cried yesterday."


Ye Yang looked at Xiao Qingxuan, who had a cold face, with a half-smile:"Is it true?"

"Humph, who cares about the life and death of your stinky boss! Sister Xiaozhu is talking nonsense!"

Xiao Qingxuan said coldly and arrogantly

"Haha, okay, I'll try to take you guys with me when I go out next time, don't be angry."

Ye Yang waved his hand

"You are the boss, how dare we get angry with you? We are just worried……"

Xiao Xiaozhu sighed:"If anything happens to you, we will not forgive ourselves."

""Huh? Why?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile

"because of U.S……"

Xiao Xiaozhu blushed, and changed her words halfway through her words:"Because you are our boss!"


Ye Yang rolled his eyes and waved his hand:"I plan to go to Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall this afternoon. I'll take you with me this time."

""Well, OK."

Xiao Xiaozhu nodded repeatedly.

"What about you?"

Ye Yang smiled and looked at Xiao Qingxuan who was still a little arrogant, and asked jokingly


Xiao Qingxuan turned and left

""Hey? Qingxuan, where are you going?"

Yu Momo asked repeatedly.

"Go and investigate the situation at the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall and eliminate any additional risks."

Xiao Qingxuan replied dryly, and got into the Lamborghini.

As a gust of wind blew, the Lamborghini drove directly out of the villa area. It looked chic, but in Ye Yang's eyes, it seemed like a desperate escape.

Shaking his head with a smile, Ye Yang turned around and said,"Okay, you should get ready too, and come with me later."

Yu Momo nodded.

As a hands-off boss, Ye Yang, of course, was responsible for the handover.

Just like that, surrounded by the maids, Ye Yang returned to the villa, had lunch, and leisurely relaxed for a while.

Only then did he leisurely get into the Rolls-Royce Phantom with Xiao Xiaozhu and Yu Momo.


"As the largest martial arts hall in China, the headquarters of Hongfeng was built in Shanghai. When the Kung Fu craze was popular, many foreign friends came to China on a large scale to learn Chinese Kung Fu.

As an international city in China, Shanghai naturally has many students who come here for its reputation.

This also made the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall very popular at the time."

While driving, Yu Momo told Ye Yang about the current situation of the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall:"It's just that since the martial arts craze has gone down.

After Western cultures such as fighting, taekwondo, and karate were packaged and beautified and invaded China, the martial arts craze has gradually declined.

Now in the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall, foreigners account for the vast majority. On the contrary, there are only a few Chinese students."


Ye Yang nodded.

"Now Hong Feng's branches in other places are not doing well either. The annual profit is not low, but it is much worse than before."

Yu Momo also sighed:"I really don't know what those keyboard warriors are thinking. China has thousands of years of civilization and countless wars. Did they win all the battles with the turtle fist? I'm afraid they didn't even learn elementary school history well, so they said that Chinese martial arts are just for show!"


Ye Yang nodded slightly. Since he has taken over the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall, this phenomenon will end today!

(First update)

Thanks to all the book friends who read the novel, Wuming Goubei, 9143/9579, Weiguang, 1873/1856, Chen Yujie, 3170/6236, Xingyu Feiruo, Mooncakes with Moon on the Ancient City.

Thanks to all the book friends Wurao, 1931/1297 for the likes.

Thanks to all the book friends Feng Pinglangjing for the two mooncakes. Thanks to all the book friends TM. Youyou, 2682/4253 for the likes and mooncakes.

Thanks to all the book friends Ai Lan for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to all the book friends Beiyue County Lord for the urging talisman!!

Thanks to all the book friends Wuxiao for the urging talisman and two mooncakes!!

Thanks to all the book friends Luguan Sect Master for the inspiration capsules!!!

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